Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

That's what you said, man, own that shit.

I said "Interested to know what the "half way" point is on Black Lives" and you responded "don't kill people unless necessary".

So that is you saying that you think it's OK to take Black lives when you deem it "necessary".

So own that shit, man. You thought it. You wrote it. You had every chance to not write it or think it, but you did. Why are you so against personal responsibility here?

You could also just say that you were wrong, and you now realize the error of what you said.

But something tells me you're not the kind of person who would admit to being wrong or saying something dumb.

Why do you want to keep making a basic fact of civilization into a racial divide? Using your logic, it's okay to shoot IAW SOP and ethical training as long as their skin tone is lighter than some arbitrary level? What kind of fucking logic is that?
What treatment is that? Holding you accountable for the things you say and do?

Everyone should be held accountable for their words and actions, but not the fantasies of yahoos screaming and yelling on the Crazy Train.
One party refuses to accept truth, and you're here telling me that is the other party's fault?

That is the craziest thing the Alt Right pushes, and they push a lot of crazy things. If they really believed in their positions, they would not try to blame the Democrats for them.
Far from being "wild conspiracy theories," Q was proven to be right when the entire mainstream media was wrong.

What color is the sky in your world? One of the two of us is disconnected from reality. QAnon predicted there would be mass arrests based on evidence that has simply not appeared.
That is the craziest thing the Alt Right pushes, and they push a lot of crazy things. If they really believed in their positions, they would not try to blame the Democrats for them.

Now tell LV426 that both sides are guilty of finger-pointing and playing the blame game then watch the reaction. :)

With this background in mind, here are five reasons we play the blame game.

  1. Blame is an excellent defense mechanism. Whether you call it projection, denial, or displacement, blame helps you preserve your sense of self-esteem by avoiding awareness of your own flaws or failings.
  2. Blame is a tool we use when we’re in attack mode. Falling into the category of a destructive conflict resolution method, blame is a way to try to hurt our partners.
  3. We’re not very good at figuring out the causes of other people's behavior, or even our own. The attributions we make, whether to luck or ability, can be distorted by our tendency to make illogical judgments. And we're just as bad at making judgments involving the blameworthiness of actions in terms of intent vs. outcome.
  4. It’s easier to blame someone else than to accept responsibility. There’s less effort involved in recognizing your contributions to a bad situation than in accepting the fact that you're actually at fault, and changing so you don't do it again.
  5. People lie. As my colleague, Robert Feldman, discovered, “Everybody lies.” It’s pretty easy just to lie and blame someone else even though you know you’re at fault. You may figure that no one will know it was really you who spilled coffee all over the break room, so you just blame someone else who’s not there (and hope that person never finds out).

Unlike other games, the more often you play the blame game, the more you lose. Learning to tell when you need to own up to your role in a bad situation will help you grow from your experiences, and ultimately help you achieve more fulfilling relationships.
Exactly. People keep confusing " some on purpose" what Anons say, and what Q himself has said. Two VERY different things. The media loves to attribute things some of the crazier anons have said to Q as a way of discrediting him. It is totally dishonest reporting....

"Anon" is a description of Q. He is anonymous. The anons of the world say many different things. Neither Stone nor I have given identifying information, so we are both anons.

No one has explained why someone with Q Clearance would be an expert on secret conspiracies. My Father had Q Clearance, which simply meant he had access to nuclear secrets, not secret conspiracies. QAnon does not seem to understand what Q Clearance is, which suggests he does not have it.
"Anon" is a description of Q. He is anonymous. The anons of the world say many different things. Neither Stone nor I have given identifying information, so we are both anons.

No one has explained why someone with Q Clearance would be an expert on secret conspiracies. My Father had Q Clearance, which simply meant he had access to nuclear secrets, not secret conspiracies. QAnon does not seem to understand what Q Clearance is, which suggests he does not have it.

Regardless, they are all Qless as their court appearances are proving.
Now tell LV426 that both sides are guilty of finger-pointing and playing the blame game then watch the reaction. :)

Everyone does some finger pointing, but the Alt Right has gone out of control. They blame the Democrats for Alt Right actions, and statements.

But lets take it back a step. Most movements consider their actions and statements to be creditworthy. They do not blame others for them, but rather seek to take credit for them.
Regardless, they are all Qless as their court appearances are proving.

We keep coming back to the logical statement that if there is a bunch of cannibal child molesters, and trump did nothing about it, that would make him a horrible person. Either it is true, and trump is terrible, or it is false, and trump is terrible.
Everyone does some finger pointing, but the Alt Right has gone out of control. They blame the Democrats for Alt Right actions, and statements.

But lets take it back a step. Most movements consider their actions and statements to be creditworthy. They do not blame others for them, but rather seek to take credit for them.

Agreed on Alt-Right; some are just nuts but others are domestic terrorists. Let the FBI figure out who is who.

There's movements and then there's political partisans.
We keep coming back to the logical statement that if there is a bunch of cannibal child molesters, and trump did nothing about it, that would make him a horrible person. Either it is true, and trump is terrible, or it is false, and trump is terrible.

Cut to the chase and let's just go with "Trump is terrible". I truly do hope he or TrumpCo can be tied to the terrorists.
Burn Waco? Shoot a mother with a baby in her arms?

Worth noting, that both Waco, and Ruby Ridge started with evil people killing police officers. Then those evil people used their own children as human shields. In Waco, they poured gasoline throughout their compound to burn it down. The fire started at multiple places, so that certainly suggests they started the fire themselves.

Could law enforcement have handled both better? Yes, but it is important to remember the evil people were on the inside, not the outside of both. If they had simple surrendered, and taken it to court, they would have been treated more than fairly. I can say this for certain, because they were treated more than fairly when they did finally go to court.
Agreed on Alt-Right; some are just nuts but others are domestic terrorists. Let the FBI figure out who is who.

There's movements and then there's political partisans.

I could not agree more. There is nothing illegal about just being nuts. I am not going to like, or respect someone who believes Jewish space lasers start forrest fires, but I will defend their right to freedom of speech. Once the Alt Right starts shooting Jews in revenge for the Jewish space lasers, then arrests should be made.
"Anon" is a description of Q. He is anonymous. The anons of the world say many different things. Neither Stone nor I have given identifying information, so we are both anons.

No one has explained why someone with Q Clearance would be an expert on secret conspiracies. My Father had Q Clearance, which simply meant he had access to nuclear secrets, not secret conspiracies. QAnon does not seem to understand what Q Clearance is, which suggests he does not have it.

You are dead WRONG. Anon is NOT a description of Q. There is Q, and then there are Anons. It is no different than the author of a book, and the readers of a Book. Q is the author,... the anons are the readers.
Worth noting, that both Waco, and Ruby Ridge started with evil people killing police officers. Then those evil people used their own children as human shields. In Waco, they poured gasoline throughout their compound to burn it down. The fire started at multiple places, so that certainly suggests they started the fire themselves.

Could law enforcement have handled both better? Yes, but it is important to remember the evil people were on the inside, not the outside of both. If they had simple surrendered, and taken it to court, they would have been treated more than fairly. I can say this for certain, because they were treated more than fairly when they did finally go to court.
Soooo, shooting an unarmed woman holding a baby is okay because there was an "evil" person in the area.

On about Monday, August 24, the fourth day of the siege, FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson, who did not know that Vicki Weaver had been killed, wrote a memo with the following content:

Something to Consider
1. Charge against Weaver is Bull S___.
2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.
3. Vicki has no charges against her.
4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was barking at. Some guys in camys [camouflage] shot his dog. Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the shooting. He is in pretty strong legal position.

On Waco, the ATF was showboating. The operation was coded "Showtime". They violated standard tactics by trying to take Koresh at his compound. The screwup cost the lives of 86 people.
You are dead WRONG. Anon is NOT a description of Q. There is Q, and then there are Anons. It is no different than the author of a book, and the readers of a Book. Q is the author,... the anons are the readers.

While I agree in general, there's no way to know if "Q" is one person, a team or a loose group of fun-loving hackers. The Qless, the Anons, are easy to see. They look like this:

Worth noting, that both Waco, and Ruby Ridge started with evil people killing police officers. Then those evil people used their own children as human shields. In Waco, they poured gasoline throughout their compound to burn it down. The fire started at multiple places, so that certainly suggests they started the fire themselves.

Could law enforcement have handled both better? Yes, but it is important to remember the evil people were on the inside, not the outside of both. If they had simple surrendered, and taken it to court, they would have been treated more than fairly. I can say this for certain, because they were treated more than fairly when they did finally go to court.

Actually NO Walt. Why are you wrong so often? Dont you even bother to read up on what you are discussing? In both cases it was the Government who fired the first shot. There is even video footage of the govt firing the first shot at Waco.
While I agree in general, there's no way to know if "Q" is one person, a team or a loose group of fun-loving hackers. The Qless, the Anons, are easy to see. They look like this:


Angeli and his friends are not Trump supporters. But you know that already anyway and instead parrot the company line. Good thing some of this CRAP and disinfo will come out during the Impeachment scam trial...