Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

I'm retired and laughing at all the fucking morons who think it's the other person's responsibility to fix our nation's problems.

1. You say that there must be compromise

2. You offer no path to compromise

3. You then condemn everyone for not compromising

So, how is this not just masturbation on your part?

*fap fap fap "compromise" fap fap fap*
No but you are free to push emotional rhetoric and lie about others all you like.

I haven't lied about anything.

You have said, repeatedly, that compromise is the goal.

When asked how to achieve that goal, you offer nothing.

Then, you get on a high horse and lambast others for not compromising on your ambiguous goal, of which you have not defined or laid out a case or process by which to achieve that goal.

So maybe the goal is complete bullshit if you can't come up with a way to achieve it.
I'm not a Republican, but thanks for your bigotry and hatred placed upon me because I'm not a Democrat. :thup:

Imagine being so fucking desperate for victimhood that you equate your political party with someone else's skin color or ethnicity.

Do shut up.
I'm really interested in hearing what peoples idea of 'compromise' is. What would that involve if you are a Democratic member of Congress, or if you are President Biden. So far, all I've heard is that Democrats should capitulate 100% to every demand that Republicans make. No thanks. How about a different proposal?
Thank you for the clarification.

On the contrary, I'm contributing to the reunification of Americans, not increasing the division. This concept obviously upsets you.

Disagreed again on contributing to polarization or division. Disagreeing can be done amicably. Only bitter assholes refuse to discuss mutually satisfactory solutions. When deadlocked, progress cannot be made.

Like a marriage, the relationship between Left and Right, Democrats and Republicans is akin to the relationship between a wife and husband; it can only survive if there is mutual respect and trust. Just one or neither is a path to dysfunction and/or failure.

I think this is the problem with so many men in politics. If this is truly a "relationship", then January 6th was the QOP beating the living shit out of democracy, and insisting on fascism. In other words, one spouse beat up the other, and you insist that the marriage continue without accountability.

No, we cannot have "mutual respect" with a party that either encourages a fascist coup (all the trumpers, of whom there are many) or objects to holding the coup leaders responsible (literally 90% of the GOP House and Senate members).

Only someone who supports a 19th century version of "marriage" would insist that this 'marriage' is worth saving. The QOP needs to drop the Q, and unequivocally condemn fascism and lies, or the divorce needs to proceed.
I agree, but you can't do that when half of the participants refuse to acknowledge that you legitimately won an election.

So it all comes back to that. We can't compromise with people who think that government is illegitimate. So I'm interested to know how you think we can.

How would you unite with people who insurrected against your election victory?

Why would someone who doesn't think you are legit compromise with you?


I'm so fucking sick of the crocodile tears about "unity". The QOP needs to atone. Period.
Not my fucking job. I'm retired and laughing at all the fucking morons who think it's the other person's responsibility to fix our nation's problems.

Oh I see, you're laughing at yourself. Bout time.

I take it from your statement then we shouldn't allow retired people to vote, since you apparently believe you're no longer responsible for helping our nation fix its problems.

That could be step 2 in the compromise. Over 65 can't vote.

Imagine being so fucking desperate for victimhood that you equate your political party with someone else's skin color or ethnicity.

Do shut up.
What is my political party, son?

Is that what your law professors are teaching you?
It is hard to get people to form their own opinions these days. People like to get their news in short bullet form blasts with nothing to back it except the word of some propagandist talking head in the MSM.
What Q did was slowly wake a whole lot of people up,... world wide. Some estimates range from 60-100 million people.

For four years straight it forced the participants to get out there and do their own research. To talk with others about what YOU found and the conclusions that YOU came to. This is why the phenomenon spread so quickly. Those in the media hated and despised the movement because it challenged the narrative they were in charge of shaping every day. The media is responsible for shaping reality, or so they think. Actually,....TRUTH is what shapes reality.
To this day people who have put no effort into reading any of the Q posts wrongly believe the movement was all about Trump when in fact it never was. He was only a vehicle to help achieve a goal. What the Q phenomena was about was WAKING PEOPLE UP to the network of lies that is all around them. Getting people involved enuff where they actually WANT to go out and do their OWN digging and form their own opinions. In many cases,...an this is an absolute FACT,...Q readers were literally YEARS ahead of the general public when it came to certain news stories and how they were all interconnected. The reason this was happening was because Q readers were doing their own research instead of sitting around waiting for a media that has a vested interest in actually suppressing certain news stories instead of reporting on them like ACTUAL journalist would do.

60-100 million people woken up, doing their own digging, and LOTS OF IT, forming their OWN opinion as FREE people were intended to do. Yes....I would call that a huge success. There is a reason the movement is called THE GREAT AWAKENING.

The Q-anon conspiracy states that democrats and many Hollywood celebrities rape children, and drink their blood.

Believing this shit doesn't make you a "free thinker", it makes you an unbelievable idiot.
No, 'we' really aren't fascists. For me personally, quite the opposite. I believe in the rule of law. You don't. I believe in our institutions and our constitution. You don't. You worship a man. I don't. Remind me again who the fascist is?

The "rule of law" would put a cop in prison who knowingly falsifies an application for a warrant.
The "rule of law" would put a cop in prison who knowingly falsifies an application for a warrant.

Falsification of official documents is a crime. Whether it warrants a prison sentence depends upon severity and jurisdiction.
Falsification of official documents is a crime. Whether it warrants a prison sentence depends upon severity and jurisdiction.

And of course there is a legal process to determine those facts and make the appropriate decision. Which is also a big part of the point.
It takes two to Tango. Both have to compromise. If one side doesn't, and you just wrote the Democrats won't, then there's no compromise.

I thought that elections were the compromise. The side that wins, leads. But that ideal no longer holds true, especially when the dude that loses believes they have a right to murder innocent people because they lost. At that point it’s time to rethink or reshape the concept of democracy.

Look around the microcosm of this board. These people want nothing to do with compromise, and they are willing to abandon all norms, intelligence, common sense and the health and best interests of this nation before engaging in compromise.

As you’ve said, it takes two to tango.
What is my political party, son?

Is that what your law professors are teaching you?
You're calling someone else a bigot for criticizing your political beliefs.

What did your 10th grade teacher tell you about the definition of "bigotry"?

Soooo, you're just running your sore and don't have a clue about my political party or beliefs? What kind of lawyer did you claim to be?