Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

Nothing you have posted in this thread falls into the reason or logic bucket.

In fact, all you've done on this thread is exacerbate the division and tension with your intentional bomb-throwing.

So what you do is really shitty; you toss bombs in there, then point at the resulting chaos and cry about bomb-throwing.

You threw bombs all over this thread, and none of it swayed anyone to your binary thinking.

So it was all done for your self-gratification...in other words, masturbation.

Thank you for your opinion.

Wrong again.

Why won't you specify these divisions, bombs, whatever it is you think I'm doing.

Who do you think I'm for and who do you think I'm against?
It's not "slang", it's a slur.


Bullshitting doesn't work on me. So just stop it.

It wasn't on my list twice, you're just having a hard time trying to follow the thread because of your early onset dementia you old fart.

"thanks for the clarification".

You already knew that it was Democratic, not Democrat.

So you fucking lied to me. Again.

I really, really, really don't like liars.

What part of the thread do you wish me to follow?

All liars are not to be trusted. Trust, like Respect, is earned. Loyalty can't be bought.....as many of Trump's terrorists are finding out.
No. You're just a liar and a fraud. You stoke division then pretend it's someone else's fault for making you stoke division.

For an old fart, you sure have a lot of growing up still to do.

Disagreed but I'm curious why you think so. Why would I do that? What is the gain? If it payed anything, I'd consider it but somethings can't be bought.
That's true. What's your point?

My point is that the GOP refuses to accept that, therefore bOtHsIdEs are not the same.

So if the GOP refuses to accept the election was legitimate, what hope is there to unifying with them and finding a compromise?

Why are you making it racist?

You made it racist when you responded to my question about BLACK LIVES by saying that it's cool to take those Black lives "when necessary".

Do you think it's okay to shoot Donald Drumpf as he's about to sexually assault a 10 year old boy?

Why did you put yourself in a room with Trump and a 10 year old boy in the first place?

Unlike you, I'd advise "Aim above the boy and empty the magazine!"

Posturing nonsense, of course.

Truth is, you, Dutch Uncle, wouldn't do a thing. You'd stand there and say that bOtHsIdEs are to blame.

Also, 12b violation?

Should that be because Drumpf is white or just because he's a very, very bad person with a history of criminality?

I would much rather prefer not talking in hypotheticals where you set the arbitrary standards of the debate.

Let's talk about real things, instead, like Black lives. You said that it was OK to take Black lives "when necessary".

I guess my question would be, who determines when it's "necessary"? You? Based on your personal judgment? LOL.
TWhy won't you specify these divisions, bombs, whatever it is you think I'm doing.

I did that very thing when I called you out for using "Democrat" instead of "Democratic", and then you preceded to bullshit me that you didn't know about the clarification.

I'm to believe you, someone who professes to be so above the partisan fray because you've spent your whole life observing it, doesn't know the correct usage of Democrat/Democratic?

Sure, Jan.

What's clear is that you hold a lot of contempt for people, particularly people who challenge you...and you hold so much contempt that you think your bad faith is not disingenuous.
What part of the thread do you wish me to follow?

Any of it. You're the one who hijacked it, and now you can't follow it.

All liars are not to be trusted.

Right, and you lied to me. So...?

Trust, like Respect, is earned.

Yeah, so when someone who professes to be so wise and above the partisan fray because of years of experience doesn't know that "Democrat" is derogatory, it makes me not want to trust or respect you.

So this is really a YOU problem.
Disagreed but I'm curious why you think so. Why would I do that? What is the gain? If it payed anything, I'd consider it but somethings can't be bought.

I've explained this over and over...the reason you do what you do is so that people will take you seriously, will placate to you, will try to win you over...so all of it is done in service of your ego.

I think you like to cast yourself in this fake role because you're just too lazy and/or too scared to know what you're talking about.

BoThSiDeRiSm isn't anything more than ego service; it's intended to make you feel better about yourself. That you don't get drawn into these debates because you're so level-headed or are able to see things with clarity.

But you don't have that clarity because you don't do details. You do broad strokes because it's safer.
Most politicians and media outlets opining about Q have never read Q.

Q himself has been silent since last December 8. His "drops" were all about the fallacy of Trump-Russian collusion and the railroading of General Flynn. Far from being "wild conspiracy theories," Q was proven to be right when the entire mainstream media was wrong.

Yeah, the "Anons" can be kooky. But folding Q into that equation is like saying there is no distinction between Damocles and Evince.
Trump colluding with Russia and General Flynn lying to the FBI were both debunked claims.

Which claim are you saying is "debunked"?

Not at all. Mueller said he could not charge collusion in the beginning. However, he listed many incidents of Trumps in contact with Russians. In his presser, he said the rest was the house's problem to investigate and charge.
Trump colluding with Russia and General Flynn lying to the FBI were both debunked claims.

Which claim are you saying is "debunked"?

Agreed on the lack of evidence for Trump but Flynn both confessed to and accepted a pardon for his crimes.
I've explained this over and over...the reason you do what you do is so that people will take you seriously, will placate to you, will try to win you over...so all of it is done in service of your ego.

I think you like to cast yourself in this fake role because you're just too lazy and/or too scared to know what you're talking about.

BoThSiDeRiSm isn't anything more than ego service; it's intended to make you feel better about yourself. That you don't get drawn into these debates because you're so level-headed or are able to see things with clarity.

But you don't have that clarity because you don't do details. You do broad strokes because it's safer.
<Insert Oscar Wilde's quote about seriously here> I'm arrogant, it's in my profile. What part of that isn't ego?

What is the fake role? Some people play fantasy here some do not. It's entertaining to my ego to determine who is who.

You are free to both claim to be a typical Democrat and also to push far Left ideology. It's still a free country. I disagree with most fringe beliefs, especially when there are better ways to achieve defined goals.

Working out effective and mutually satisfactory solutions to national problems is the purpose of a healthy government. Like dysfunctional marriages, our problems stem from dysfunctional government as we have today in the USA.
Most politicians and media outlets opining about Q have never read Q.

Q himself has been silent since last December 8. His "drops" were all about the fallacy of Trump-Russian collusion and the railroading of General Flynn. Far from being "wild conspiracy theories," Q was proven to be right when the entire mainstream media was wrong.

Yeah, the "Anons" can be kooky. But folding Q into that equation is like saying there is no distinction between Damocles and Evince.

Exactly. People keep confusing " some on purpose" what Anons say, and what Q himself has said. Two VERY different things. The media loves to attribute things some of the crazier anons have said to Q as a way of discrediting him. It is totally dishonest reporting....
That was, indeed a shift, but Americans chose it. The good was that Reagan successfully ended the Cold War through a combination of military might and working with Soviet leadership.

Results count. Look here for an example of Democratic Party excess and fanaticism: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...the-Trump-Cult-paranoid&highlight=coming+guns

Consider the Democratic policies Biden pushed (e.g. national minimum wage) which do nothing but kick the can down the road.

Why do half of American voters, even with an asshole like Trump, vote against the Democratic party? Why do only 30% of American voters belong to the Democratic party?

Re: your last sentence, Pew Research did a poll in October 2020 that classified voters as 34% Independent, 33% Democrat and 29% Republican. Several other polls I looked at showed only 2-3 points difference between Dems and Repubs.

Re: your last sentence, Pew Research did a poll in October 2020 that classified voters as 34% Independent, 33% Democrat and 29% Republican. Several other polls I looked at showed only 2-3 points difference between Dems and Repubs.


Agreed with the stats. Trump hasn't been good to the Republican party numbers and, as you pointed out, has pushed many into the Democratic camp. Over the decade it seems to stabilize around 30% for each party and 40% independents. I don't know why.
Agreed with the stats. Trump hasn't been good to the Republican party numbers and, as you pointed out, has pushed many into the Democratic camp. Over the decade it seems to stabilize around 30% for each party and 40% independents. I don't know why.

I know a lot of people who are Independents but I registered as a Dem because you have to be with a party to vote in PA primaries.