Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

Right, you've made that clear...you don't identify as either because you have polarized them so dramatically and hyperbolically.

But there's nothing reasonable about polarizing bOtHsIdEs; doing so is simply and solely egocentric.

Bullshit. Look at this forum; it's composed primarily of highly polarized political partisans who would like nothing more than to see their opposites either dead or in severe pain for the rest of their lives. That kind of hate isn't normal. It's nuts. So, yes, both sides are polarized whether you want to admit you are or not.
Q has been a massive success, along with #TRE45ON, of poisoning the QOP brand.

Not me, but, yes, that's what the Republicans claimed. Why did they say Clinton was wagging the dog?

I don't know and I don't care what Republicans say, think, or believe.

I said it wasn't enough the second half of September, 2001.

Clinton wasn't President in 2001, so what point are you trying to make?

It wasn't Clinton who ignored the August PDB warning that bin Laden was determined to strike in the US.

Richard Clarke was practically beating down the doors of the CIA, FBI, and NSA warning of bin Laden. Clinton's Administration had tried to set up briefing sessions with Bush the Dumber's transition team, but Bush the Dumber's people ignored them.

So it's not Clinton's fault 9/11 happened, it's Bush's fault.

I was also against the Iraq War from the beginning around 2002 when Cheney started sending out those smoke signals.

Well, I would expect you to say this because, duh.

Many of us knew better than to trust what Bush the Dumber and Cheney were saying, and that distrust of Bush and Cheney is precisely why I don't trust anything the Republican Party says today.

You keep lying by claiming I'm a Republican

I never, ever, ever once claimed you were a Republican.



I called you a bOtHsIdErIsT; called you lazy, privileged, bigoted...but I never called you a Republican.

What I said was that you normalize Republican fascism through your polarization.

Now if you think that means I called you a Republican, then maybe you need to take a hard look at your political beliefs and leanings.

you also equate Republicans to Drumpf, as if that guilt is retroactive 25-30 years.


No, that guilt goes back way farther than 25-30 years.

That guilt goes all the way back to the 1960's when the GOP embraced the John Birch Society and William F. Buckley, who famously wrote that Conservatism should thwart Civil Rights, Voting Rights, and Housing Rights.

You can draw a direct line from the Klan through America First through William F. Buckley through Goldwater through Nixon through Reagan through Bush the Dumber through the teabags through to Trump and MAGA.

They're all the same people. All of them. They just were successful at rebranding themselves...until Trump came along and made that difficult by saying all the quiet parts of Conservatism out loud.

a far Left politically partisan Democrat who hates the 70% of Americans who disagree with you regardless of the issue at hand.

It's pathetic that you think LGBTQ rights or Immigrant rights or abortion rights or voting rights are merely issues and not tests of your moral character.
....It's pathetic that you think LGBTQ rights or Immigrant rights or abortion rights or voting rights are merely issues and not tests of your moral character.

Since you are such a great reader of a person's personality and views, please tell me what my views are on each of those topics.

Oh really?

The only reason you polarize both sides like you do is so you can appear like a reasonable or thoughtful person.

But the problem is that there is no thought or reason behind bOtHsIdEs, just masturbation.

You say both sides are the same to save yourself the time and effort it takes to be informed on a topic.

You say both sides are the same because you can't be expected to recognize and acknowledge differences and distinctions.

All of it -every single word, every single thought- is purely about crafting an image of yourself that you believe people would trust or listen to. But when they do listen to you and start asking questions, you clam up. YOu refuse to do the work. You are just lazy.

So you've staked a position that carries very little risk...and you did it either because you're lazy and used to having people do the work for you, or because you're scared. And if you're scared, then I would ask, from whom are you scared? The Nazis who stormed the capitol, or the people wearing pink hats and holding signs that say Black Lives Matter. Or are you scared of both? And if so, then that would make you a coward, wouldn't it?
it's composed primarily of highly polarized political partisans who would like nothing more than to see their opposites either dead or in severe pain for the rest of their lives.

So you base your political opinions on what anonymous people post on an internet forum?

Why not just say you're lazy and don't want to do the work of being informed? It's way easier and more respectful to be honest.
So you base your political opinions on what anonymous people post on an internet forum?

Why not just say you're lazy and don't want to do the work of being informed? It's way easier and more respectful to be honest.

Are you asserting you are a lone nutjob on an anonymous political forum and do not represent a view commonly head by Democrats? Are you confessing to be a political outlier?

What do you think I haven't properly informed myself about? Please be specific.
Oh really?

The only reason you polarize both sides like you do is so you can appear like a reasonable or thoughtful person....

Does that pay better? I hadn't heard. I'm just here being myself. What are you doing here?

BTW, saying both sides are polarized does not equal being exactly guilty of exactly the same things. They are both polarized. The rhetoric on the news and on this forum is virtually the same; we just get to talk about it here instead of listening.
Since you are such a great reader of a person's personality and views, please tell me what my views are on each of those topics.

Well, if they are anything like mine, they'd be aligned with the Democratic Party.

So, both sides aren't the same on those "issues", are they?
Are you asserting you are a lone nutjob on an anonymous political forum and do not represent a view commonly head by Democrats?

You're the one doing that, not me.

You're the one using the posts on this forum to inform your political thinking.

You're the one who is curiously putting in an effort now to defend bOtHsIdEs, when had you put in that effort earlier, wouldn't have to defend bOtHsIdEs at all because doing the work makes bOtHsIdEs just look like a lazy, polarized, hyperbolic cop-out.

So this is all about you, not me, not Democrats, not Republicans...YOU.

You have successfully made this about you.

So now that it's about you, you want to blame other people? Are you not responsible enough to do the work to be informed? Do you need people to do that for you?
Well, if they are anything like mine, they'd be aligned with the Democratic Party.

So, both sides aren't the same on those "issues", are they?

Isn't that what I said in the first place? Why do you think my statement is different?

They are the same in heated emotion, rhetoric, smoke and mirrors bullshit. They are the same in putting emotion over logic. Neither wants to meet the other half way except in very rare circumstances. What would you call that?
The differences between Republicans and Democrats, for starters.

I'm comfortable with my knowledge of both the history and present ideological positions of both what they say (on their platform webpage) and what they are screeching in public.

Why do you think my knowledge is insufficient?
BTW, saying both sides are polarized does not equal being exactly guilty of exactly the same things..

Yes, it does because you literally said it in the first part of this sentence!

The rhetoric on the news and on this forum is virtually the same; we just get to talk about it here instead of listening.

Wait a second...so now you're shifting the goalposts to talk about the rhetoric?

What does the rhetoric matter? This is, and always has been, a policy discussion.

So now are you going to say both sides are the same, except when it comes to policy...which is pretty much the thing that would define the sides, wouldn't it?

This is specifically what I'm talking about when I say you don't recognize distinctions and differences.
They are the same in heated emotion, rhetoric, smoke and mirrors bullshit.

But they're not even the same when it comes to that because only one side tried to false flag the other all summer, before blaming that same side for the insurrection they did themselves last month.

So this is what I mean when I say that you're being lazy. It's broad, hyperbolic, polarized bullshit like this that doesn't add anything to the debate, and only exacerbates any division that may exist.

Political polarization cannot exist without someone assuming an artificial and lazy position for themselves that casts everyone else into two equal sides.