Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

No, it's sad. It's sad because you represent what half of America thinks. ignorant, xenophobic, frightened little mouse.

That describes that Reichtard perfectly, but I quibble with the "half of America" part. Unfortunately we do have a too-large segment of the population that is racist, fearful, and willfully ignorant. Their RW media masters prefer them to be this way. It makes it much easier to foist a Trump or a Santorum or a #QAnon-believer like Greene on the country.
I'd call that a great success!

At any rate dropping a hashtag in this discussion will create some interest elsewhere, eh? lol

I do love it so when left wingers TELL ON THEMSELVES because they cant control their own emotions. " Arrest that man! He read some posts on the internet once that do not fit our narrative!" The Nazi is strong in this old bag. Always has been....;) :laugh:
Well, we have deficiencies in our educational system that I don't think people were as aware of prior to this.

So, in a way, that new awareness can be counted as a success.
Why? I spent almost my entire adult life in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, one of the most educated and enlightened metro areas in the country. I've traveled the world. I commuted to Dallas for almost ten years (and btw, Dallas is a thriving Metropolitan area, and Fort Worth is a cow town). I have more culture in my little finger than you do in your entire body. You think drinking and partying is the cool life style. Yes, you are a hick. It ain't about where you live. It's about how you live.

THPPPPT! Dallas is a shithole. I've been here for over 20 years and can count the times I've gone there on one hand. Fort Worth is too much like a big city too, but the Stockyards are a lot of fun.

Back on topic, Trump should hold a rally for his fans at Mar-a-Lago.

In disseminating ridiculous lies and motivating retards to act in ways that send them to jail. Yes to the dumbfuck OP
In making the United States even more stupid and dangerous to the rest of the world, yes to the OP. As a mechanism to tear
apart the fabric of the US, somewhat, it was already frazzled.
Lets look at what you believe shall we......

The media is honest and does their best to report the news accurately

Two weeks to flatten the curve

The people who CAUSED the great crash of 08 are the ones who need to be bailed out

The integrated system of Wallstreet, Big media, big business, big tech, career politicians, always has the best intentions for we citizens. In no way are we human cattle....

If you like your insurance,... you can keep your insurance

Big tech would NEVER spy on us,... surely those wonderful career politicians would see to it that something like that could never happen

Just to name a few. In fact,.... just a drop in the bucket.

If you believe what you just posted, than you have to believe that our government is skewed on the side of big money, because politicians rely on deep pockets to finance their campaigns and re-election campaigns, and these big money donors expect something back in return for their money, and you only have to look at the wealth and income disparity to see that the big money political donors are winning. This I can agree with, but then, how does believing in corrupt self centered Trump, and promoting insane conspiracy theories remedy this no so good situation??????????
THPPPPT! Dallas is a shithole. I've been here for over 20 years and can count the times I've gone there on one hand. Fort Worth is too much like a big city too, but the Stockyards are a lot of fun.

Back on topic, Trump should hold a rally for his fans at Mar-a-Lago.


I loved Dallas, I miss going there. I spent most of my time in Los Colinas, loved the area. Great restaurants, and while the arts and culture scene wasn't prominent, it did exist. It may be that commuting was different than living there, but I enjoyed my time. Much preferred it over Atlanta, where I also spent a lot of time.
I'd call that a great success!

It's funny when we get dueling Reichtards. On one hand you got morons like the OP who think #QAnon is the best. Then you have the other side that denies that they even exist and pretends that they're a creation of the so-called liberal media. At any rate dropping a hashtag in this discussion will create some interest elsewhere, eh? lol

Let us hope that the Republican Party runs Trump in 2024, and makes rooting out Satan-worshiping, cannibalistic pedophile Democrats their party platform and keystone campaign issue.
Q hasn’t posted in awhile. Do you think they now fear the FBI finding out their identity? It was all fun and games until Jan. 6th and then it became something ugly. I wonder if Q, either of them, will ever post, again.
If you believe what you just posted, than you have to believe that our government is skewed on the side of big money, because politicians rely on deep pockets to finance their campaigns and re-election campaigns, and these big money donors expect something back in return for their money, and you only have to look at the wealth and income disparity to see that the big money political donors are winning. This I can agree with, but then, how does believing in corrupt self centered Trump, and promoting insane conspiracy theories remedy this no so good situation??????????

Even if one is susceptible to bat crap crazy conspiracy theories, how does anyone put faith in a lifelong racketeering liar and thief like Trump? The requires it's own unique brand of stupid.
I loved Dallas, I miss going there. I spent most of my time in Los Colinas, loved the area. Great restaurants, and while the arts and culture scene wasn't prominent, it did exist. It may be that commuting was different than living there, but I enjoyed my time. Much preferred it over Atlanta, where I also spent a lot of time.
I like Dallas as well, but so far, I’ve only visited.
I loved Dallas, I miss going there. I spent most of my time in Los Colinas, loved the area. Great restaurants, and while the arts and culture scene wasn't prominent, it did exist. It may be that commuting was different than living there, but I enjoyed my time. Much preferred it over Atlanta, where I also spent a lot of time.

"Nice place to visit". :D

There's a fast track mountain bike trail near Los Colinas that I've been to a couple of times. Dealey Plaza was interesting and I had to renew my passport (expedited with my company paying). Then I drove through it a few times. Aside from that, I left as fast as I could.
I like Dallas as well, but so far, I’ve only visited.

For me, it was a very pleasant surprise. Most of the on-site work I did in the US was in Dallas, Atlanta and Seattle. I liked Atlanta the least. Seattle and Dallas both had much to offer in very different ways.
Let us hope that the Republican Party runs Trump in 2024, and makes rooting out Satan-worshiping, cannibalistic pedophile Democrats their party platform and keystone campaign issue.
I think you mean cornerstone.

Interesting semantic sidestep. Truly.

American colloquialism is "cornerstone", but "keystone" is also applicable since the issue would be the driving force of a Trump campaign just like he did the first two times.

FWIW, I'd be surprised if the Republicans went with Trump in 2024.

Let us hope that the Republican Party runs Trump in 2024, and makes rooting out Satan-worshiping, cannibalistic pedophile Democrats their party platform and keystone campaign issue.

I'm hoping that he'll start his own party, but him running in 2024 is also good for the rest of us non-insane Cultists.
For me, it was a very pleasant surprise. Most of the on-site work I did in the US was in Dallas, Atlanta and Seattle. I liked Atlanta the least. Seattle and Dallas both had much to offer in very different ways.
I love Seattle. Trips there hold a lot of happy memories for me!
Interesting semantic sidestep. Truly.

American colloquialism is "cornerstone", but "keystone" is also applicable since the issue would be the driving force of a Trump campaign just like he did the first two times.

FWIW, I'd be surprised if the Republicans went with Trump in 2024.


Just say centerpiece and we won't have to worry about architecture metaphors, we can complain about aesthetics.