Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

Boy....... a whole lot of this country's big players have invested a whole lot of time trying to discredit a little ole crazy conspiracy theory. Wonder why? Btw,....the discrediting didnt just start,....has been going on for well over 2 years.
I still dont think many understand. Thats because I am on Q..LOL and so many are still back on H so to speak. Hell, some cant even get off of A yet. To be clear....... It is about GETTING PEOPLE OFF THEIR ASS AND DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH instead of just trusting WITHOUT EVIDENCE some main stream media propaganda shill with a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of LYING TO YOU.
See how powerful that MSM stranglehold is? You are one of the best and brightest in here,.... by far. You have said you dont know much about the movement yet you insinuate that 70 million people are loons. WHY,... because the MSM told you that. The same MSM that you ALREADY KNOW has done its level best to lead people away from the truth, to distort facts, and has been nothing more than a propaganda machine for those who truly run this world for decades. Not blaming you, or getting on you about it,..... just pointing it out. The media is a powerful thing.

You are aware there was real news and journalists before the mid-90s, correct?

I have it pinpointed that that's when it went to shit.
It is hard to get people to form their own opinions these days. People like to get their news in short bullet form blasts with nothing to back it except the word of some propagandist talking head in the MSM.
What Q did was slowly wake a whole lot of people up,... world wide. Some estimates range from 60-100 million people.

For four years straight it forced the participants to get out there and do their own research. To talk with others about what YOU found and the conclusions that YOU came to. This is why the phenomenon spread so quickly. Those in the media hated and despised the movement because it challenged the narrative they were in charge of shaping every day. The media is responsible for shaping reality, or so they think. Actually,....TRUTH is what shapes reality.
To this day people who have put no effort into reading any of the Q posts wrongly believe the movement was all about Trump when in fact it never was. He was only a vehicle to help achieve a goal. What the Q phenomena was about was WAKING PEOPLE UP to the network of lies that is all around them. Getting people involved enuff where they actually WANT to go out and do their OWN digging and form their own opinions. In many cases,...an this is an absolute FACT,...Q readers were literally YEARS ahead of the general public when it came to certain news stories and how they were all interconnected. The reason this was happening was because Q readers were doing their own research instead of sitting around waiting for a media that has a vested interest in actually suppressing certain news stories instead of reporting on them like ACTUAL journalist would do.

60-100 million people woken up, doing their own digging, and LOTS OF IT, forming their OWN opinion as FREE people were intended to do. Yes....I would call that a huge success. There is a reason the movement is called THE GREAT AWAKENING.

You need to seek help for your psychiatric problems.

Oh gee, whats this. This Q post from way back in early June of last year would seem to suggest that POTUS would lose his Twitter platform. It also suggests that others would be deplatformed as well, maybe even whole websites removed in a concerted effort to stop the flow of information. And , Oh look........ it talks about actual military personnel , not police, being sent to various locations under the guise of civilian riot control.

Gee,....I wonder if any of that has happened recently? ;)
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You are aware there was real news and journalists before the mid-90s, correct?

I have it pinpointed that that's when it went to shit.

Mmmmmmmm,....I tend to disagree. Was it better back then? Hell yeah,...way better. But it HAD TO be better back then. People werent nearly as dumbed down as they are now.
Mmmmmmmm,....I tend to disagree. Was it better back then? Hell yeah,...way better. But it HAD TO be better back then. People werent nearly as dumbed down as they are now.

Oh, there was some bullshit propaganda, but there was still real journalism up until then.

It was gone by the time of W.
Only an intellectual invalid believe the QAnon fairy tales, and here you are promoting QAnon.

Lets look at what you believe shall we......

The media is honest and does their best to report the news accurately

Two weeks to flatten the curve

The people who CAUSED the great crash of 08 are the ones who need to be bailed out

The integrated system of Wallstreet, Big media, big business, big tech, career politicians, always has the best intentions for we citizens. In no way are we human cattle....

If you like your insurance,... you can keep your insurance

Big tech would NEVER spy on us,... surely those wonderful career politicians would see to it that something like that could never happen

Just to name a few. In fact,.... just a drop in the bucket.
Oh, there was some bullshit propaganda, but there was still real journalism up until then.

It was gone by the time of W.

You know what I have seen in my almost 57 year lifespan my friend? To put it simply........what is RIGHT will be considered WRONG and what is WRONG will be considered RIGHT. It is my opinion that anyone who isnt crazy, or totally frikkin evil,.... would come to the exact same conclusion simply by taking a look around. IF they are honest with themselves. It is also my belief that a whole lot of people have came to the same conclusion. This is truly a time of separating the sheep from the goats.....
BTW,.... anyone who believes that " horned guy" from the capitol protest/riot is actually an avid Q researcher doesnt know the first thing about it. THIS right here is what he is. A red herring meant to distract...

BTW,.... anyone who believes that " horned guy" from the capitol protest/riot is actually an avid Q researcher doesnt know the first thing about it. THIS right here is what he is. A red herring meant to distract...

LOL, you don't even know what red herring is, or what the point of that scene was. You are just galactically stupid. No need to sugarcoat it.
It is hard to get people to form their own opinions these days. People like to get their news in short bullet form blasts with nothing to back it except the word of some propagandist talking head in the MSM.
What Q did was slowly wake a whole lot of people up,... world wide. Some estimates range from 60-100 million people.

For four years straight it forced the participants to get out there and do their own research. To talk with others about what YOU found and the conclusions that YOU came to. This is why the phenomenon spread so quickly. Those in the media hated and despised the movement because it challenged the narrative they were in charge of shaping every day. The media is responsible for shaping reality, or so they think. Actually,....TRUTH is what shapes reality.
To this day people who have put no effort into reading any of the Q posts wrongly believe the movement was all about Trump when in fact it never was. He was only a vehicle to help achieve a goal. What the Q phenomena was about was WAKING PEOPLE UP to the network of lies that is all around them. Getting people involved enuff where they actually WANT to go out and do their OWN digging and form their own opinions. In many cases,...an this is an absolute FACT,...Q readers were literally YEARS ahead of the general public when it came to certain news stories and how they were all interconnected. The reason this was happening was because Q readers were doing their own research instead of sitting around waiting for a media that has a vested interest in actually suppressing certain news stories instead of reporting on them like ACTUAL journalist would do.

60-100 million people woken up, doing their own digging, and LOTS OF IT, forming their OWN opinion as FREE people were intended to do. Yes....I would call that a huge success. There is a reason the movement is called THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Here's the problem, Stoney. Every opinion you formed on your own was demonstrably stupid. Your fact base was all lies. You have been wrong about literally everything you've predicted. You are o for 873.
Here's the problem, Stoney. Every opinion you formed on your own was demonstrably stupid. Your fact base was all lies. You have been wrong about literally everything you've predicted. You are o for 873.

:laugh: You are so far behind that it is sad. I wish it werent so,.... but it is. Worse yet,... you arent alone.
:laugh: You are so far behind that it is sad. I wish it werent so,.... but it is. Worse yet,... you arent alone.

Thanks, I'm fine. I knew Joe Biden was going to be sworn in on January 20th. You were too fucking stupid to figure it out. You probably think that March 4th is a big date. But you won't come out and directly say it because you are a spineless coward who isn't willing to stand by what you think.