How a Republican can win the Presidency


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Here’s some perfect advise for Republicans that want to be President. I won’t vote for ya or any candidate that’s part of the Duopoly, but here’s how you beat the fucking neo-commie Democrat.

No matter what your personal opinion is about gay marriage, abortion, the minimum wage or social programs, shut your fucking face on the campaign trail and when ask about those issues speak the truth and simply say,

“according to Amendment 10 of our Constitution those issues are reserved to the States or the people and the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in them except at the federal court level when States are accused of violating individual rights. As President I fully intend to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution with loyalty to my oath of office.”

In other words forget the fucking stupid so-called “social conservative” horseshit. And when you get elected govern according to the Constitution and continue to forget your personal biases and religious prejudices.

Then tirelessly beat Hillary over the head with Obama-Care, Benghazi, the IRS scam, NSA snooping of reporters and millions of Americans, the National Debt, the Debt Ceiling and every other fucked up action or lack thereof by the incompetent administration she was a part of.

You do know Hillary the Wicked Witch Of Washington will be the Democrat’s next candidate, doncha?
That ought to bring it every nutter, but it'll lose you the election - but you haven't a hope of winning that, have you? Why not start your Rebellion NOW, so that you can be beaten before the next vote?
That ought to bring it every nutter, but it'll lose you the election - but you haven't a hope of winning that, have you? Why not start your Rebellion NOW, so that you can be beaten before the next vote?

I Can’t lose an election Goober, I’m not running for anything nor do I have a horse in the Duopoly’s rigged elections.

As long as establishment Duopoly candidates are on the ballot and election law isn’t revised I don’t really give a flying fuck which side of the Duopoly coin wins they all do the same shit relative to every major issue.

This thread is simply advise to the morons on the right who adore snatching failure from the jaws of victory with their so-called social conservative authoritarianism.

“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is ``needed'' before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents "interests,'' I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can.” (Barry Goldwater)
Here’s some perfect advise for Republicans that want to be President. I won’t vote for ya or any candidate that’s part of the Duopoly, but here’s how you beat the fucking neo-commie Democrat.

No matter what your personal opinion is about gay marriage, abortion, the minimum wage or social programs, shut your fucking face on the campaign trail and when ask about those issues speak the truth and simply say,

“according to Amendment 10 of our Constitution those issues are reserved to the States or the people and the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in them except at the federal court level when States are accused of violating individual rights. As President I fully intend to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution with loyalty to my oath of office.”

In other words forget the fucking stupid so-called “social conservative” horseshit. And when you get elected govern according to the Constitution and continue to forget your personal biases and religious prejudices.

Then tirelessly beat Hillary over the head with Obama-Care, Benghazi, the IRS scam, NSA snooping of reporters and millions of Americans, the National Debt, the Debt Ceiling and every other fucked up action or lack thereof by the incompetent administration she was a part of.

You do know Hillary the Wicked Witch Of Washington will be the Democrat’s next candidate, doncha?

I agree with the first part, and constructive attacks can be made on Obamacare, NSA snooping,and the national debt but there is no there to Benghazi or the IRS "scam" and if you beat that drum, she will take your stick and beat you back worse than you dished it out.

A Republican can win if he does not have an arrogant cowboy personality (that leaves out Bush and Randall), leaves the social conservative shit alone, and focuses on the real issues (mostly related to the economy and NSA). Sadly, for the Republicans, this might not be enough if the economy continues to improve and Secretary Clinton is able to successfully distance herself from the administration regarding any negative issues.
Here’s some perfect advise for Republicans that want to be President. I won’t vote for ya or any candidate that’s part of the Duopoly, but here’s how you beat the fucking neo-commie Democrat.

No matter what your personal opinion is about gay marriage, abortion, the minimum wage or social programs, shut your fucking face on the campaign trail and when ask about those issues speak the truth and simply say,

“according to Amendment 10 of our Constitution those issues are reserved to the States or the people and the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in them except at the federal court level when States are accused of violating individual rights. As President I fully intend to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution with loyalty to my oath of office.”

In other words forget the fucking stupid so-called “social conservative” horseshit. And when you get elected govern according to the Constitution and continue to forget your personal biases and religious prejudices.

Then tirelessly beat Hillary over the head with Obama-Care, Benghazi, the IRS scam, NSA snooping of reporters and millions of Americans, the National Debt, the Debt Ceiling and every other fucked up action or lack thereof by the incompetent administration she was a part of.

You do know Hillary the Wicked Witch Of Washington will be the Democrat’s next candidate, doncha?

Benghazi is not a good issue. Romney's momentum was destroyed when he stepped into it. Why would anyone think it is going to be a winning issue 4 years later? The IRS thing is not very useful either.

The NSA is a good issue and the numbers are surprisingly turning more and more against it. I would have thought apathy was going to make it go away and it is very heartening to see it has not. The debt is always a good issue. But the problem here is how do you convince the electorate that you are different. Bush was bad on both.

Your choice of issues indicates that you are likely safely within the right wing echo chamber.

You claim you don't care and see no difference between them but then why are you offering this advice to Republicans? Why not Democrats? I am hoping someone beats Hillary. Joe Biden or Kerry might even be better, but I would much rather see a younger civil libertarian.
I agree with the first part, and constructive attacks can be made on Obamacare, NSA snooping,and the national debt but there is no there to Benghazi or the IRS "scam" and if you beat that drum, she will take your stick and beat you back worse than you dished it out.

A Republican can win if he does not have an arrogant cowboy personality (that leaves out Bush and Randall), leaves the social conservative shit alone, and focuses on the real issues (mostly related to the economy and NSA). Sadly, for the Republicans, this might not be enough if the economy continues to improve and Secretary Clinton is able to successfully distance herself from the administration regarding any negative issues.

She'll never separate herself from, "What difference does it make?"
Benghazi is not a good issue. Romney's momentum was destroyed when he stepped into it. Why would anyone think it is going to be a winning issue 4 years later? The IRS thing is not very useful either.

The NSA is a good issue and the numbers are surprisingly turning more and more against it. I would have thought apathy was going to make it go away and it is very heartening to see it has not. The debt is always a good issue. But the problem here is how do you convince the electorate that you are different. Bush was bad on both.

Your choice of issues indicates that you are likely safely within the right wing echo chamber.

You claim you don't care and see no difference between them but then why are you offering this advice to Republicans? Why not Democrats? I am hoping someone beats Hillary. Joe Biden or Kerry might even be better, but I would much rather see a younger civil libertarian.

The Conservatives are confused about Benghazi, its good stuff for talk radio and right wing television because there is nobody to respond, its not good stuff for presidential campaigns where you have an opponent who will set the record straight.
She'll never separate herself from, "What difference does it make?"

That is such a shameful false flag, and you know it. Republicans are masters at taking a sentence out of context and pretending it means something it does not. Democrats learned from Kerry that ignoring that shit wont work, you have to take it head on and explain why its wrong. Secretary will use that as a stick to beat her opponent if he tries to use it.

"I voted for it before I voted against it" and "Al Gore said he invented the Internet" worked, but they never got President Obama on that shit because finally the campaigns and the American people wised up. THat shit was successfully used against Sarah Palin with "I can see Russia from my house", but that's because she and the McCain campaign failed to respond.
I agree with the first part, and constructive attacks can be made on Obamacare, NSA snooping,and the national debt but there is no there to Benghazi or the IRS "scam" and if you beat that drum, she will take your stick and beat you back worse than you dished it out.

A Republican can win if he does not have an arrogant cowboy personality (that leaves out Bush and Randall), leaves the social conservative shit alone, and focuses on the real issues (mostly related to the economy and NSA). Sadly, for the Republicans, this might not be enough if the economy continues to improve and Secretary Clinton is able to successfully distance herself from the administration regarding any negative issues.
the economy is improving ? No, its not. GOP will need to blunt bubba's role as HRC will try to use that. Then point out her generally useless time at state and lack pf accomplishment and juxtapose with BO to show why that matters
That is such a shameful false flag, and you know it. Republicans are masters at taking a sentence out of context and pretending it means something it does not. Democrats learned from Kerry that ignoring that shit wont work, you have to take it head on and explain why its wrong. Secretary will use that as a stick to beat her opponent if he tries to use it.

"I voted for it before I voted against it" and "Al Gore said he invented the Internet" worked, but they never got President Obama on that shit because finally the campaigns and the American people wised up. THat shit was successfully used against Sarah Palin with "I can see Russia from my house", but that's because she and the McCain campaign failed to respond.

Oh, and another one that did not work... "You didn't build it"
Benghazi at its very least is "incompetence in office by failing to provide proper security to an American Diplomat and his body guard. For your information Secretary Of State of the United States is one of the highest offices in the land with tremendous responsibilities. Where does the buck stop but with Hillary or Obama or both?

As for the IRS, there's law suits pending and a Republican House in Congress and to quote Yogi, "It Ain't over till it's over!"
Benghazi at its very least is "incompetence in office by failing to provide proper security to an American Diplomat and his body guard. For your information Secretary Of State of the United States is one of the highest offices in the land with tremendous responsibilities. Where does the buck stop but with Hillary or Obama or both?

As for the IRS, there's law suits pending and a Republican House in Congress and to quote Yogi, "It Ain't over till it's over!"

On Benghazi, you are correct that a valid argument can be made regarding "incompetence in office" (I disagree, but its a valid argument). The problem is that Republicans have spoiled that argument by trying to make it into something bigger than it is. It would have been one thing to make the incompetence argument, and likely lots of points could have been made doing that, but they tried to make it into much more, and thus have lost creditability on the entire issue.
That is such a shameful false flag, and you know it. Republicans are masters at taking a sentence out of context and pretending it means something it does not. Democrats learned from Kerry that ignoring that shit wont work, you have to take it head on and explain why its wrong. Secretary will use that as a stick to beat her opponent if he tries to use it.

"I voted for it before I voted against it" and "Al Gore said he invented the Internet" worked, but they never got President Obama on that shit because finally the campaigns and the American people wised up. THat shit was successfully used against Sarah Palin with "I can see Russia from my house", but that's because she and the McCain campaign failed to respond.

People died and she and her group sent Rice out to try to bury it in the catbox. This is far different than "I was instrumental in the development of the internet"... It was "What difference does it make?!!!" while talking about how she tried to cover up the Administration's (her) responsibility with stupid video assertions.

I'll tell you what difference it makes, it underlines that her first priority is to cover turds up rather than clean them out. Not something we need in any President.