How a Republican can win the Presidency

You disagree that Benghazi was “incompetence in office” why?

And you’re positive that’s not just wishful leftist thinking? We’ll see!

It is incompetence in office, just not Secretary Clintons incompetence. There is plenty of documentation of her asking for additional funds for security prior to the attack. There have been plenty of other S of S's who presided over worse failures who were not incompetent. It is a dangerous world and these terrible things happen despite best efforts, its not always someone fault. Much like 9-11 is not President Bush's fault, Benghazi is not Secretary Clintons fault.

I am very rarely positive about anything, but I am fairly good at analyzing politics, was once a profession and has always been a hobby.
It is incompetence in office, just not Secretary Clintons incompetence.

Wasn’t she the boss? Where does the buck stop?

There is plenty of documentation of her asking for additional funds for security prior to the attack.

Wasn’t it already testified to a congressional committee by another State Department official that money wasn’t an issue in Benghazi security? Even if money was the issue why didn’t “The Boss” tell her Boss The Prez, she couldn’t provide proper security for the American Ambassador in Libya so she has to pull him out of Libya and let her Boss make that decision?

There have been plenty of other S of S's who presided over worse failures who were not incompetent.

Like who? Elaborate please! What’s worse than getting the American Ambassador murdered?

It is a dangerous world and these terrible things happen despite best efforts, its not always someone fault.

Like what ”best efforts” are you claiming Hillary made? Does anybody even know what she did before and during the attack?

Much like 9-11 is not President Bush's fault, Benghazi is not Secretary Clintons fault.

Apples & oranges fellow! There was plenty of security provided the country before and during 9-11. 9-11 was a security failure not the lack of security. Benghazi was definitely a lack of proper security whereby testimony already provided has shown that Hillary was well aware of and apparently did nothing about it.

I am very rarely positive about anything, but I am fairly good at analyzing politics, was once a profession and has always been a hobby.

In this issue my opinion is that your analysis is flawed, pathetic and highly partisan biased.
they will not be running against President Obama, he is not eligible to run again.

Does that make you sad, Counselor?

At any rate, running against Bush is always an option for Democrats.

Of course, running against Obamas' record and his partys' policy platform might work.
That ought to bring it every nutter, but it'll lose you the election - but you haven't a hope of winning that, have you? Why not start your Rebellion NOW, so that you can be beaten before the next vote?

When you fail, are you going to welsh on your own comments?
Here’s some perfect advise for Republicans that want to be President. I won’t vote for ya or any candidate that’s part of the Duopoly, but here’s how you beat the fucking neo-commie Democrat.

No matter what your personal opinion is about gay marriage, abortion, the minimum wage or social programs, shut your fucking face on the campaign trail and when ask about those issues speak the truth and simply say,

“according to Amendment 10 of our Constitution those issues are reserved to the States or the people and the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in them except at the federal court level when States are accused of violating individual rights. As President I fully intend to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution with loyalty to my oath of office.”

In other words forget the fucking stupid so-called “social conservative” horseshit. And when you get elected govern according to the Constitution and continue to forget your personal biases and religious prejudices.

Then tirelessly beat Hillary over the head with Obama-Care, Benghazi, the IRS scam, NSA snooping of reporters and millions of Americans, the National Debt, the Debt Ceiling and every other fucked up action or lack thereof by the incompetent administration she was a part of.

You do know Hillary the Wicked Witch Of Washington will be the Democrat’s next candidate, doncha?

Sage advice; but I would also like to see them argue for abolishing the tax code and supplanting it with a Fair or Flat Tax and eliminating unneccesary cabinets and bureaucracies that interfere with States rights.

In addition, let's argue for Congressional term limits. Twelve years is MORE than enough time to serve. Let's also limit pensions to those found in the private sector.

While we are at it, let's reform our immigration policy to be a meaningful policy and purposeful enforcement.

Let's also reform the ponzi scheme known as Social Security which provides little security and merely helps to fund deficits.

How about a balanced budget ammendment and require Congress to pass one before a dime can be spent instead of never ending continuing resolutions?
That ought to bring it every nutter, but it'll lose you the election - but you haven't a hope of winning that, have you? Why not start your Rebellion NOW, so that you can be beaten before the next vote?

Better to lose elections on sound principles than win them by lying to gullible fools. Over time, even the dumbest realize they have been duped. Except of course for dunces like you. You'll never learn much of anything; there's a vast space between your ears that would need to get filled first.
Sage advice; but I would also like to see them argue for abolishing the tax code and supplanting it with a Fair or Flat Tax and eliminating unneccesary cabinets and bureaucracies that interfere with States rights.

In addition, let's argue for Congressional term limits. Twelve years is MORE than enough time to serve. Let's also limit pensions to those found in the private sector.

While we are at it, let's reform our immigration policy to be a meaningful policy and purposeful enforcement.

Let's also reform the ponzi scheme known as Social Security which provides little security and merely helps to fund deficits.

How about a balanced budget ammendment and require Congress to pass one before a dime can be spent instead of never ending continuing resolutions?

all shopworn republican ideas that never seem to make it through the primary process. I bet Steve Forbes was your guy, wasn't he?
Not to her worshipers.


....and not to empty headed fawning dunces.
so... do I take it that you approve of the idea of running against the failures of past presidents?

If so... can you explain why you castigate democrats for doing so?
all shopworn republican ideas that never seem to make it through the primary process. I bet Steve Forbes was your guy, wasn't he?

He sure was; but what would you know about liberty, the Constitution or economics? Dunces like you voted for the most inept, inexperienced, corrupt, lying dunce to ever inhabit the White House.

I can't imagine anything more repugnant or stupid. Yay you!
why do you stay a citizen if you think that poorly of the majority of your countrymen?

This appears rather ironic from a dunce who chose to live in Mexico don't you think Commander Dimwit?

Damn you're dumb. No wonder you voted for a twit like Obama.
This appears rather ironic from a dunce who chose to live in Mexico don't you think Commander Dimwit?

Damn you're dumb. No wonder you voted for a twit like Obama.

Ah... but I will never renounce my citizenship. that's the difference. And if the US had places with weather as nice as where I am that weren't inhabited by inbred toothless rednecks, I probably would never have gone this far south.
so... do I take it that you approve of the idea of running against the failures of past presidents?

If so... can you explain why you castigate democrats for doing so?

Wrong again shit-for-brains; I wasn't endorsing such political buffoonery, merely pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of dunces like you on the left.

But alas, you're an idiot and can't possibly comprehend anything beyond the pabulum you are spoon fed like a brain dead DNC disciple. Yay you!!

Damn you're dumb; you give stupid a bad name.
Wrong again shit-for-brains; I wasn't endorsing such political buffoonery, merely pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of dunces like you on the left.

But alas, you're an idiot and can't possibly comprehend anything beyond the pabulum you are spoon fed like a brain dead DNC disciple. Yay you!!

Damn you're dumb; you give stupid a bad name.

so... are you saying that Obama's performance in office will NOT be a campaign issue for the GOP?

Ah... but I will never renounce my citizenship. that's the difference. And if the US had places with weather as nice as where I am that weren't inhabited by inbred toothless rednecks, I probably would never have gone this far south.

What difference you clueless dunce?

But of course you're an idiot who thinks that being surrounded by third world rednecks is better than living in AmeriKa.

I can tell you the honest reason you live South of the Border; it is to exploit Mexicans in an effort to live beyond your means on a pension that you could not achieve here.

San Diego or Santa Barbara have far better climates and certainly do not fit your moronic description of Americans.

But then you're a dishonest dunce incapable of coherent thought or having an original idea; you caint hep it.

Even the simplest redneck make more sense than the utter dishonest stupidity that erupts from your keyboard Commander Dimwit.