How a Republican can win the Presidency

People died and she and her group sent Rice out to try to bury it in the catbox. This is far different than "I was instrumental in the development of the internet"... It was "What difference does it make?!!!" while talking about how she tried to cover up the Administration's (her) responsibility with stupid video assertions.

I'll tell you what difference it makes, it underlines that her first priority is to cover turds up rather than clean them out. Not something we need in any President.

But you see, and I strongly believe you already know this, that is not what people are using the quote to accuse her of, they are trying to say she was indifferent to the death of her good friend Ambassador Stevens.

What she was saying was that it was more important to fix the problem that caused this death, than to spend time trying to make political points at a mistake the Administration made.

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime."

In the same statement she said... "I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out."

You take her comments out of context to try to fit your agenda, and just as was done with all the other comments used in presidential campaigns and doing that is harmful to the process. The people are smarter than that now days, make your argument, but don't use a GOTCHA phrase, taken out of context to cheapen the political process!
There is another way for Republicans to win....

Use Citizens United the way it's intended. Filter all foreign and drug cartel money thru the Heritage foundation down to all the different money laundering groups that are already set up. Pump billions thru these groups to buy air time, don't worry the Saudis and communist Chinese have more than enough to finance this. Then let the lies, half truths, and innuendoes begin. The left will be swamped with so many lies that they can't possibly, by sheer volume, respond to them all. Tell some whoppers and see what sticks to the wall. Then do children and puppy ads for Teabaggers. Lie and tell the middle class that the right has their best interests in mind. Drive it home and don't let up for a solid year. It's like carpet bombing propaganda and lies.

It's your only hope, you can't win on your record or your party's platform.
There is another way for Republicans to win....

Use Citizens United the way it's intended. Filter all foreign and drug cartel money thru the Heritage foundation down to all the different money laundering groups that are already set up. Pump billions thru these groups to buy air time, don't worry the Saudis and communist Chinese have more than enough to finance this. Then let the lies, half truths, and innuendoes begin. The left will be swamped with so many lies that they can't possibly, by sheer volume, respond to them all. Tell some whoppers and see what sticks to the wall. Then do children and puppy ads for Teabaggers. Lie and tell the middle class that the right has their best interests in mind. Drive it home and don't let up for a solid year. It's like carpet bombing propaganda and lies.

It's your only hope, you can't win on your record or your party's platform.

I suspect that would not work, because there is a law of diminishing returns.

But, the Republicans will get the Presidency back one day, if not in '16 or '20, some day. I suspect when it happens it will be a different Republican party than the one that can be bullied by the likes of Ted Cruz.
Ironic, given that The Hildebeast is raking in the cash for her super PACs with nary a tear...
Ironic, given that The Hildebeast is raking in the cash for her super PACs with nary a tear...

What Clinton is collecting is just a drop in the bucket to the hidden slush money available to the Republicons thru big oil and their foreign partners. Spend spend spend it's your only hope.

What Clinton is collecting is just a drop in the bucket to the hidden slush money available to the Republicons thru big oil and their foreign partners. Spend spend spend it's your only hope.


Do you have any FEC filings to substantiate that claim?

And this is just one of her super PACs.

Shouldn't you be calling on her to refuse these donations, since you're so principled? :rofl2:
Lol! Your side made the rules now live with them.

That's the way we play politics in this country. Don't like it? Tough shit.
and some how, you think that will make a difference???

Not to her worshipers.

Almost any republican could win if they'd stay on message. This guy has presided over the most ineffective stimulus since the Great Depression, with more people giving up entirely on jobs than anybody ever before, even more than Carter. He's out borrowed every single President form George Washington to Clinton combined to no avail and continues to promote generational theft as a solution to all our debt issues.

If the republicans can't take advantage of that, stay on message, talk about how better solutions that don't cost 74 cents on every dollar spent to get 26 cents to those in need can only come from other than the Blessed BiggerGovernment gods then they deserve to lose.
imo, the republican primary process, fueled by right wing talk radio and Faux News, will result in a wounded final product who will either be a tea party favorite - in which case he or she will be unacceptable to the middle of the bell curve... or a more traditional moderate establishment version acceptable to the funding sources - in which case he or she will be unacceptable to the tea party without whose enthusiasm, the party will not be able to rally their base.

good times... good times. ;)
On Benghazi, you are correct that a valid argument can be made regarding "incompetence in office" (I disagree, but its a valid argument).

You disagree that Benghazi was “incompetence in office” why?

The problem is that Republicans have spoiled that argument by trying to make it into something bigger than it is. It would have been one thing to make the incompetence argument, and likely lots of points could have been made doing that, but they tried to make it into much more, and thus have lost creditability on the entire issue.

And you’re positive that’s not just wishful leftist thinking? We’ll see!
Almost any republican could win if they'd stay on message. This guy has presided over the most ineffective stimulus since the Great Depression, with more people giving up entirely on jobs than anybody ever before, even more than Carter. He's out borrowed every single President form George Washington to Clinton combined to no avail and continues to promote generational theft as a solution to all our debt issues.

If the republicans can't take advantage of that, stay on message, talk about how better solutions that don't cost 74 cents on every dollar spent to get 26 cents to those in need can only come from other than the Blessed BiggerGovernment gods then they deserve to lose.

You might not know this but... they will not be running against President Obama, he is not eligible to run again.
The Hildebeasts' election is inevitable. Democrats say so.

Put up another phony flip-flopping RINO Neo-Con for your candidate and keep spewing the social conservative authoritarianism, and Democrats will likely prove out right.