How And Why The 1960's Radicals And The Hippies Ruined Today's American Economy.

philly rabbit

Verified User
And those hippies who crawled out of the mud of Woodstock along with the leftist radicals who took over the universities became the Yuppies of the eighties and then began to take over the leadership of the country's business and political communities in the nineties.

We all have to grow up someday.

Also, that would be hitting rock bottom set the stage for your eventful success.

Nobody grows out of a moral belief system naturally. They reject a moral belief system then subscribe to another.

The hippies gave us "the new morality" as did the 60's radicals.

The results of their moral relativism are seen today as disastrous to the economy because these people have been running too much of the show.

So what happened to civics classes in the country's business schools?

Those lessons were all thrown out by the original Woodstock mud people once they gained access to the business and political communities.
Nobody grows out of a moral belief system naturally. They reject a moral belief system then subscribe to another.

The hippies gave us "the new morality" as did the 60's radicals.

The results of their moral relativism are seen today as disastrous to the economy because these people have been running too much of the show.

So what happened to civics classes in the country's business schools?

Those lessons were all thrown out by the original Woodstock mud people once they gained access to the business and political communities.

What "moral belief system" are you referring to?
Nobody grows out of a moral belief system naturally. They reject a moral belief system then subscribe to another.

The hippies gave us "the new morality" as did the 60's radicals.

The results of their moral relativism are seen today as disastrous to the economy because these people have been running too much of the show.

So what happened to civics classes in the country's business schools?

Those lessons were all thrown out by the original Woodstock mud people once they gained access to the business and political communities.'re batting 1000 in wrong generalizations today!

Everyone grows, everyone changes through the years. Hell, you even admit it in your OP! Those nasty hippies who protested your return from Vietnam as a shell-shocked nutcase turned into respectable businessmen ten years later and today are bonafide teabaggers screaming "Don't take my Medicare!"
Back in the day, Epicureans were often quite ascetic, as were Stoics. In many cases, it was just the perceived good/ends which were different. I guess as time went by, the concept of pleasure became more identified as instant gratification (as we view it today in most cases), and thus Epicureanism became viewed as a school of Hedonism (albeit more refined, etc.).'re batting 1000 in wrong generalizations today!

Everyone grows, everyone changes through the years. Hell, you even admit it in your OP! Those nasty hippies who protested your return from Vietnam as a shell-shocked nutcase turned into respectable businessmen ten years later and today are bonafide teabaggers screaming "Don't take my Medicare!"

Wrong, you're only describing one side of America back then.

The hippies were mostly white middle class who came from liberal suburban homes. They were not what you would describe as heartland types raised in more conservative homes. They rejected the bourgeois value system of the middle class and supported collectivism including communal living except when they ran short of cash then they called mom up and asked for more. They claimed they rejected materialism but thrived on material things. They claimed they rejected consumerism but were consumers as much as anyone. They injected into the American landscape moral relativism which led to political correctness later in academia which were the rules of their value system.

Some radical academic leftists back then hated them, some were indifferent toward them and some embraced them. But both groups had similar value systems that set their standards with the political correctness
American society has today.

Have you ever heard of the golden rule?

This is how businesses used to conduct themselves when they were handling other people's money. It's pointed out in the video I provided.

"The golden rule" which was bourgeois and capitalist had to go and it did go and it has now left the country trillions of dollars in debt and that debt is being fed by valueless currency with 0 savings behind it.

Of course there are religious implications involved with the golden rule as a standard of behavior when exchanging and investing money that belongs to other people from a moral standpoint.
Have you ever heard of the golden rule?

This is how businesses used to conduct themselves when they were handling other people's money. It's pointed out in the video I provided.

"The golden rule" which was bourgeois and capitalist had to go and it did go and it has now left the country trillions of dollars in debt and that debt is being fed by valueless currency with 0 savings behind it.

Of course there are religious implications involved with the golden rule as a standard of behavior when exchanging and investing money that belongs to other people from a moral standpoint.

So businesses were moral and honest before the 1960s?? LMAO!!!
Let’s face it. They were ripe for infiltration by the communist ideology which has no moral compass or problem with instigating immorality to further its agenda. And let’s not forget they were “ripened” nicely by America’s immoral, undeclared, unconstitutional, Vietnam War and the unconstitutional conscription draft that effected them, their lives, limbs and sanity. In effect American political foreign policy and politicians willful ignorance of our Constitution played right into the hands of the communist agenda. Who would still deny that they were at least right to oppose the unconstitutional war, regardless of who instigated that opposition?
So businesses were moral and honest before the 1960s?? LMAO!!!

The golden rule was used commonly among businesses and between businesses and it didn't require governmental regulation, re regulation, or deregulation.

It was an unwritten guide of standards that was subscribed to when other people's money was being handled.

And yes businesses were operating at a lot more honest and ethical clip before the Woodstock generation infiltrated the business communities and removed it.
The golden rule was used commonly among businesses and between businesses and it didn't require governmental regulation, re regulation, or deregulation.

It was an unwritten guide of standards that was subscribed to when other people's money was being handled.

And yes businesses were operating at a lot more honest and ethical clip before the Woodstock generation infiltrated the business communities and removed it.

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