How And Why The 1960's Radicals And The Hippies Ruined Today's American Economy.

I was under the impression that the regulation of banks insofar as it prevented the more scandelous leverage and risky practices that blossomed recently . . . Most of what I've read on it (from both sies of the fence) implys that, at least.

Have a 'I'm too lazy' wiki article.

During the Crash of 1929 preceding the Great Depression, margin requirements were only 10%.[188] Brokerage firms, in other words, would lend $9 for every $1 an investor had deposited. When the market fell, brokers called in these loans, which could not be paid back. Banks began to fail as debtors defaulted on debt and depositors attempted to withdraw their deposits en masse, triggering multiple bank runs. Government guarantees and Federal Reserve banking regulations to prevent such panics were ineffective or not used. Bank failures led to the loss of billions of dollars in assets.[189] Outstanding debts became heavier, because prices and incomes fell by 20–50% but the debts remained at the same dollar amount. After the panic of 1929, and during the first 10 months of 1930, 744 US banks failed. By April 1933, around $7 billion in deposits had been frozen in failed banks or those left unlicensed after the March Bank Holiday.[190]

Senator Carter Glass and Henry B. Steagall (1933)
Bank failures snowballed as desperate bankers called in loans that borrowers did not have time or money to repay. With future profits looking poor, capital investment and construction slowed or completely ceased. In the face of bad loans and worsening future prospects, the surviving banks became even more conservative in their lending.[189] Banks built up their capital reserves and made fewer loans, which intensified deflationary pressures. A vicious cycle developed and the downward spiral accelerated. In all, over 9,000 banks failed during the 1930s.

In response, many countries significantly increased financial regulation. The U.S. established the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1933, and passed the Glass–Steagall Act, which separated investment banking and commercial banking. This was to avoid more risky investment banking activities from ever again causing commercial bank failures.

EDIT: I was also under the impression that the gradual repeal of these regulations led to enabled the bubbles and our current situation.
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[Citation Needed]

You better make up your mind what type of ethical standards you'd like business to function and subscribe to.

I'm really sorry I burst your dream bubble on your counter culture heroes back then because they were either violent Marxists or harmless (except to themselves and others like from the Manson types) hypocrite hippies because the ethical system they rejected and replaced would be the same system you would help them to replace if you could back then.

Stop reading the PC tea leaves. They weren't heroes.
You better make up your mind what type of ethical standards you'd like business to function and subscribe to.

I'm really sorry I burst your dream bubble on your counter culture heroes back then because they were either violent Marxists or harmless (except to themselves and others like from the Manson types) hypocrite hippies because the ethical system they rejected and replaced would be the same system you would help them to replace if you could back then.

Stop reading the PC tea leaves. They weren't heroes.

Yeah, I'm about as politically incorrect as it gets. Clearly you have no evidence to support your assertion, therefore it can be dismissed entirely.
Yeah, I'm about as politically incorrect as it gets. Clearly you have no evidence to support your assertion, therefore it can be dismissed entirely.

And you don't have an ethical system of behavior that you would like the political and business communities to subscribe to. That's without governmental regulations or deregulations.

Now your system obviously didn't work with the country 15 trillion dollars in debt and the fed encouraging more borrowing to continue increasing the debt.

That's my evidence.
Btw Racist Rabbit...I love love, love! your sig. Unfortunately, Randy Rand doesn't have the time to pay off all those girls he raped in college before he runs. Maybe 2028?
Btw Racist Rabbit...I love love, love! your sig. Unfortunately, Randy Rand doesn't have the time to pay off all those girls he raped in college before he runs. Maybe 2028?

I can tell you have sexual freedom because you're always so happy and never use vulgar language and you don't have any tattoos and you always love to date white guys .. especially white guys.

So your next question will be: What does this topic have to do with sex and my sexual freedom?

Then you'll say something like: Fuck this.
Btw Racist Rabbit...I love love, love! your sig. Unfortunately, Randy Rand doesn't have the time to pay off all those girls he raped in college before he runs. Maybe 2028?

............. that is based on my assertion that you're a female .. which is really irrelevant also.
Btw Racist Rabbit...I love love, love! your sig. Unfortunately, Randy Rand doesn't have the time to pay off all those girls he raped in college before he runs. Maybe 2028?
Accusations without proof are always so very...... radical leftist. :palm:
LOL! Hippies ruined our economy :rofl2: and not the last 30 yrs of failed conservative ideology, insane trade deals that don't protect American workers and govt for the benefit of wealthy internationalists.
Trying to pin your failures on a social movement 50 yrs ago is downright hilarious.
LOL! Hippies ruined our economy :rofl2: and not the last 30 yrs of failed conservative ideology, insane trade deals that don't protect American workers and govt for the benefit of wealthy internationalists.
Trying to pin your failures on a social movement 50 yrs ago is downright hilarious.

If you have a formed partnership with other people and all of you have invested your money into the partnership (corporation) is it a good idea to use your partners money for some crazy scheme that probably wont work because you don't give a shit about right from wrong because you think they're both equal.

Or should you use an ethical code before you proceed with other people's money which does define right from wrong.
And you don't have an ethical system of behavior that you would like the political and business communities to subscribe to. That's without governmental regulations or deregulations.

Now your system obviously didn't work with the country 15 trillion dollars in debt and the fed encouraging more borrowing to continue increasing the debt.

That's my evidence.

Oh that's my system is it? All these years I advocated free markets, freedom of association for businesses, flat tax rates, etc. I was REALLY doing something else. My stars man, you have opened my eyes with your brilliant insight.
:rofl2:HAAAHAAA! LOL! A guy who admires a slave trader and KKK grand wizard talking about ethics! Ohhhh my sides hurt!

You are the funniest poster here in a long time! :rofl2:

Do you think the academic institutions of learning should have been maintained as for the pursuit of knowledge or should they have been used to force social change including by violent means.

This is something that occurred back then by the radicals.

Learning IS socialization. Why do you think the traitorous South still says they 'won' the war?
LOL! Hippies ruined our economy :rofl2: and not the last 30 yrs of failed conservative ideology, insane trade deals that don't protect American workers and govt for the benefit of wealthy internationalists.
Trying to pin your failures on a social movement 50 yrs ago is downright hilarious.

American workers didn't protect themselves. They have no one but themselves to blame for outsourcing.
:rofl2:HAAAHAAA! LOL! A guy who admires a slave trader and KKK grand wizard talking about ethics! Ohhhh my sides hurt!

You are the funniest poster here in a long time! :rofl2:

Is that you in your avatar?

There's a vile mouthed female here who might crash a fag frat house party with you if you play your bananas .. I mean your cards right and scratch your underarms while hanging on your pole.