How And Why The 1960's Radicals And The Hippies Ruined Today's American Economy.

You've yet to illustrate A) How moral 'relativism' affects our national economy or B) How businesses are meant to act 'morally'. In my morality, it is perfectly fair to deny refunds to morons, or deny them service altogether.

Oh shut the Hell up.

Stuff it .. you're doing nothing but trolling.

Giving loans to people who can't afford to pay them back wouldn't give you a rise either.

You're simply covering the asses of your counter culture heroes who had the same moral midget mentality that you do.

Thanks for wasting my time for three days.
philly rabbit tricks are for hoes.

stop doing tricks for free for your party.

Unless of course in your training to be a hoe
Oh shut the Hell up.

Stuff it .. you're doing nothing but trolling.

Giving loans to people who can't afford to pay them back wouldn't give you a rise either.

You're simply covering the asses of your counter culture heroes who had the same moral midget mentality that you do.

Thanks for wasting my time for three days.

If your position is the correct one, why do you not have facts to back it up? Your only argument thus far is that people got bad loans. Now, it's a shoddy practice to issue loans that you know are bad, but it's equally shoddy to take a loan out that you know you can't pay. It's not my fault that those people were morons. And since I did specifically state morons don't deserve refunds, I don't think the banks should have been bailed out.

But beyond that, it is YOU who have done nothing but troll. When I ask for evidence to support your assertion, you have none and now resort to personal attacks to try and mask the fact that you are either not intelligent enough to engage in this argument, or that you are not basing your argument on facts. Therefore we can conclude that the position you advocate is logically unsound and can be dismissed freely like the rantings of a hobo on the street corner.
If your position is the correct one, why do you not have facts to back it up? Your only argument thus far is that people got bad loans. Now, it's a shoddy practice to issue loans that you know are bad, but it's equally shoddy to take a loan out that you know you can't pay. It's not my fault that those people were morons. And since I did specifically state morons don't deserve refunds, I don't think the banks should have been bailed out.

But beyond that, it is YOU who have done nothing but troll. When I ask for evidence to support your assertion, you have none and now resort to personal attacks to try and mask the fact that you are either not intelligent enough to engage in this argument, or that you are not basing your argument on facts. Therefore we can conclude that the position you advocate is logically unsound and can be dismissed freely like the rantings of a hobo on the street corner.

I have to put this statement in my signature.

It's a statement for the ages.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla
I have to put this statement in my signature.

It's a statement for the ages.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Well, one, it'd be falsely attributed to me, since I never said such a thing. Second, you have yet to prove such link. That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

I think the economy is ruled by magic dragons. I base this on the same level of evidence you have thus far presented, therefore you must accept this claim as equally valid.
And those hippies who crawled out of the mud of Woodstock along with the leftist radicals who took over the universities became the Yuppies of the eighties and then began to take over the leadership of the country's business and political communities in the nineties.

Yea! And made this country more propserous then it's ever been in it's history! To bad you're missing out on that with your GED in your Trailer Park but let me tell's nice making a 6 figure income! :)

Learn a skill and quit your crybabying gerber. Nobody's gonna hand you a living cause your a wingnut.
No, the philosophy stresses moderation and temperance, which is certainly not what the 60s were about.
That's true but both of you, not having lived in the 60's are clueless about the cultural change. It wasn't about liberalism, or hedonism or epicurinism. It was about the political enfranchisment of the nations youth. The most signicant philosophical achievment that came out of the sixties can be summed up by the phrase "Never trust anyone over 30."

If you don't believe that ask yourself this, why hasn't there been a draft in this country since the Vietnam war ended? Because both politcal parties know that implementing a draft would cost them the youth vote.
That's true but both of you, not having lived in the 60's are clueless about the cultural change. It wasn't about liberalism, or hedonism or epicurinism. It was about the political enfranchisment of the nations youth. The most signicant philosophical achievment that came out of the sixties can be summed up by the phrase "Never trust anyone over 30."

If you don't believe that ask yourself this, why hasn't there been a draft in this country since the Vietnam war ended? Because both politcal parties know that implementing a draft would cost them the youth vote.

And a professional military force is better than a volunteer one.
Well, one, it'd be falsely attributed to me, since I never said such a thing. Second, you have yet to prove such link. That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

I think the economy is ruled by magic dragons. I base this on the same level of evidence you have thus far presented, therefore you must accept this claim as equally valid.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Yea! And made this country more propserous then it's ever been in it's history! To bad you're missing out on that with your GED in your Trailer Park but let me tell's nice making a 6 figure income! :)

Learn a skill and quit your crybabying gerber. Nobody's gonna hand you a living cause your a wingnut.

The country's 16 trillion dollars in debt and ever climbing .. you moron.

Thanks to you and your progressive pals .. the offspring of the hippies and the generation xrs, an entire generation is about to be born into civil slavery.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla