How And Why The 1960's Radicals And The Hippies Ruined Today's American Economy.

I made a vile mouthed female - tattoo connection.

I certainly wouldn't want to join in a business partnership with you nor deposit my money in a bank or an investment firm that you run with that belief system of yours and your attitude.

Business partnerships and investments must rely on trust and trust must rely on an agreed system of ethical behavior.

You may very well be a moral, ethical person and you probably are but you cannot trust another person when dealing with financial matters if said person does not subscribe to such.

It's just as well. Accepting your business would mean I'd have to deal with your stupidity, which is a risk I'd rather not have.
My tattoos, zero, but I was thinking of getting a butterfly to honor being a survivor, changing.

So, tattoos are strictly for Jersey exotic dancer intellects.


You and the other female have no manners .. you're low class.

But I can tell how happy you both are.
It's just as well. Accepting your business would mean I'd have to deal with your stupidity, which is a risk I'd rather not have.

Keep digging that hole.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla

My friends, let us now accept your scientific system of ethical standards to straighten out the country's economic mess.

Science will show us how to implement ethical standards of behavior .. why of course it will.

We'll use science as our guide to behavioral standards.

While science doesn't view us as individuals but rather nothing more than little mice scurrying around our laboratory planet with no personalities and no individualism my friends, it is the best guide for our own standards of ethics to follow when dealing with other people and other people's money.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Keep digging that hole.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla

My friends, let us now accept your scientific system of ethical standards to straighten out the country's economic mess.

Science will show us how to implement ethical standards of behavior .. why of course it will.

We'll use science as our guide to behavioral standards.

While science doesn't view us as individuals but rather nothing more than little mice scurrying around our laboratory planet with no personalities and no individualism my friends, it is the best guide for our own standards of ethics to follow when dealing with other people and other people's money.

"I fail to see any link between ethical behavior and the economy"

- Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Yes, we should scorn the scientific method and use of evidence, ESPECIALLY when dealing with peoples money.

See why I think dealing with your level of stupidity would be a business risk? Because you would emote and whine over everything. You would be IRRATIONAL, which is pretty much the worst thing to have in economics.
Hmm, the Lady Rana or the Southern Trash who celebrates the Confederacy in his Avatar?

Yeah, Rana, it looks as though you are not low class and may have impeccable manners. Whew! I can continue to dream about you as a kindred spirit!

That's not a southerner in my avatar.

Are white people trash at birth?

.......... according to you, little thee 3D twerp?