How can Trump possibly loose?

I googled it and that's not what I've been reading.

Trump Has No Room for Error in 2020 -
Changes in the electorate are putting the squeeze on the president.
"The risk in Donald Trump’s base-first electoral strategy is only rising—because the size of his base is shrinking."

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base.
"In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the damaged brand right now, and that's what the Republicans have to worry about," Miringoff, who is the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking. "The base is shrinking because there are fewer Republicans."

Impeached or not, here’s why Trump is the underdog for 2020
"...the problem for Trump goes deeper, Griffin found. The president’s fervent followers get a lot of attention, in part because they’re extremely visible at his campaign rallies. But that intensity actually cuts against Trump. Just about half of Americans (49% in the latest data) have a very unfavorable view of Trump, while 25% have a very favorable view. Looking at Voter Study Group surveys for the past four years, Griffin found that just 17% of Americans consistently held a very favorable view of Trump. That’s the base the president consistently caters to. It’s big enough to buy a lot of red MAGA hats, but it’s far too small to rely on for victory."

And trump is facing a demographic time bomb that wan't there in 2016 and minorities are fired up unlike 2016 that was reflected in 2018
And trump is facing a demographic time bomb that wan't there in 2016 and minorities are fired up unlike 2016 that was reflected in 2018

Exactly. Nothing's the same now as it was in 2016, especially the Hillary factor. How many times have we heard people say they didn't like trump but they liked Hillary even less. IMO nobody in the current candidates is disliked as much as Hillary was.
It's a Goal to provide Health Care for every American. Basic Health Care for every man, woman, and child. Now, I have no problem with 'supplemental' health plans. Like, you want a heart transplant at 90, and you have a Supplemental Plan that covers that, good for you.

PS: The reverse is probably true. I'll be contributing to pay for YOU, since I'm healthy and have been that way all my life.

Whose goal?
I'm immune to socialism. I'll be living off my 401k. I will live in a state with no income tax. The more "progressive " the country becomes the more personally responsible folks will separate themselves from the riffraff and live in their own communities with like minded people where there is low crime and clean streets.
Progressives will be happy to step in poop on sidewalks, will tolerate high crime and live in fear walking city streets at night. They will live with their own like minded folks.
I hope that makes sense.

Sure, I know what you mean........
The Democrat candidates.

But not everyone’s?

So what about the freedom of those who dint want it?

Oh yeah. You are all for that majority rule thingy. But I suspect you are only for that majority rule thingy when it is something you like
But not everyone’s?

So what about the freedom of those who dint want it?

Oh yeah. You are all for that majority rule thingy. But I suspect you are only for that majority rule thingy when it is something you like

That sounds like YOU!
aren't you the guy who did a bet with me that Trump would double the national debt by the end of his administration?.........if you guys replace him in November he's got less than a year to put together another $17T in's that going?.....

I for one am glad that despite the fact the demmycrats control the house, deficits are down from Obama's average......

Check the projection for 2024.

Good to know that you completely changed your standard because a Republican is in office. I kind of predicted that, though.
False, Crude, Vulgar Prophet needs to go find Jesus. I’m a better Christian than he art, and I’m not a Christian. Sad fact.
It is beyond wrong to think that Trump can't lose. It is the same thing democrats thought about Hillary. He can lose. We can not be complacent

Imagine this scenario. Bloomberg gets the nomination. Sanders runs third party at the behest of his Sanderistas. Nobody gets a majority of electoral votes. Then it goes to the House of Representatives to pick the President. Not a good scenario.
Even with Bernie running as a third party he only splits the dim vote, he doesn't get anything from Trump. Trump still gets the states he woulda received anyway.
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Even with Bernie running as a third party he only splits the dim vote, he doesn't get anything from Trump. Trump still gets the states woulda received anyway.

I wouldn’t be so sure. Bernie could appeal to some Trump voters

We can take nothing for granted. Trump isn’t. He is going to fight on democrat turf. Look at him to campaign in Commiefornia
I wouldn’t be so sure. Bernie could appeal to some Trump voters

We can take nothing for granted. Trump isn’t. He is going to fight on democrat turf. Look at him to campaign in Commiefornia

He would be wasting his time except to raise funds. He has no chance of winning a plurality of votes in CA.
Even with Bernie running as a third party he only splits the dim vote, he doesn't get anything from Trump. Trump still gets the states he woulda received anyway.

I’ve said I’m out of the Trump predicting business but this sounds a lot like Hillary voters in ‘16. We all remember how confident they were her victory was a shoo-in.

I still have trouble fathoming how a Bernie Sanders could actually become President. But if he’s the nominee and people decide they want a different type of change than what Trump offered then it’s possible. There were a number of Bernie supporters who pulled the lever for Trump. It doesn’t take too many of them to flip some of those Midwest states.
more things you've made up?.....

Trump said he would zero out the trade imbalance and it has gone up 25 percent. Trump is a noisemaker and you think he actually has something to say. Trump is not doing anything about the deficit. He told his staff, it will affect the future when i am out of office. Bush thought the same thing when Cheney counseled him that deficits do not matter. We bitch about them when dems are in office.