How Democrats harm blacks


New member
A timely expose'. When will black people realize that their loyalty to a party that keeps taking their vote for granted while failing to deliver on its many promises to blacks, is not helping them at all?

"Ninety-four percent of black homicide victims had a black person as their murderer."


How Democrats harm blacks

by Walter E. Williams

Posted: April 23, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

Dr. Thomas Sowell's recent column, "Republicans and blacks," (April 10, 2008) pointed out the foolhardiness of Republican strategy to secure more black votes. He pointed out that it is a losing strategy to reach blacks through the civil rights organizations and black politicians. It's like a quarterback trying to throw a pass to a receiver surrounded by a bunch of defenders. The second losing strategy is to appeal to blacks by offering the same kinds of things Democrats offer – token honors, politically correct rhetoric and welfare-state handouts.

Sowell suggests that Republican strategy should be to highlight the liberal Democratic agenda that has done great harm to the poorest of the black community. Among those he mentions is the environmental agenda where "tens of thousands of blacks who have been forced out of a number of liberal Democratic California counties by skyrocketing housing prices, brought on by Democratic environmentalists' severe restrictions on the building of homes or apartments." Since 1970, San Francisco's black population has been cut in half.

Then there are the liberal judges and parole boards that have turned criminals loose to prey on black communities. According to Bureau of Justice statistics, between 1976 and 2005, while 13 percent of the population, blacks committed over 52 percent of the nation's homicides and were 46 percent of the homicide victims. Ninety-four percent of black homicide victims had a black person as their murderer.

The Democratic leadership gives unquestioned support of teacher unions that have delivered near criminally fraudulent education. Professors Abigail and Stephen Thernstrom's book, "No Excuses: Closing the Racial Gap in Learning," reports that the average black high school graduate performs a little worse than white eighth-graders in both reading and U.S. history, and a lot worse in math and geography. Black education is the worst in cities where Democrats, both black and white, have held the reins of political power for decades and in cities spending the largest amount of money on education.

Washington, D.C., ranking third in the nation in terms of per-pupil expenditures, is a classic example. At 12 of its 19 high schools, more than 50 percent of the students test below basic in reading, and at some of those schools the percentage approaches 80 percent. At 15 of these schools, over 50 percent test below basic in math, and in 12 of them 70 to 99 percent do so. The National Assessment of Educational Progress, which conducts periodic testing, defines "below basic" as not having any of the knowledge and skills to master a subject.

Both Democratic and Republican leaders give support to economic agendas harmful to poor black people. A particularly egregious example is New York City's taxicab licensing law that requires that a person, as of May 2007, pay $600,000 for a license to own and operate one taxicab. Then there's the Davis-Bacon Act that mandates "prevailing wages" be paid on all federally financed or assisted construction projects. The Davis-Bacon Act is a pro-union law that discriminates against non-unionized black construction contractors and black workers. In fact, that was the original intent of the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931. During its 1931 legislative debate, quite a few congressmen expressed their racist intentions, such as Rep. Clayton Allgood, D-Ala., who said, "Reference has been made to a contractor from Alabama who went to New York with bootleg labor. This is a fact. That contractor has cheap colored labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country." While today's supporters of the Davis-Bacon Act talk differently, its discriminatory effects are the same.

If a politician had the guts to take on these issues, it's stupid to address them through the black civil rights or education establishment, or the black political structure. The reason is blacks who are members of, or are served by, these establishments have an interest in the status quo.
Um why is it do you think Black people are so easily fooled if this man is right?

It is answered in the first two sentences of the article and it says nothing about black people being fooled but Republicans using a wrong and ineffective strategy to reach black voters.
It is answered in the first two sentences of the article and it says nothing about black people being fooled but Republicans using a wrong and ineffective strategy to reach black voters.

But even the assumption that blacks aren't republicans because they use the wrong strategies is wrong. Blacks aren't republicans because they promote the wrong policies.

Putting this in historical context, there was a time when almost all African-Americans were republicans .. in fact, the Republican Party began as an anti-slavery party. During Reconstruction, the wealth of black politicans who served as Governors, Senators, and Secretary of State throughout the south were republicans. We became democrats because we got a better deal from FDR and we were included in the New Deal. Nixon's southern strategy sealed the deal and the Republican Party was no longer the party for African-Americans.

Contrary to the wrong-headed disconnected premise of the article, and most certainly the absolute mind-blowing ignorant premise of this thread, it appears that the black political journey has proven itself to be both strategic and intelligent.

Start from here .. Afriican-Americans have only been relatively free in America for 42 years and I can point out tremendous successes achieved in the face of fierce opposition, including the fact that an African-American will be our next POTUS.

The comparisons of achievements under democratic administrations versus under republican administrations is no comparison at all, nor is the record of political gains.

The argument that democrats are bad for blacks and republicans are good is stupid to the nth degree. I say that although I am not myself a democrat .. nor republican.

If republicans want black votes then it is the policies they have to change, not their approach .. which is something John McCain is finding out in his attempt to reach out. They are the party of the rich and corporation, not people.

One has to maintain a sort of disconnect from reality to even be a republican in my opinion.
Um why is it do you think Black people are so easily fooled if this man is right?

The answer is pretty simple. Many Blacks i.e. African Americans, feel that they are owed something by America. For example, they believe that they are owed reparations for being slaves. The problem is that none of the Black Americans were ever slaves in this country.

The Democrat Party has given them so much as far as welfare checks that many of them became dependent on the wealth redistribution policies. They have been given just enough money that it is relatively easy to just accept the lifestyle whereby you do not have to go to work everyday, all you have to do is to collect the welfare check. The government offices are no help either. They do not require anyone to look for a job. Success of the welfare office is determined on how many welfare recipients are handled in the office, not how many are taken off of the welfare list and the Democrat Party is responsible for this concept.

This handout without any requirement of actually producing anything of value causes a very poor work ethic and a much higher level dependency. Once you have this dependency, you are owned by, in this case, the Democrat Party. They give you just enough so you will not want to leave and depend on yourself.

Now, obviously, this does not include everyone, however, look at the many that have been on welfare for 2, 3, and 4 generations. They expect this assistance and this money comes from the taxpayers. Several years ago in New Jersey (I think), there was a move to require all welfare recipients to receive a medical examination to determine fitness for work. The idea was to provide employment for those that were fit for work. I think it was Al Sharpeton that got involved and raised a big issue of it. At some point, it was declared unconstitutional because it was not the governments duty to require people to work, or something similar to that.
Speaking of disconnects from reality... one of the reasons many blacks are not Republican, is because they believe this particular lie. True also for people of other races who are not Republican.

You don't have the slightest fucking clue what the hell you're talking about.

A hell of a lot of people think/know republicans are the party of the rich and corporation .. is that why they're not republicans either.

Additionally, what the fuck do you know about what black people think?
The Democrat Party has given them so much as far as welfare checks that many of them became dependent on the wealth redistribution policies. They have been given just enough money that it is relatively easy to just accept the lifestyle whereby you do not have to go to work everyday, all you have to do is to collect the welfare check.

This is a LIE. It is a fucking lie and no patriot could believe such a lying bastard.
Additionally, what the fuck do you know about what black people think?

Well, I may have gotten it wrong. Some foulmouthed, demagogic hysteric who rarely comes up with any actual facts, told me that to get black votes, the Republicans have to change their policies, not their approach. Then he went on to say that Republicans are the party of the rich. Since he bills himself as "black", I assumed he was, and further assumed he knew what he was talking about as far as "what black people think" goes.

But you're right, maybe he was completely full of shit.

Want me to direct you to the post where he said that? You can tell him how completely wrong he is, and tell him to quit misleading whitey with his tripe.

This is a LIE. It is a fucking lie and no patriot could believe such a lying bastard.

Explain why you believe that it is a lie. It is ugly, but it is not a lie. It should be fixed, but it is not a lie. It should not be that way, but it is not a lie. It is not that it is not true for many on the welfare check system of employment. Some, many would like employment and to be live their lives on what they can earn. Some people are on welfare because they have had a run of bad luck. I am not speaking about them. But when you take a look at the people (of all races and backgrounds), there are many that have become very accustomed to the welfare lifestyle. They want more from life, but they have settled to the lifestyle. We know this by how many decades they have been dependent on the government to provide money without earning it. Aside from those that insist that they earn their welfare check.
The answer is pretty simple. Many Blacks i.e. African Americans, feel that they are owed something by America. For example, they believe that they are owed reparations for being slaves. The problem is that none of the Black Americans were ever slaves in this country.

The Democrat Party has given them so much as far as welfare checks that many of them became dependent on the wealth redistribution policies. They have been given just enough money that it is relatively easy to just accept the lifestyle whereby you do not have to go to work everyday, all you have to do is to collect the welfare check. The government offices are no help either. They do not require anyone to look for a job. Success of the welfare office is determined on how many welfare recipients are handled in the office, not how many are taken off of the welfare list and the Democrat Party is responsible for this concept.

This handout without any requirement of actually producing anything of value causes a very poor work ethic and a much higher level dependency. Once you have this dependency, you are owned by, in this case, the Democrat Party. They give you just enough so you will not want to leave and depend on yourself.

Now, obviously, this does not include everyone, however, look at the many that have been on welfare for 2, 3, and 4 generations. They expect this assistance and this money comes from the taxpayers. Several years ago in New Jersey (I think), there was a move to require all welfare recipients to receive a medical examination to determine fitness for work. The idea was to provide employment for those that were fit for work. I think it was Al Sharpeton that got involved and raised a big issue of it. At some point, it was declared unconstitutional because it was not the governments duty to require people to work, or something similar to that.

heeeeee um OK .

So tell me then how many of these Black voters are on welfare? Just what are the % that vote democratic so they can keep collecting a welfare check?

Then how many of the other 90% are fooled into voting Democratic and what is it that fools them?
Explain why you believe that it is a lie. It is ugly, but it is not a lie. It should be fixed, but it is not a lie. It should not be that way, but it is not a lie. It is not that it is not true for many on the welfare check system of employment. Some, many would like employment and to be live their lives on what they can earn. Some people are on welfare because they have had a run of bad luck. I am not speaking about them. But when you take a look at the people (of all races and backgrounds), there are many that have become very accustomed to the welfare lifestyle. They want more from life, but they have settled to the lifestyle. We know this by how many decades they have been dependent on the government to provide money without earning it. Aside from those that insist that they earn their welfare check.

heeeeee um OK .

So tell me then how many of these Black voters are on welfare? Just what are the % that vote democratic so they can keep collecting a welfare check?

Then how many of the other 90% are fooled into voting Democratic and what is it that fools them?

I do not have the numbers of any segment of the population on welfare. But ask yourself why a normal healthy person should be on Public Assistance for decades. There is no reason for it other than relying on it as a viable source of long-term income.

How are the other 90% fooled into voting for the Democrat candidate?

I will start with this. If you think that either of the candidates are going to remove the troops from Iraq or anywhere else, you are sadly mistaken. He/she has no intention of doing so, but they want you to believe they will have them back with none staying in Iraq at any left behind bases.

The Dems want you to think that Universal Healthcare is possible without individuals having to pay for it. The government will provide it for you for FREE - at no cost - and the quality will go up.

The Dems want you to believe that they will fix education. They are the ones that have been in charge of the education for the last 50 years and you can see how they have screwed it up.

The Dems will increase taxes on the rich and kill tax cuts because they are only for the rich. The problem is, they never tell you who is considered rich. When Bill Clinton was elected, anyone making more than $45K was considered rich. We know that because he said that only the rich would have their taxes increased and it was people making $45K/yr that had their taxes increased. This is not to mention taxes on everyday items that everyone has to buy. Remember the Energy Tax. It did not go through, but they tried hard.

Liberals in general, think that it is the governments responsibility to provide everything for the population. The problem is, that is not the governments responsibility.

The other 90% think that government will provide everything and should do so and someone else will pay for it.:cof1:
Now, obviously, this does not include everyone, however, look at the many that have been on welfare for 2, 3, and 4 generations. They expect this assistance and this money comes from the taxpayers. Several years ago in New Jersey (I think), there was a move to require all welfare recipients to receive a medical examination to determine fitness for work. The idea was to provide employment for those that were fit for work. I think it was Al Sharpeton that got involved and raised a big issue of it. At some point, it was declared unconstitutional because it was not the governments duty to require people to work, or something similar to that.

LoL. 4 generations eh?

Your math and history teachers should be shot in the face.
Explain why you believe that it is a lie. It is ugly, but it is not a lie. It should be fixed, but it is not a lie. It should not be that way, but it is not a lie. It is not that it is not true for many on the welfare check system of employment. Some, many would like employment and to be live their lives on what they can earn. Some people are on welfare because they have had a run of bad luck. I am not speaking about them. But when you take a look at the people (of all races and backgrounds), there are many that have become very accustomed to the welfare lifestyle. They want more from life, but they have settled to the lifestyle. We know this by how many decades they have been dependent on the government to provide money without earning it. Aside from those that insist that they earn their welfare check.


Temporary Assistance For Needy Families.

That is the current version of welfare. Half of what you say isn't true or even possible any longer, and is just a rehash of stuff that was spouted out in the Reagan era. Of course, it was not Reagan, but Clinton who reformed welfare. At least update with the times. It seems I have to correct at least one of your ilk every month or so.

Temporary Assistance For Needy Families.

That is the current version of welfare. Half of what you say isn't true or even possible any longer, and is just a rehash of stuff that was spouted out in the Reagan era. Of course, it was not Reagan, but Clinton who reformed welfare. At least update with the times. It seems I have to correct at least one of your ilk every month or so.

It was during the Clinton administration, but it was the 1994 elected Republican Congress that reformed the welfare policies. That would have never happened without Newt and the Contract for America.

I guess you have not kept up with the polygamy story in TX. All those wives and children were on public assistance. Somehow they were able to sign up for welfare assistance without any birth certificates.

There are always handouts that cause dependency among poor people and the Democrat Party does what it can to keep these people dependent.
LoL. 4 generations eh?

Your math and history teachers should be shot in the face.

That is right, 4 generations. When you are having babies at 15, 4 generations only takes 45 years to begin the 4th generation and government welfare programs have been around for longer than that.

A brief history

The federal welfare system began in the 1930s during the Depression and grew steadily. When the federal Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program began in 1936, it provided cash aid to about 500,000 children and parents. By 1969, the number had grown to nearly 7 million.

Over the years, Congress added new programs. President Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on Poverty" provided major non-cash benefits to AFDC recipients as well as to other needy persons. In 1964, Congress approved a food stamp program for all low-income households. The next year, Congress created Medicaid, a federal and state funded health-care system for the destitute elderly, disabled persons, and AFDC families. In 1974, during the Nixon presidency, Congress established the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to provide aid to the needy elderly, blind, and disabled. This program made up the last major component of the federal welfare system.

By 1994, more of the nation's needy families, elderly, and disabled received federal welfare than ever before. Aid to Families with Dependent Children alone supported more than 14 million children and their parents. But as the welfare system grew, so did criticism of it.

The Welfare Trap?

Aid to Families with Dependent Children had drawn the greatest criticism of the four major federal welfare programs. By the 1990s, AFDC supported 15 percent of all U.S. children. In most cases, these children lived at home and were cared for by a single parent, usually the mother, who otherwise did not work. This situation brought on complaints that welfare let able-bodied adults avoid work and become dependent on government handouts.

Criticism of the AFDC program was further fueled by cases of children who grew up in families where no one ever had a paying job and who themselves became dependent on welfare as adults. Moreover, the AFDC program generated a vast bureaucracy, overlapping services, and endless regulations. All this placed an increasing burden on the nation's taxpayers (although AFDC made up less than 1 percent of the federal budget).

Some of those criticizing AFDC were recipients themselves, 70 percent of whom collected a welfare check for less than two years. For many of these people, going on welfare was a humiliating experience of struggling through a maze of bureaucratic rules in order to feed, clothe, and house themselves and their children.

Others, however, saw welfare more positively. Although the program was not perfect, AFDC provided a relatively inexpensive safety net, which prevented people from falling into extreme poverty. Many of the people helped by welfare only needed it for a limited time. Those who needed it longer were usually those with few skills or with learning disorders or other disabilities.
Well, I may have gotten it wrong. Some foulmouthed, demagogic hysteric who rarely comes up with any actual facts, told me that to get black votes, the Republicans have to change their policies, not their approach. Then he went on to say that Republicans are the party of the rich. Since he bills himself as "black", I assumed he was, and further assumed he knew what he was talking about as far as "what black people think" goes.

But you're right, maybe he was completely full of shit.

Want me to direct you to the post where he said that? You can tell him how completely wrong he is, and tell him to quit misleading whitey with his tripe.


It appears that you don't read too well.

I didn't tell you anything other than what I posted to you. You must be talking about the civil conversation I was having with a poster I respect .. which would not be you.

Your argument that republicans aren't percieved as the party of the rich and corporate borders on the very very stupid.

The arguments you make on this site are childish, ridiculous, and laughable.

one of the reasons many blacks are not Republican, is because they believe this particular lie.

Stupid as hell .. and I repeat, what the fuck do you know about black people.

I stated the political journey of blacks from republicans to democrats .. what "facts" have you offered to dispute that?

I talked about the obvious accomplishments, overlooked in your article and completely missing from your brain, that have been achieved in a short 42 years and the comparisons in accomplishments under democratic administrations as opposed to republican .. what "facts" did you offer to dispute that.

AND, most importantly, given the disastrous failures of republicans over the last 8 years, shouldn't the real question be why are white people still republicans?

Fortunately, there are a great many white republicans, obviously more politically atute than you, who have left the Republican Party.

Your attempts at intellect are funny.

That is right, 4 generations. When you are having babies at 15, 4 generations only takes 45 years to begin the 4th generation and government welfare programs have been around for longer than that.

A brief history

The federal welfare system began in the 1930s during the Depression and grew steadily. When the federal Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program began in 1936, it provided cash aid to about 500,000 children and parents. By 1969, the number had grown to nearly 7 million.

Over the years, Congress added new programs. President Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on Poverty" provided major non-cash benefits to AFDC recipients as well as to other needy persons. In 1964, Congress approved a food stamp program for all low-income households. The next year, Congress created Medicaid, a federal and state funded health-care system for the destitute elderly, disabled persons, and AFDC families. In 1974, during the Nixon presidency, Congress established the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to provide aid to the needy elderly, blind, and disabled. This program made up the last major component of the federal welfare system.

By 1994, more of the nation's needy families, elderly, and disabled received federal welfare than ever before. Aid to Families with Dependent Children alone supported more than 14 million children and their parents. But as the welfare system grew, so did criticism of it.

The Welfare Trap?

Aid to Families with Dependent Children had drawn the greatest criticism of the four major federal welfare programs. By the 1990s, AFDC supported 15 percent of all U.S. children. In most cases, these children lived at home and were cared for by a single parent, usually the mother, who otherwise did not work. This situation brought on complaints that welfare let able-bodied adults avoid work and become dependent on government handouts.

Criticism of the AFDC program was further fueled by cases of children who grew up in families where no one ever had a paying job and who themselves became dependent on welfare as adults. Moreover, the AFDC program generated a vast bureaucracy, overlapping services, and endless regulations. All this placed an increasing burden on the nation's taxpayers (although AFDC made up less than 1 percent of the federal budget).

Some of those criticizing AFDC were recipients themselves, 70 percent of whom collected a welfare check for less than two years. For many of these people, going on welfare was a humiliating experience of struggling through a maze of bureaucratic rules in order to feed, clothe, and house themselves and their children.

Others, however, saw welfare more positively. Although the program was not perfect, AFDC provided a relatively inexpensive safety net, which prevented people from falling into extreme poverty. Many of the people helped by welfare only needed it for a limited time. Those who needed it longer were usually those with few skills or with learning disorders or other disabilities.

You demonstrate why blacks aren't republicans.

You're a republican, correct?

Who would want to be aligned with you, someone so truly simple and so easily manipulated. What gifts you with such devine knowledge to know what motivates black people" From whence does such power come from?

TIME: Welfare: A White Secret

But we're forgetting something. Welfare is a program for poor people, very poor people. African Americans are three times as likely as whites to fall below the poverty level and hence to have a chance of qualifying for welfare benefits. If we look at the kind of persons most likely to be eligible -- single mothers living in poverty with children under 18 to support -- we find little difference in welfare participation by race: 74.6% of African Americans in such dire straits are on welfare, compared with 64.5% of the poor white single moms.,9171,974473,00.html

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for "welfare cheats," but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Did you know that the biggest recipients of affirrmative action has been white women .. they didn't tell you that?

That ain't (eb) good.

Did you know the VAST majority of drug users in America are white people BY FAR .. they didn't tell you that either?

Oh yeah, how about posting links to your "information" so we can see what right-wing site it came from.
You demonstrate why blacks aren't republicans.

You're a republican, correct?

Who would want to be aligned with you, someone so truly simple and so easily manipulated. What gifts you with such devine knowledge to know what motivates black people" From whence does such power come from?

TIME: Welfare: A White Secret

But we're forgetting something. Welfare is a program for poor people, very poor people. African Americans are three times as likely as whites to fall below the poverty level and hence to have a chance of qualifying for welfare benefits. If we look at the kind of persons most likely to be eligible -- single mothers living in poverty with children under 18 to support -- we find little difference in welfare participation by race: 74.6% of African Americans in such dire straits are on welfare, compared with 64.5% of the poor white single moms.,9171,974473,00.html

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for "welfare cheats," but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Did you know that the biggest recipients of affirrmative action has been white women .. they didn't tell you that?

That ain't (eb) good.

Did you know the VAST majority of drug users in America are white people BY FAR .. they didn't tell you that either?

Oh yeah, how about posting links to your "information" so we can see what right-wing site it came from.

OK. Lets take a look at what you have to say.

African Americans are three times as likely as whites to fall below the poverty level and hence to have a chance of qualifying for welfare benefits.

I will just assume that your figures are correct. Why is that? Well, one of the reasons are the Democrat policies that have been forced on Black Americans. Why is it that there is such a large rate of high school dropouts? Who has been in charge of the education system for the last 50 years? It has been the Democrat Party. When you look at the terrible conditions of the inner city schools, that is who you need to thank. They made it that way. They let it happen. They made Black Americans dependent on their good nature.

The Democrat Party has not been a friend to them. The Democrat Party has made a large group of Americans very dependent on the government.

"government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs"

The title of this thread is "How Democrats harm blacks" so the emphasis was on that view. There are many more whites that are hooked on welfare benefits. I do not dispute this fact. You can label the benefits with whatever name you choose, but, in many cases, they are still money given with no hope of removing the person from the impoverished situation. In many cases, and these are the cases I am talking about, these benefits only mire the recipient in a situation that is easier to live with than to escape from. And this is what the Democrats want. A dependent population.

"Did you know that the biggest recipients of affirrmative action has been white women .. they didn't tell you that?"

Again, that is not the subject of the thread. The title "How Democrats harm blacks" has nothing to do with white women. I do not know why you would bring try and confuse the issue. The Democrat Party has not been a true friend to the Black family. While it seems they have with their free handouts, in life, there is really nothing free.

Here is the link.
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