How Democrats harm blacks

"In the late 1940s President Truman, a Democrat, decided it was time to racially integrate the armed forces, causing outrage among some white Southern Democrats. As if this weren't enough, in 1948 the Democratic Party publicly declared its support for the civil rights movement. That was more than some white Southern Democrats could stomach, so they formed a "states rights" ticket that was appropriately labeled the Dixiecrats.

In the mid 1960s, the Dixicrats switched from the Democratic to the Republican Party to assist Barry Goldwater in his unsuccessful bid for the presidency against Lyndon Johnson. They were, however, pivotal in the Southern strategy that won the White House for Richard M. Nixon in 1968. President Reagan, a Republican, is credited with bringing all factions of the Republican right-wing conservative movement together, steeped in the Dixiecrat states' rights tradition.

During Reagan's administration, the issues and concerns of the Dixiecrats became principally those of the Republican Party. It was precisely at this juncture that the Republican Party ceased being the Party of Lincoln and evolved into what it is today to the vast majority of black America -- almost racially exclusive and dedicated to protecting and maintaining the status quo. In this context, it is difficult to imagine how the average civil rights-sensitive black citizen could blend in to today's Republican Party. "

Well said.
No need to get into a long conversation with you about this because you don't have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about and I find your comments bordering on racist. You don't have the first goddamn clue what motivates black people.

Additionally, I'll say this again, you're spouting this bullshit in the face of a complete meltdown of the Republican Party and with WHITE republicans running away from the party.

I find your comments not only racist, but totally brainless in the face of an unndeniable reality.

I'm having to revisit my comment that you may be an honest poster.
Fuck you you brainless asshole. You would not know honesty if it slapped you in your dumb assed face. You've been eating the dead lies of modern liberalism for so long your brains have leaked out your ears.

My mother was half black you shit heap. Try being a black on a fucking reservation in the 50s you putrid lump of socialist shit. Try being too fucking black for the Indians, too fucking Indian for the blacks and too fucking mixed for any damned whites. Then you'll know what racism truly is.

But I should have known from other comments from you. Not the first time you have taken a discussion of an issue and turned it into a personal attack. Anyone who actually DISAGREES with your view of racism in America must be a liar. It is interesting how you are pretending you desire honest debate, but when someone disagrees with your preconceived socialist claptrap, you turn from the issue to attack the poster. In one thread you make the claim you are "not a democrat" but in reality to are constantly attacking republicans while defending the democratic party. And you have the unmitigated gall to hint someone else is being dishonest.

Your kind tire me. Go piss up a rope. I'll debate with those who truly want to discuss issues.
"In the late 1940s President Truman, a Democrat, decided it was time to racially integrate the armed forces, causing outrage among some white Southern Democrats. As if this weren't enough, in 1948 the Democratic Party publicly declared its support for the civil rights movement. That was more than some white Southern Democrats could stomach, so they formed a "states rights" ticket that was appropriately labeled the Dixiecrats.

In the mid 1960s, the Dixicrats switched from the Democratic to the Republican Party to assist Barry Goldwater in his unsuccessful bid for the presidency against Lyndon Johnson. They were, however, pivotal in the Southern strategy that won the White House for Richard M. Nixon in 1968. President Reagan, a Republican, is credited with bringing all factions of the Republican right-wing conservative movement together, steeped in the Dixiecrat states' rights tradition.

During Reagan's administration, the issues and concerns of the Dixiecrats became principally those of the Republican Party. It was precisely at this juncture that the Republican Party ceased being the Party of Lincoln and evolved into what it is today to the vast majority of black America -- almost racially exclusive and dedicated to protecting and maintaining the status quo. In this context, it is difficult to imagine how the average civil rights-sensitive black citizen could blend in to today's Republican Party. "

You forgot to make the accomodations for the Republicans that backed Johnson, without whom the legislation would not have gone forth, because of the Dixiecrats that were now Democrats. Think Byrd.
I have to say, good luck pwned bac, just judging from this last post. I'm not saying he "won the thread" but damn, that was some pwnage. good post, good luck.

Now, if you would just be honest about the inherent statist scam that is fiat currency, you might really be considered cool.
Fuck you you brainless asshole. You would not know honesty if it slapped you in your dumb assed face. You've been eating the dead lies of modern liberalism for so long your brains have leaked out your ears.

My mother was half black you shit heap. Try being a black on a fucking reservation in the 50s you putrid lump of socialist shit. Try being too fucking black for the Indians, too fucking Indian for the blacks and too fucking mixed for any damned whites. Then you'll know what racism truly is.

But I should have known from other comments from you. Not the first time you have taken a discussion of an issue and turned it into a personal attack. Anyone who actually DISAGREES with your view of racism in America must be a liar. It is interesting how you are pretending you desire honest debate, but when someone disagrees with your preconceived socialist claptrap, you turn from the issue to attack the poster. In one thread you make the claim you are "not a democrat" but in reality to are constantly attacking republicans while defending the democratic party. And you have the unmitigated gall to hint someone else is being dishonest.

Your kind tire me. Go piss up a rope. I'll debate with those who truly want to discuss issues.

And fuck you too.


I wouldn't give a fuck who or what your mother was, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Blacks aren't democrats because of welfare you idiot. .. Nor were we republicans because of welfare dummy.

By the 60's the transititon was complete because of democratic support for civil rights and Nixon's courting of racists,

As I said, black loyalties started to shift from republican to democrat with Roosevelt and the New Deal and because Rossevelt offered new economic protection and opportunities. You didn't touch that truth .. just came back whining like a pussy .. no challenge to that truth .. just pussy-like behavior.

I'm cool with that.

And I talk about democratic weaknesses more than I talk about republicans .. but I guess you missed that as well.

AND .. feel free not to talk to me if you choose .. who gives a fuck .. you're a pussy incapable of debating what doesn't fit in that small mental box you're trapped in.

My kind tires you????


Who gives a damn?
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I have to say, good luck pwned bac, just judging from this last post. I'm not saying he "won the thread" but damn, that was some pwnage. good post, good luck.

Now, if you would just be honest about the inherent statist scam that is fiat currency, you might really be considered cool.

I like getting "pwned" like that .. whatever "pwned" is.

No argument to counter facts .. just pussyism.

I like that.


"How democrats harm blacks" .. stupid as a motherfucker, and none of the geniuses that promote that bullshit have proven anything other than they don't fucking know history.
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