How Did 007 Do It?

Forced ignore doesn't have to go both ways. For example, you can be forced to ignore a poster who is not forced to ignore you.
But howey is on a forced ignore also, I cannot mention his incontinence but he can continue his attacks on me and his threats against my family.
Because liberals get a pass.
3 times he accused me of being a paedophile/child sex offender, nothing done.

At least when I said something, there was supporting evidence.
Forced ignore doesn't have to go both ways. For example, you can be forced to ignore a poster who is not forced to ignore you.

Which is something that was decided, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY after the explanation of forced ignore was posted.
But then, your reply only adds credance to what I stated in my previous post.
Thanks for proving my point :)
What possible use would that be? I haven't seen any feuds that were strictly one-sided.

Because Grind decided that he wanted to change the definition and allow his BFF's to be able to read the postings of others and therefore also be able to comment on them; but to keep the other side from reading and commenting on the postings of his BFF's.
And we all know that BFF doesn't refer to it's original designation, when it comes to Grind.
But howey is on a forced ignore also, I cannot mention his incontinence but he can continue his attacks on me and his threats against my family.
Because liberals get a pass.
3 times he accused me of being a paedophile/child sex offender, nothing done.

At least when I said something, there was supporting evidence.

But see, Grind wanted you and others to be unable to read and respond to Howard's posts; but he wanted Howard to be able to read and respond to everyone's.
It's all that BFF thing.
I don't understand what the problem with Grind is? Grind is the one who even told me he was going to force ignore USF from me, but that I shouldn't put him on ignore becasue he might say something about me I don't like anyway, and Grind wanted me to be able to bring it to his attention, which I couldn't do if USF was on ignore! I don't see how you can get better mod service than that?? What is the problem with all this whining here? I guess that Grind has to supply cocaine and gay porn too to make these righties happy!
But see, Grind wanted you and others to be unable to read and respond to Howard's posts; but he wanted Howard to be able to read and respond to everyone's. :room:
It's all that BFF thing. :kiss2:

Bumping this forward and putting in a quoted from when this was introduced.
The BOLDED and underlined parts are by me.

I have installed a forced ignore feature so that if two users simply will not get along and all their "violations" are when they are "fighting" they will simply be forced to ignore each other.

Things that make one wonder, HUH!! :dunno:
Because Grind decided that he wanted to change the definition and allow his BFF's to be able to read the postings of others and therefore also be able to comment on them; but to keep the other side from reading and commenting on the postings of his BFF's.
And we all know that BFF doesn't refer to it's original designation, when it comes to Grind.

I think I am the one that originally came up with the idea of forced ignore. (not that I created it but was the one that brought it to attention). I might be wrong on that as we can typically come up with ideas at the same time, but pretty sure I mentioned it first.

Sadly, for you, there is no "new version"

Forced ignore has always been applied as we see fit. Sometimes there is a provoker that is worse than the other party. Sometimes the other party does nothing wrong at all.

It's for those that are incapable of having a constructive dialogue, or can't help foaming at the mouth when they see another person post.

It's 100% at our discretion and our judgment call, and always has been.

It's also not to be used as a "punishment" or at the REQUEST of someone like you. We don't take forced ignore requests, we do it when we find a need for it, and not before then.

As always, you are wrong.
usfreedom, retard, damos quote was a certain situation, it wasn't the the be all end of how we would use the feature. Deal with it.

This has been explained to you many times, and precedence has been shown to you, many times.

You'll notice we don't have forced ignore listed anywhere on the rules page, it's not meant even necessarily meant for rule breakers (as usually name calling and harassing isn't against our rules) as such, the reasons for applying it can be more liberal.

You need to stop this obsession with me, persisting in your whining and tantrum is going to keep you on the shit list. Be a grown up and behave yourself, or face the consequences.
So I cannot mention howeys disgusting incontinence but he can gob of at me?
So circumventing forced ignore is only against the rules for non liberals.
Got it!!

Clear as Howeys depends.
I don't understand what the problem with Grind is? Grind is the one who even told me he was going to force ignore USF from me, but that I shouldn't put him on ignore becasue he might say something about me I don't like anyway, and Grind wanted me to be able to bring it to his attention, which I couldn't do if USF was on ignore! I don't see how you can get better mod service than that?? What is the problem with all this whining here? I guess that Grind has to supply cocaine and gay porn too to make these righties happy!

I think it's hilarious that you, me, and Grind can huddle together and create invisible board rules to make USF's life miserable..

Hey, USF?

So I cannot mention howeys disgusting incontinence but he can gob of at me?
So circumventing forced ignore is only against the rules for non liberals.
Got it!!

Clear as Howeys depends.

007, you are usually lying. For example, you say that howey said something about your infant son, which is 100% bullshit and a complete, 100% lie, honestly you probably should have been banned for spreading such bullshit. The stuff you are mentioning has already been dealt with, and is in the past. Move the fuck on.
So why was he banned for it?
Nothing was done regarding the umpteen liberal allegations that I was a paedophile.
All of which were reported.
I don't understand what the problem with Grind is? Grind is the one who even told me he was going to force ignore USF from me, but that I shouldn't put him on ignore becasue he might say something about me I don't like anyway, and Grind wanted me to be able to bring it to his attention, which I couldn't do if USF was on ignore! I don't see how you can get better mod service than that?? What is the problem with all this whining here? I guess that Grind has to supply cocaine and gay porn too to make these righties happy!

Darla, with all due respect, the way you act towards USF is a far cry from the way Howey acts towards 007. In your case, you were being harrassed. In their case it was a flamefest from both sides. What Grind did was disarm one side and leave the other to run rampant. I see that as grossly unfair.

But I am not a mod. I bow to his expertise in such things.
Darla, with all due respect, the way you act towards USF is a far cry from the way Howey acts towards 007. In your case, you were being harrassed. In their case it was a flamefest from both sides. What Grind did was disarm one side and leave the other to run rampant. I see that as grossly unfair.

But I am not a mod. I bow to his expertise in such things.

i haven't paid much attention to howeys recent comments, but at the time 007 was by far the worse party, perhaps that may have changed. but it's not just about fighting, it's also about vitriol, language, etc. annoyance alone usually isn't going to be enough to cross the line, or everyone would be on forced ignore.

Also prior history and other things are taken into account as well, it's not an exact science.

But the broader point of what usf is talking about is simply just dead wrong... sometimes it is just one party being the problem, or being the worse of the two, or being the main provoker. Sometimes certain users have behavioral problems elsewhere on the site and it makes them an easy choice to put forced ignore on.

Recently, we have had (almost exclusively) conservative members of this site pming us wanting us to force ignore people for them to either "get back" at someone or "Teach someone a lesson" or for whatever else stupid reason, and we don't take requests. It needs to be very clear, this isn't a tool for the membership, it's a way to protect the interests of the board. We use it sparingly, and would prefer not to use it at all.

Those complaining about being on enforced ignore are usually trolling, on most boards they would be already banned at that point, but we just make it so they can't converse with a person they never ever get along with. In the broader scheme of things, I consider that to be more than fair, basically we are allowing habiutal assholes to continue posting here and continue conversing with 99% of the memberbase, while not being able to talk to a select few people that they have no intention of having a productive dialogue with in the first place. I do not feel sorry for anyone that is on enforced ignore.

Finally, let me stress that the amount of people on enforced ignore you could count on one hand. It's not something we use a lot, nor do we have too, as most people on JPP are chill enough that if we just ask someone to stop doing X, they will, and they'll have no hard feelings about it. It's really only reserved for the bottom of the barrel of jpp's membership.