how did we get so divided

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The big split began under Reagan. When liberals was hammered into America in the perception of evil. BushII came in an proved Republicans are evil and inept.
The big split began under Reagan. When liberals was hammered into America in the perception of evil. BushII came in an proved Republicans are evil and inept.

No it goes further back then that. It goes back to Goldwater, the ideological father to Reagan and W but it was Nixon who capitalized on the fertile grounds Goldwater tilled with his silent majority approach in the 70's. That's when southern conservatives abandoned the Democratic party for the Republican party.

It's played out though. As is pretty obvious on the electoral map, the Republican party has become the regional party of southern reactionaries and midwest rednecks.

The conservative revolution is dead and W drove a stake through its heart.
No it goes further back then that. It goes back to Goldwater, the ideological father to Reagan and W but it was Nixon who capitalized on the fertile grounds Goldwater tilled with his silent majority approach in the 70's. That's when southern conservatives abandoned the Democratic party for the Republican party.

It's played out though. As is pretty obvious on the electoral map, the Republican party has become the regional party of southern reactionaries and midwest rednecks.

The conservative revolution is dead and W drove a stake through its heart.

bush is the most autocratic president that we have ever had and has repeatedly declared that polls do not count and that he is not in a popularity contest
Yeah the demonizing of liberals by the reagan clan was the start I think.

Again, not Reagan. Nixon was the one that changed the political paradigm. Prior to Nixon Republicans were viewed as the party of big business and the capitalist class while the Democrats were viewed as the party of the working class. At that time most southern conservatives were Democrats.

Nixon changed that to the present paradigm of Conservatism vs Liberalism. Reagan furthered that paradigm but neither Nixon or Reagan were responsible, directly, for the Republican party's adopting the Nazi's propaganda model as designed by Dr. Goebbels. That occurred as a response, by Republicans, to the Clinton Presidency which conservatives were infuriated that a southern moderate apostate would co-opt much of their agenda for his own political gain.

I don't think you can hang the demonization of liberals in America on any one Republican politician though Newt Gingrinch was certainly a leader. Much blame for the adoption of this horrific propaganda system by Republicans must be placed on Propagandist (Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, etc) and on the Rupert Murdochs of the world who have financed this insipid form of creeping fascism.
And the fairness doctrine went away allowing all the hate spawning pundits to have shows.

i wonder sometimes if maybe we have always been this divided and it took the various 'pundits' to throw gasoline on the fires that were smoldering

i hope our nation survives this mess (and it likely will) and maybe grow a little stronger and more tolerant
i wonder sometimes if maybe we have always been this divided and it took the various 'pundits' to throw gasoline on the fires that were smoldering

i hope our nation survives this mess (and it likely will) and maybe grow a little stronger and more tolerant

Likely. sheep waiting for a leader to justify our biggotry and hatred.
Civilization is a very think venieer. Pretty east to rub off.
Directly I would say the cause is segregation and by that I mean rural versus city and
I would argue Dems indirectly caused it by their policies of high taxes, high crime, busing, etc... driving out any Conservatives to the burbs or country where ideological seperation occurs from those left in the city.

FROM that, politicians, talk radio, TV, etc... plays off that and deepens the divide.

But it's still not that bad, most people don't vote, don't care and aren't on either side.
Directly I would say the cause is segregation and by that I mean rural versus city and
I would argue Tory/Reps directly caused it by their policies of low quality of life, high crime, racism, etc... driving out any Liberals to the cities where ideological seperation occurs from those left in the country.

FROM that, politicians, talk radio, TV, etc... plays off that and deepens the divide. But the Dems in congress are about to fix that. :)
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Directly I would say the cause is segregation and by that I mean rural versus city and
I would argue Tory/Reps directly caused it by their policies of low quality of life, high crime, racism, etc... driving out any Liberals to the cities where ideological seperation occurs from those left in the country.

FROM that, politicians, talk radio, TV, etc... plays off that and deepens the divide. But the Dems in congress are about to fix that. :)

How? By passing more taxes, more regulations and going weak on crime? The division only started in the 1960's with The Great Society of social welfare programs. There was no real cultural divide before that. Dems will make it worse as they are just planning on growing government.

You want a recipe to fix it? Look at the gun control issue. In the 90's Dems had gun owners up in arms with the Brady Bill and looming calls for more gun control and government oversight. Then they let go of that after Al Gore's loss and stopped trying to regulate gun owners, now we have nowhere near the amount of anger from gun owners as before.
Allow more freedom in other areas with less government and less people will be angry there too and we will all be less divided. :)
Don't be silly. We're going to make taxes fairer, crack down on corporate criminals, and get smart on crime.
Well the top 50% of Wage Earners Pay 96.03% of Income Taxes, how much "fairer" do you want to get? And we are in a global mobile economy, they are not going to sit around and take your "fairness".

And I love how lefties say they going to get smart on crime (really weaker) YET they do know that getting tough on crime works because though they won't do it with murderers and rapists they will do it with nonviolent corporate criminals.

I also noticed the "we" that you now say this week. It looks like you have lost your last traces of being different from the rest of the Liberals. You are just a regular Liberal Democrat party hack now. Sad, but I knew this would happen.
Well the rich already pay of all taxes, how much "fairer" do you want to get? And we are in a global mobile economy, they are not going to sit around and take your "fairness".

And I love how lefties say they going to get smart on crime (really weaker) YET they do know that getting tough on crime works because though they won't do it with murderers and rapists they will do it with nonviolent corporate criminals.

I also noticed the "we" that you now say this week. It looks like you have lost your last traces of being different from the rest of the Liberals. You are just a regular Liberal Democrat party hack now. Sad, but I knew this would happen.

Ever heard of satire Dano? Spin?

I basically respinned your spin in an attempt to satirize you, however, you are pretty dense when it comes to humor.

And we liberals don't give a fuck what you think.
Likely. sheep waiting for a leader to justify our biggotry and hatred.
Civilization is a very think venieer. Pretty east to rub off.

too thin sometimes :(

oth, why is there not a mob after bo blaming him for the economy

maybe after being lied to enough our citizens are numb

i do blame both parties for letting this economic disaster happen

how about some proactive legislation after looking for the various loopholes left in our financial system and other places
I Chose Moderate because there was no Socialist option. There is no way I'll ever refer to myself as a Liberal, especially a progressive Liberal.
Ever heard of satire Dano? Spin?

I basically respinned your spin in an attempt to satirize you, however, you are pretty dense when it comes to humor.

And we liberals don't give a fuck what you think.

Seriously, you are one strange little dude. You need to realize it because what you seem to find funny is far from it. Enjoy your weirdo life, you freak.