How do we solve the gender gap?


New member
Right now 57 % of college attendees are women while 43% are male. The number seems to be going in the favor of more inequality not less. How do you think we should solve this injustice?

Only male scholarships? a 50/50 quota? what do you guys think?
College as a whole is overrated and not always required. Especially a liberal arts education.

Look at what happens. we send people off to school they dont need and before you know it it takes 5 years for the average person to get a bachelors and LT is still in college trying to.
College as a whole is overrated and not always required. Especially a liberal arts education.

Look at what happens. we send people off to school they dont need and before you know it it takes 5 years for the average person to get a bachelors and LT is still in college trying to.

whether its required or not we should still have equal representation otherwise there is a social injustice that we are turning a blind eye too.

Its like telling blacks you know working is not really required because xxx you can go on welfare anyway.

Well no. When you start talking like that you sound no different than the lobbyists. There is no 'should be' unless you think the current situation is somehow corrupted.

Its like Blacks telling you that Affirmative Action should always be a thing. Or anyone, lets not get bogged down.
College as a whole is overrated and not always required. Especially a liberal arts education.

Look at what happens. we send people off to school they dont need and before you know it it takes 5 years for the average person to get a bachelors and LT is still in college trying to.

Overrated ? Depends on what you're looking for in it.
If you expect to be made expert at anything, yeah you'll be disappointed.
But you will be seen by employers as being able to read do some math and keep your pants around your waist.

Well no. When you start talking like that you sound no different than the lobbyists. There is no 'should be' unless you think the current situation is somehow corrupted.

Its like Blacks telling you that Affirmative Action should always be a thing. Or anyone, lets not get bogged down.

well there is clearly something wrong with it when 57% are female and rising and 43% are male and dropping. We should correct the injustice and not add to it.
What injustice?

Where are the men going that isnt college? Are they joining the army? Are they going to tech schools? Are they going off to start their own upstart businesses? Or were the offered steady jobs? Maybe they felt that college is too expensive and jumped into a career.

Just because numbers are moving we should be concerned?

Im not sure if Im supposed to be implying something Im not willing to or not.
More of the population is now female. Guess we should go China on them to help foster some parity!


from the latest stats i can pull up 50.8% of the population was female and 49.2% was male. The college ratio is 57% to 43%. To achieve equality we must help send more males to college. The college ratio should be as close to 50.8/ 49.2 as we can make it.
seems there is something preventing them as the trend is towards more female % in college and less male.

There are more women in the population. More women focused on STEM. More women getting married later or not at all. More women who had better grades than men throughout their school years.

It's not difficult.
Does you panic come from knowing that Legion Troll now has his eye on christiefan rather than you?

There are more women in the population. More women focused on STEM. More women getting married later or not at all. More women who had better grades than men throughout their school years.

It's not difficult.

like i pointed out that you didnt want to quote women are at 50.2 and men are 49.8 but the split in college is 57/43. Lets change it up a bit. Say the population was 50.2% white and 49.8% black and the college split was 57/43 there is obviously a problem there right? One that we have to address to insure equality in our society. It is the exact same issue here. Just because one group is the target of discrimination doesnt make it any less so.
There are more women in the population. More women focused on STEM. More women getting married later or not at all. More women who had better grades than men throughout their school years.

It's not difficult.

Or it could be that women, through affirmative action, are given the opportunity men have to earn.
like i pointed out that you didnt want to quote women are at 50.2 and men are 49.8 but the split in college is 57/43. Lets change it up a bit. Say the population was 50.2% white and 49.8% black and the college split was 57/43 there is obviously a problem there right? One that we have to address to insure equality in our society. It is the exact same issue here. Just because one group is the target of discrimination doesnt make it any less so.

Why is it your premise that college education percentages have to follow general population percentages? You've left out the fact that maybe some of those males never wanted to go to college, for instance. There are too many variables here for you to be relying on population.