How do you "teach" ID?

Dixie: The fact that mankind still practices (strongly) his spiritual beliefs, is evidence it is fundamental to the species.


Is the fact that mankind still practiced burning witches 400 years ago implicit evidence that burning witches is fundamental to the species?

Strawman... Mankind no longer burns witches, so it is obviously not something fundamental to the species. Find something mankind has done since mankind existed, and still does... like, breathe. You'll find, if it isn't fundamental to the species, it wouldn't still be practiced. Burning witches is a good example of one of those kind of things, spirituality, is not.

Dixie: 4% of the people to eliminate 96% of the people, you will never eliminate the need for spirituality in humans.

You've got your numbers wrong. 20% of the world no longer holds any belief in a higher power, leprachauns, ghosts, and other such nonsense. That's right. Since you've grown up, atheism has increased in popularity fivefold. I wonder, if in another 100 years (since that's probably how old you are) it increases another fivefold, how big it will be then?

No numbers are wrong. 96% of the planetary population, believes in something greater than self (spirituality). 4% Believe in nothing (supposedly). Atheist simply means "against theism" and doesn't necessarily mean they don't believe in something greater than self, many of them certainly do. In fact, most Atheists I have encountered, are the biggest believers in God, it is why they spend so many countless hours trying to refute him.

In 100 years, there will still be a vast and overwhelming majority of humans practicing some form of spiritual belief, we can't function or exist without this. I suspect, there will also still be people in denial of this fact then.


This is like 1/3!

Yeah, it kinda is... Just as one can't be divided by three without a remainder, mankind can't function or survive without spirituality. Good observation!
"we can't function or exist without this"

Yes, we can. By your own admission, 4% do.

Has it occurred to you that most people - even from the most primitive tribes - might just be looking to fill a void in their life, or explain what to them would otherwise be a fearfully incomprehensible question? In other words, the source of spirituality is IN, and not is not there because there is something to necessarily justify it.

I don't think that occurs to you. You don't really look at the issue objectively, because you're trying to "prove" something YOU want us to believe.

There are some various models of abiogenesis and descriptions of TESTS that have been conducted to support the different models/theories.

Your turn. Give me a test to conduct on intelligent design.

You give me the Wikipedia article on Abiogenesis, which basically describes what I already stated was one potential hypothesis? No sir, you are supposed to give me tests that prove Abiogenensis. You can't, none exist. There are scientists who have speculated, and used conjecture to form a theory, but there is no 'test' to conclude any valid hypothesis for origin of life.

Try again!
You give me the Wikipedia article on Abiogenesis, which basically describes what I already stated was one potential hypothesis? No sir, you are supposed to give me tests that prove Abiogenensis. You can't, none exist. There are scientists who have speculated, and used conjecture to form a theory, but there is no 'test' to conclude any valid hypothesis for origin of life.

Try again!

They've done more than that. They've created the conditions of the primordial earth in a lab, and reproduced "cells" as a result; the only difference is, the cells they produce are not self-replicating. The only thing they have really conjectured on is that this step takes TIME. The can't replicate a billion years in the lab.
You give me the Wikipedia article on Abiogenesis, which basically describes what I already stated was one potential hypothesis? No sir, you are supposed to give me tests that prove Abiogenensis. You can't, none exist. There are scientists who have speculated, and used conjecture to form a theory, but there is no 'test' to conclude any valid hypothesis for origin of life.

Try again!

No tests prove a hypothesis. Tests test the hypothesis and the result either supports or refutes said hypothesis. The wiki article I linked you to described some tests that support the models described, but you didn't read that far.

So go ahead and tell me what tests we can do to support intelligent design, because we need one if we're going to call it science. You don't have one? It isn't science. Sorry.
They've done more than that. They've created the conditions of the primordial earth in a lab, and reproduced "cells" as a result; the only difference is, the cells they produce are not self-replicating. The only thing they have really conjectured on is that this step takes TIME. The can't replicate a billion years in the lab.

The wiki bit I forwarded Dixie to describes some tests that support theories about the replication process. But he shut his eyes and screamed then pretended he never saw it.
"we can't function or exist without this"

Yes, we can. By your own admission, 4% do.

Has it occurred to you that most people - even from the most primitive tribes - might just be looking to fill a void in their life, or explain what to them would otherwise be a fearfully incomprehensible question? In other words, the source of spirituality is IN, and not is not there because there is something to necessarily justify it.

I don't think that occurs to you. You don't really look at the issue objectively, because you're trying to "prove" something YOU want us to believe.

When I say "we can't function" I mean "mankind" not individuals. Of the 4% who seem to 'function' without spirituality, they certainly do not thrive.

Has it occurred to you, there has to be a reason mankind is looking to fill a void, or explain the fearfully incomprehensible? Has it occurred to you, there is no indication of where such an attribute was obtained through the evolutionary cycle, and no other species exhibits the behavior or has the need to 'fill a void' in their life? No matter what conclusion you draw, there is always the question of why is it the case. You've not explained it... I can't remember which pinhead attempted to one day, by saying... it's just how we were "created!" LMFAO!!
Dixie, what evidence do you have that one without spirituality does not thrive? Has there been a study done?
They've done more than that. They've created the conditions of the primordial earth in a lab, and reproduced "cells" as a result; the only difference is, the cells they produce are not self-replicating. The only thing they have really conjectured on is that this step takes TIME. The can't replicate a billion years in the lab.

Then there is no "test" to base Abiogenesis on.
When I say "we can't function" I mean "mankind" not individuals. Of the 4% who seem to 'function' without spirituality, they certainly do not thrive.

Has it occurred to you, there has to be a reason mankind is looking to fill a void, or explain the fearfully incomprehensible? Has it occurred to you, there is no indication of where such an attribute was obtained through the evolutionary cycle, and no other species exhibits the behavior or has the need to 'fill a void' in their life? No matter what conclusion you draw, there is always the question of why is it the case. You've not explained it... I can't remember which pinhead attempted to one day, by saying... it's just how we were "created!" LMFAO!!

Personally, I have always seen it as product of acquiring the mental capacity to rise above the rest of the animal kingdom. We have the ability to reason, which also leads to the ability to have doubt, fear & angst.

My "theory" is just as valid as yours, and has about as much "proof," (that is, none). I just find the idea that you think our need for a higher power is "proof" of that higher power ridiculous. There MAY BE a higher power, but to call that proof of it?

Rube-ish. Hopelessly ignorant.
Then there is no "test" to base Abiogenesis on.

There are several models of abiogenesis and there are tests that have been done to support the models. You are wrong. There is not just one theory of abiogenesis. There are several, and they require different tests.
When I say "we can't function" I mean "mankind" not individuals. Of the 4% who seem to 'function' without spirituality, they certainly do not thrive.

Has it occurred to you, there has to be a reason mankind is looking to fill a void, or explain the fearfully incomprehensible? Has it occurred to you, there is no indication of where such an attribute was obtained through the evolutionary cycle, and no other species exhibits the behavior or has the need to 'fill a void' in their life? No matter what conclusion you draw, there is always the question of why is it the case. You've not explained it... I can't remember which pinhead attempted to one day, by saying... it's just how we were "created!" LMFAO!!

Yes it occured to me. But as I saw no proof in that area I discounted it just like I did Bush in 2000.
Dixie, what evidence do you have that one without spirituality does not thrive? Has there been a study done?

There have been countless studies on human behavior, including studies of people with a variety of sociological, psychological, and substance addiction problems, and they have found without exception, the vast majority of them have little or no spiritual connection. They have also found, the vast majority of individuals who overcome such adversities, attribute their accomplishments to belief in a higher power, many of them saying they couldn't have done it without this.

We know that Neanderthal existed at the same time as Homo sapien man. For some reason, Neanderthal became extinct while Homo sapien thrived. From archeological studies, we see that Homo sapiens practiced spirituality and rituals associated with it, and we have no evidence Neanderthal ever obtained this characteristic. Many feel this is precisely the reason Neanderthals were unable to assimilate with Homo sapien.
Oh my science. I didn't see it the first time, but he just blamed the extinction of Neanderthals on Godlessness.

... ps, it discuses several experiments that have been done to support the abiogenesis hypothesis.

And there are experiments that can be done to support the Intelligent Design hypothesis. Your first error was to assume a hypothesis must be tested to be a valid hypothesis, and I posted the definition for you. Now, you seem to think that an experiment which may support something, is somehow validation or proof of a theory as fact. That isn't the case, and never will be the case. You are ignorant.
Thats exactly how science works, Dix. You have a hypothesis. You test the hypothesis. If the hypothesis stands up to testing, and you can reproduce the result, it elevates itself to a theory.

And by all means, tell us just ONE test we can do in a scientific way that supports the "hypothesis" of intelligent design. Please.