How is this board split -politically?

How would you describe yourself politically?

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The way the labels have evolved, liberal has come to be much more about government being the solution for most issues.

I don't see being a progressive that way. I take that word literally - as progress, which in a lot of cases will not be tied to government. For example, I see privatizing social security as a progressive ideal. Keeping it as a public program is unsustainable, and offers no return on investment, which to me is sort of reactionary. Progress would be making it a program that allows for much more return for seniors, and can be continued indefinitely without raising more taxes or cutting benefits.

I realize that's sort of a minority view of what being progressive means, but it's how I view it.
That really is an interesting definition. I've always thought of "Progressive" as people who believe that government should progressively (gradually) step into Socialism.