How liberals support the troops The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam: Jerry Lembcke: Books

Editorial Reviews

From Library Journal
Images of long-haired antiwar protesters, almost always women, spitting on returning Vietnam veterans have become a shameful part of America's collective memory. Lembcke (sociology, Holy Cross Univ.), a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, here presents a stunning indictment of this myth?an illusion created, he maintains, by the Nixon-Agnew administration and an unwitting press to attribute America's loss in Vietnam to internal dissension. In fact, the antiwar movement and many veterans were closely aligned, and the only documented incidents show members of the VFW and American Legion spitting on their less successful Vietnam peers. But Lembcke's most controversial conclusion is that posttraumatic stress disorder was as much a political creation?a means of discrediting returning vets who protested the war as unhinged?as it was a medical condition. The image of the psycho-vet was furthered through such Hollywood productions as The Deer Hunter and Coming Home. This forceful investigation challenges the reader to reexamine assumptions about the dark side of American culture that glorifies war more than peace. Highly recommended for large public libraries and for all academic peace studies collections.?Karl Helicher, Upper Merion Twp. Lib., King of Prussia, PA
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
"Lembcke a professor at Holy Cross, published a book in 1998 entitled “The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam” in which Lembcke asserts that Vietnam Veterans were never spit on. Lembcke, a staunch anti-war activist, member of “Vietnam Veterans Against the War”, and to this day, a leading critic of U.S. foreign policy has become the sole “academic” reference for the repudiation of the spitting myth. To say he is biased would be an understatement.

To the surprise of no one, the media and many current anti-war groups quickly accepted Lembcke’s assertions in an attempt to rehabilitate an anti-war movement devoid of credibility. Unfortunately, to anyone who reads his book, Lembcke’s work is flawed at every level and wouldn’t be worthy of mention except that it is now the single source cited by anyone wishing to ignore historical fact and propagate Lembcke’s position that Vietnam Vets were not spit on. This is exactly why the anti-war movement has no credibility with mainstream Americans: Many are against the war but few want to be lumped in with these wild eyed ex-hippies trying to convince the American people their servicemen committed war crimes and atrocities against the Vietnamese.

The facts are really very simple and undisputed.

U.S. Servicemen in Vietnam were accused of committing war crimes and killing innocent men, women and children in Vietnam as early as 1964. This was ingrained in the pop culture of the time. Don’t think so? Find a 1966 rendition of Arlo Guthrie’s song Alice’s Restaurant and listen to it. Pay special attention to the parts about burning woman and children. Lembcke’s own organization, Vietnam Veterans Against the War conducted the “Winter Soldier” tribunals in which Vietnam Veterans confessed to war crimes. John Kerry testified to Congress that these war crimes were being committed and that military leaders at all levels knew about these things. “Baby Killer” was a common term in the 1960s and early 70s."
The military is a tool to be used by whoever is in government. The mewling about "supporting" troops isn't new but it's annoying.

They do what they're ordered to to do. That's that.
Did you spit on any American soldiers?

Back in about 1972 I think it was. I was working in a town in our far north (Woomera) that had a large USAF contingent because they were working at a certain intel site south of the town (this was obviously at the time of the Cold War and during Vietnam - we had a weekly MAC flight). I lived in the Sergeants Mess in the town and I got friendly with a bunch of USAF Sergeants (they had all kinds of different strilpes on their sleeves but I think they were all different grades of Sergeant). Anyway I used to get on the turps with them and they introduced me to bourbon (back then it wasn't a common drink here). I used to pull their leg (is that a phrase you use? It means "joshing") about how they couldn't drink our beer.

I had the worst hangover of my life with Jim Beam with those blokes.

I never kidded them again about drinking.

No, I've never spat on an American soldier.
there are peopel on the right that just hate half of their fellow Americans. They will say anything about them. Country be damned, democracy be damned they would defame men and women who have fought and given their lives in this war and others simply because they are of liberal leanings.

Americans who were liberals have fought and died in this war and all others you complete piece of shit, divide America, hate Americans slimeball.
There are military dead who were liberals.

Why do you pretend otherwise?

You hate democracy so much you can not tolerate the fact that people who believe differently than you do will scarafice for their country.

You are a small and ugly creature and your ranks are greatly deminished in this country and soon to be exstinct.
Yes us cit.............

I have seen women and children burned with Napalm in Nam.

This has happened,but not on could also track every war the US has been involved in and cite cases of collateral damage/friendly fire...I have also seen Hippies spit on returning vets at Ft.Ord California(I was on the receiving end)...and have seen the atrocities the NVA committed on US case in particular was when the NVA overran a Special Forces outpost...they tortured the survivers before killing them...their testicles were removed and shoved down their throats...!

If you are going to defend the enemy at least cite the other side of the story...that would be nice!

Yes, we know all about John Kerry's "heroism"....

He was a very good shot...hitting a VC 17 year old in the back at forty paces...then received 3 purps in a little less than 4 months...not one required more than 48 hrs off duty...but did give him a trip home!

And now here comes desh with her shock and awe some pics of atrocites committed on US troops/journalists/civilian employees to balance 'eh traitor!

anyone see the hypocrisy in desh and her running to a Arabic site to post propoganda?
Here you go desh 'Know your Enemy' Be advised very graphic pictures...not for the weak at heart!

That's lovely, BB. Bit of cheer for a Saturday evening.

I can't help thinking it was much better in the good old days of the cold war, when we were face to face with the Russian bear.

In case anyone is wondering what happened to him, here he is in a taxi.

Well I'm so sorry............

That's lovely, BB. Bit of cheer for a Saturday evening.

I can't help thinking it was much better in the good old days of the cold war, when we were face to face with the Russian bear.

In case anyone is wondering what happened to him, here he is in a taxi.


However Desh started this by her posting propoganda from a Arabic site...I just countered because I am sick and tired of all this crap about US troops being the abusers...this is a serious conflict we are in and the truth about the enemy should be known!