How liberals support the troops

However Desh started this by her posting propoganda from a Arabic site...I just countered because I am sick and tired of all this crap about US troops being the abusers...this is a serious conflict we are in and the truth about the enemy should be known!

Maybe, but compared to a bear in a taxi you're both wrong.
BB, are you OK?

I'm worried that you may have fallen prey to a passing Islamic terrorist. If you don't post soon then i shall have to fear the worst and break out my emergency shrine to prey for your mortal soul.

If you are still alive could you get back to me quick-smart as i'd hate to waste a prayer when Satan's little wizards are prowling about in the garden.
Back in about 1972 I think it was. I was working in a town in our far north (Woomera) that had a large USAF contingent because they were working at a certain intel site south of the town (this was obviously at the time of the Cold War and during Vietnam - we had a weekly MAC flight). I lived in the Sergeants Mess in the town and I got friendly with a bunch of USAF Sergeants (they had all kinds of different strilpes on their sleeves but I think they were all different grades of Sergeant). Anyway I used to get on the turps with them and they introduced me to bourbon (back then it wasn't a common drink here). I used to pull their leg (is that a phrase you use? It means "joshing") about how they couldn't drink our beer.

I had the worst hangover of my life with Jim Beam with those blokes.

I never kidded them again about drinking.

No, I've never spat on an American soldier.

Pulling your leg is a common country term for joking.
Pulling your leg is a common country term for joking.

Thank you - sometimes I have to watch the slang, if it means nothing then it blunts the point.

It can be embarrassing. Sorry for the thread drift but the word you use for cheering your team on - "rooting" - here it means to have sex. Hence the joke about the bloke on a date who behaves like a wombat - eats, roots, shoots and leaves (not advised for teaching about the effects of punctuation).

Back to normal programming.

I liked the bear in the cab, was he off to the Teddybears' Picnic I wonder??
There are military dead who were liberals.

Why do you pretend otherwise?

You hate democracy so much you can not tolerate the fact that people who believe differently than you do will scarafice for their country.

You are a small and ugly creature and your ranks are greatly deminished in this country and soon to be exstinct.

Don't feed the troll Desh. He'll only lob grenades at you.
there are peopel on the right that just hate half of their fellow Americans. They will say anything about them. Country be damned, democracy be damned they would defame men and women who have fought and given their lives in this war and others simply because they are of liberal leanings.

Americans who were liberals have fought and died in this war and all others you complete piece of shit, divide America, hate Americans slimeball.

Truth be known Desh. There are no Republicans in foxholes.
He was a very good shot...hitting a VC 17 year old in the back at forty paces...then received 3 purps in a little less than 4 months...not one required more than 48 hrs off duty...but did give him a trip home!

That's right. Kerry's service to our nation in combat wasn't nearly as Prestigious as W's who.....oh yea, he went awol...or Dick Cheney...who...oh that's right, he had higher priorities then defending our nation......or Rush Limbaugh who.....oh goodness poor boy had a trick knee.......
Thank you - sometimes I have to watch the slang, if it means nothing then it blunts the point.

It can be embarrassing. Sorry for the thread drift but the word you use for cheering your team on - "rooting" - here it means to have sex. Hence the joke about the bloke on a date who behaves like a wombat - eats, roots, shoots and leaves (not advised for teaching about the effects of punctuation).

Back to normal programming.

I liked the bear in the cab, was he off to the Teddybears' Picnic I wonder??

Dude, It's an NY Yellow Cab....there's only one place he could be going. Wall Street!
But we are in a fight for our lives...and humor does not always enter the picture...kay!!!

We should not even be in Iraq!

And the fight for our lives crap has been disproven many times. Iraq had nothing to do with 911.

Most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
I admit, I found the "fighting for our lives" stuff well over the top. I didn't know if anyone still believed that bullshit.
Well Mr.Commander of the blokes in Aussie Land!

I admit, I found the "fighting for our lives" stuff well over the top. I didn't know if anyone still believed that bullshit.

Please advise our troops in country of this wonderful insight...regardless of why we went in...the old adage applies...'In for a Penny In for a Pound'!