How liberals support the troops

Well Mr.Smarty pants...!

We should not even be in Iraq!

And the fight for our lives crap has been disproven many times. Iraq had nothing to do with 911.

Most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

Yes Saudi Arabia,Syria,Iran,Afghanistan and Iraq all had their proverbial hands dirty in the 911 attack...yes we should have punished Saudi Arabia as well as all the others...but alas y'all are still complaining of the monetary as well as life cost on two fronts...what the heck would you say if we were fighting on all fronts?
My My...

That's right. Kerry's service to our nation in combat wasn't nearly as Prestigious as W's who.....oh yea, he went awol...or Dick Cheney...who...oh that's right, he had higher priorities then defending our nation......or Rush Limbaugh who.....oh goodness poor boy had a trick knee.......

another example of those who live in glass houses throwing stones...I served Mottley Boy..did you?
and by the way which side of the fence are you on? Never mind Chicken Little!:rolleyes:

I'm on the rational objectivist side. I'm on the side that say's you don't lie to your country about the basis of war and then expect them to support millitary action. I'm on the side that says you don't attack another sovereign nation unless they are a clear and present danger to our national security as Afghanistan was and as Iraq most certainly was not. I'm on the side that says when you give a man a job to do and he proves an incompetent fuck up, you fire the idiot instead of giving him an "at a boy" for being a loyal political ally. I'm on the side that doesn't believe in enabling an inept ideologue and I don't believe in letting mindless patriotic propaganda blind you to the facts.

This country wasn't made great by idiots who died believing "My Country Right or Wrong.

This country was made great by geniuses who believed in "Get the God Damned Job Done Right or Get The Fuck Out of The Way!" and that's the side I"m on blow hard.
BB I think He was talking about your heroes not you.
I'll Tell my daddy on you, Bush and Chicken Cheney.
I served. I served during peacetime. But the peace was precarious, at best. I was in boot camp when the hostages were taken in Tehran. I was in the med when the marine barracks were bombed in Beirut. I lost a good friend in Grenada.

But if we are going to talk about how the liberals treat the military, how about we look at how the federal government treats the troop?

Or go to a VA hospital and ask the veterans how they rate the care they have received.

Being spit on is bad. Being treated like a dog by the very organization you joined is worse.