How many and how long...


Well-known member
How many people would have to march on Washington, D.C. and for how long before Bush and Cheney would resign?
1) It is not a project I am working on.
2) I never said it was happening.
3) I just wonder how many it would take and how long.
Once a certian number showed up, Congress would act. If they brought in hoses and tear gass the number required would be much less.
1) It is not a project I am working on.
2) I never said it was happening.
3) I just wonder how many it would take and how long.

I imagine if you got somewhere between 1 and 300,000,000 people to come and march with you, Bush and Cheney would leave office sometime in January.
300,000,000 and they would leave ASAP, no waiting till January.

I promise you that!
1) It is not a project I am working on.
2) I never said it was happening.
3) I just wonder how many it would take and how long.

They would not resign regardless of how many or how long. The objective would have to be how long would such action take before the Dem led Congress actually attempted to impeach Bush/Cheney.
They would not resign regardless of how many or how long. The objective would have to be how long would such action take before the Dem led Congress actually attempted to impeach Bush/Cheney.

You dont think that if it became clear that the Criminals would get impeached they would not resign first?

But, okay Ill ask the question your way. How many until Congress decided to take action?
You dont think that if it became clear that the Criminals would get impeached they would not resign first?

But, okay Ill ask the question your way. How many until Congress decided to take action?

1) No. I do not think they would resign. I think they would make Congress force them out.

2) 2920 days for Congress to act.... unless led by Dems.... then you could expect action somewhere on day 3200.
Impeachment is irrelevant as Bush will no doubt grant a pardon to all including himself as he goes out the door.
again... he did not and could not have granted a pardon to himself.

Yes he most certantly did try to grant himself a pardon. As to if he could, that is an open question. Such an attempt has never been challanged in court. Noone ever tried to bring charges against Bush Sr. for Iran Contra, but if they had the issue would have been presented to a court.
Yes he most certantly did try to grant himself a pardon. As to if he could, that is an open question. Such an attempt has never been challanged in court. Noone ever tried to bring charges against Bush Sr. for Iran Contra, but if they had the issue would have been presented to a court.

You say he "tried" to grant himself a pardon. Which obviously implies that he was unsuccessful.

So noone ever brought charges against Bush... so what was there for him to pardon himself on?

I will take your word on the matter of the issue not having ever been brought before the courts. But I seriously doubt any court would allow a President the ability to grant a pardon to themself.
You say he "tried" to grant himself a pardon. Which obviously implies that he was unsuccessful.

So noone ever brought charges against Bush... so what was there for him to pardon himself on?

I will take your word on the matter of the issue not having ever been brought before the courts. But I seriously doubt any court would allow a President the ability to grant a pardon to themself.

He issued a general pardon for the entire Iran Contra affair. One could only assume that this would include himself had he committed any crimes. He did TRY, and I dont know if that was successfull or not because it was never tested.

Just because someoen says you "tried" to do something does not imply that you were unsuccessfull. You need to try to work on your reading comprehension.

"Last spring Jimmy tried to run a marathon." That sentence does not tell you if Jimmy was successfull or not!