How many and how long...

He issued a general pardon for the entire Iran Contra affair. One could only assume that this would include himself had he committed any crimes. He did TRY, and I dont know if that was successfull or not because it was never tested.

Just because someoen says you "tried" to do something does not imply that you were unsuccessfull. You need to try to work on your reading comprehension.

"Last spring Jimmy tried to run a marathon." That sentence does not tell you if Jimmy was successfull or not!

Then you are using poor grammar. Because if Jimmy had been successful, the statement would have been "Last spring Jimmy ran a marathon".

You are also implying that Bush's general pardon was somehow an attempt to grant himself a pardon. Though you offer no evidence as such. You are projecting your opinion of his intentions onto the situation. Unless you would care to share with the group your evidence that he had something to pardon himself for with regards to Iran Contra.
Then you are using poor grammar. Because if Jimmy had been successful, the statement would have been "Last spring Jimmy ran a marathon".

You are also implying that Bush's general pardon was somehow an attempt to grant himself a pardon. Though you offer no evidence as such. You are projecting your opinion of his intentions onto the situation. Unless you would care to share with the group your evidence that he had something to pardon himself for with regards to Iran Contra.

1) Thats not poor gramer, its merely saying something different.

2) You might not know if Jimmy was successfull or not at the marathon.

3) You might not want to tell the listner if he was successfull or not.

There are plenty of good gramer reasons to say "tried" instead of "did"!
The number would have to be so high that it would be impossible to reach. Most of us have to work.
Pappy bush did on Iran Contra.
He didn't, of course.


Would you leftist hysterics please come up with some lies that take at least a LITTLE effort to disprove?

I would take a day or two off, and I would give my employees a day or two off.
That makes 5.

Of course, I think it is a waste of time and energy. Let's spend that energy electing somebody better this time. Obama is already a better choice than Kerry, and McCain better than Bush. I think we're pretty well set, unless you guys choose HillBillary in some weird objectionable masquerade of injustice.
Yeah choosing hillary would be about like choosing bush. A stupit thing to do.
The question you did not answer is McCain better than Obama Damo ?
Yeah choosing hillary would be about like choosing bush. A stupit thing to do.
The question you did not answer is McCain better than Obama Damo ?
IMO, yes.

In others no. Regardless. Both of these people are better than the choices we had previous. I'm going to have fun watching this election cycle. I believe that I will be voting Libertarian as McCain has yet to match one of three things I stated I will have in my next candidate. Two of three are there, the last one (It has to do with the War Powers Act) is yet to be brought forward. So I'll be voting for the Party that has it as part of their platform issues....
That makes 5.

Of course, I think it is a waste of time and energy. Let's spend that energy electing somebody better this time. Obama is already a better choice than Kerry, and McCain better than Bush. I think we're pretty well set, unless you guys choose HillBillary in some weird objectionable masquerade of injustice.

I agree it would be a waste of time and energy. I was wanting to discuss it in a purely acedmeic fashon. It is an interesting question.... How many would it take to change the leadership without an election?
Right.... talk to me again when you learn to spell GRAMMAR correctly.

Thats spelling, not grammer... and I admit I am a terrable speller and would never venture to correct anyone's spelling. But you called something grammer that was clearly not grammer. You got owned!
I agree it would be a waste of time and energy. I was wanting to discuss it in a purely acedmeic fashon. It is an interesting question.... How many would it take to change the leadership without an election?

Just one with a bomb.
Just one with a bomb.

Yes, but how many would it take to force change in a peacefull way.

For example, I belive that if 100,000 people showed up for a Rally in the mall for three Saturdays stright, without an end in sight, demanding the president and vice president resign, I feel sure Congress would take action or they would resign.

It might only take one Saturday depending on the media coverage... But I think more likely three.