How many and how long...

Now that might work.
Esp if everyone wore Bush masks. And said not one word.

yup, some kinda hook like that would really send the media into a frenzy.

I just think its interesting what power the citizens have when you really think about it, from a historical and global perspective. In reality we would not have to wait for an election if enough people decided to take action, and it could be done peacefully, all you really need is to get the media's attention.
Imagine what 10 high school students on a hunger strike could accomplish, especally as the really began to starve.
Yep just have the march and no one say a word to the media or anything. Imagine the frenzy. Perhaps everyone should just carry a sign with their representatives names on it under the title of stop the war.

Imagine with no one to talk to the media would go into a feeding frenzy and just speculate among the pundits.
IMO, yes.

In others no. Regardless. Both of these people are better than the choices we had previous. I'm going to have fun watching this election cycle. I believe that I will be voting Libertarian as McCain has yet to match one of three things I stated I will have in my next candidate. Two of three are there, the last one (It has to do with the War Powers Act) is yet to be brought forward. So I'll be voting for the Party that has it as part of their platform issues....
This is the thing that I was talking about with the managing partner here. He is a hardcore, Earth is only 6000 - 8000 years old, woman came from a rib, dyed in the wool evangelical christain conservative. He says now that he will vote for Barr. How much could Barr hurt McCain by giving the RR a place to vote? I don't think they will but does anyone here think this could be a concern to McCain?
This is the thing that I was talking about with the managing partner here. He is a hardcore, Earth is only 6000 - 8000 years old, woman came from a rib, dyed in the wool evangelical christain conservative. He says now that he will vote for Barr. How much could Barr hurt McCain by giving the RR a place to vote? I don't think they will but does anyone here think this could be a concern to McCain?
That assumes that Barr will be the candidate. That has yet to be decided and I find it unlikely.