How many of you are Christians?

Are you a Christian?

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Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Identify yourself.

First, let's define what it means to be a Christian. The simplest definition is a follower of Jesus Christ or just simply a fan of Jesus Christ and his teachings.

If you believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, say so and explain why.

Denominations do not matter but you are free to say what denomination you are in.

Thank you for participating.
I put myself down as maybe because I do follow Jesus' teachings. The Golden Rule and such.

It is funny that those Christians who profess to believe in the divinity of Jesus and his teachings rarely ever follow his teachings.
I put myself down as maybe because I do follow Jesus' teachings. The Golden Rule and such.

It is funny that those Christians who profess to believe in the divinity of Jesus and his teachings rarely ever follow his teachings.

That doesn't make a Christian. Maybe shouldn't have been an option.
I put myself down as maybe because I do follow Jesus' teachings. The Golden Rule and such.

It is funny that those Christians who profess to believe in the divinity of Jesus and his teachings rarely ever follow his teachings.

We are ALL unclean sinners.
Something is wrong with the poll at the top. We have TWO confirmed Yes's but it only shows one. So far the Devil is one ahead of the GOOD GUYS, matter, the end WE WIN! :)
there is only one standard........what is professed......the OP is not concerned profession of faith, only his ability to critique it......
I love real Christians! I was raised up with them.

Some of my favorite peeps!

I also believe there was some kind of a Jesus character that the Bible speaks of, and how can you not love someone like him?

I know a lot of people like me, that are not quite sure what to think about religion, the afterlife and all that, but we are far from being sacreligious!

In fact, we can be quite reverend and have a lot in common with Christian Folk!
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