How many of you are Christians?

Are you a Christian?

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Many Buddhists are atheists.

I've read the Dhammapada, and it is chock full of dieties, spirits, descriptions of hell, and devas.

The Asian Buddhist traditions where built on the foundations of Hindu cosmology and dieties. It's just that Buddhists do not see spirits, devas, and dieties as the highest form of spirituality. The highest form of spirituality is enlightenment and nirvana. So Buddhism is not really atheist in the modern western meaning of the word.

There are Americans who adopt some Buddhist practice for the hipster essence and coolness factor, but desire to cling to an atheist facade.

As for me, I am dubious that Jesus was divine, but his example and his message had a resonance that speaks to some kind of higher truth. I also periodically enjoy the ritual and aesthetics of the Eastern Orthodox liturgy.
How did this sentence make sense if Devil becomes Damocles?

So far the Devil is one ahead of the GOOD GUYS, matter, the end WE WIN!

I was just joking. :D

And I agree that Devil is one of the good guys. The Devil is a version of Prometheus.
You can't just follow the commandments and the golden rule and call yourself a Christian. You have to go to church, study the Bible, etc. Just my opinion.

All those things are important. To me though the top things would be accepting Jesus as your savior, repenting of your sins DAILY, Praying for forgiveness and more importantly praying for the wisdom to DO BETTER.
I answered no of course but I adore the Christians who refuse to convert to WOKE generally....they are the most likely people in this society to stand up against the tyranny.
All those things are important. To me though the top things would be accepting Jesus as your savior, repenting of your sins DAILY, Praying for forgiveness and more importantly praying for the wisdom to DO BETTER.

The problem is that so many Christians are not kind. They're judgmental, gossipy, and have no respect for different opinions. If they were all doing the things we mentioned, that wouldn't be a problem.
The problem is that so many Christians are not kind. They're judgmental, gossipy, and have no respect for different opinions. If they were all doing the things we mentioned, that wouldn't be a problem.

This is true in most if not all people. Problem is, we as people tend to see those faults more easily in people who we consider THE OTHER, and less so in people who are LIKE us.
Identify yourself.

First, let's define what it means to be a Christian. The simplest definition is a follower of Jesus Christ or just simply a fan of Jesus Christ and his teachings.

If you believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, say so and explain why.

Denominations do not matter but you are free to say what denomination you are in.

Thank you for participating.

I am not a Christian because I don't believe in that divinity thing, or that a soul can only be accepted into a good afterlife if they believed that. It's just illogical, irrational, and silly. That being said, His teachings resonate with me and IMO are a very good way to lead your life. Not because you'll get some eternal life thing. But because living as He taught is a just, honorable, and decent way to be with our fellow beings.

What's the point of this survey, if I may ask? Just curiosity? Making an extermination list, one way or the other? :rofl2:
This is true in most if not all people. Problem is, we as people tend to see those faults more easily in people who we consider THE OTHER, and less so in people who are LIKE us.

Very true. Religious people just have the added layer of being hypocrites.
I am not a Christian because I don't believe in that divinity thing, or that a soul can only be accepted into a good afterlife if they believed that. It's just illogical, irrational, and silly. That being said, His teachings resonate with me and IMO are a very good way to lead your life. Not because you'll get some eternal life thing. But because living as He taught is a just, honorable, and decent way to be with our fellow beings.

What's the point of this survey, if I may ask? Just curiosity? Making an extermination list, one way or the other? :rofl2:

Because Stone was asking for it.

Take a poll if you wish. There arent nearly as many Christians in the room as you think. Almost NONE on the left.
I am not a Christian because I don't believe in that divinity thing, or that a soul can only be accepted into a good afterlife if they believed that. It's just illogical, irrational, and silly. That being said, His teachings resonate with me and IMO are a very good way to lead your life. Not because you'll get some eternal life thing. But because living as He taught is a just, honorable, and decent way to be with our fellow beings.

What's the point of this survey, if I may ask? Just curiosity? Making an extermination list, one way or the other? :rofl2:

Stone claimed that many of us always pile onto Christians but leave the other religions alone. I told him that's because there are more Christians here than the other religions and feel a constant need to tell us about their religious beliefs and why they make their positions better than ours.
Stone claimed that many of us always pile onto Christians but leave the other religions alone. I told him that's because there are more Christians here than the other religions and feel a constant need to tell us about their religious beliefs and why they make their positions better than ours.

Perhaps I should have made my polls better.
So far there are only 3 people who said they were Christians and 5 who say no. Oh, and one "maybe" which should actually count as a NO. 2 to 1. Looks like I am proving to be correct.