How many of you are Christians?

Are you a Christian?

  • Total voters
Agreed. The more ardent a person screams about being a Christian, the less likely they are one. Notice that none of the Trumpers claiming to be Christians act like Christians.

Trump infamously posed for photos holding a bible upsidedown, and courted the white evangelical vote. But by practice and belief, Trump is clearly an atheist.
Trump infamously posed for photos holding a bible upsidedown, and courted the white evangelical vote. But by practice and belief, Trump is clearly an atheist.

Trump worships money and only thinks of himself. His betrayal of his supporters after 1/6 is well documented, despite the fact most of his supporters are such dumbfucks that they deny it ever happened.
Identify yourself.

First, let's define what it means to be a Christian. The simplest definition is a follower of Jesus Christ or just simply a fan of Jesus Christ and his teachings.

If you believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, say so and explain why.

Denominations do not matter but you are free to say what denomination you are in.

Thank you for participating.

I am a cultural Christians. I believe in many of the lessons from Christ.
Translation: I'm not a Christian but neither are you. Neener, neener.

Thanks for the confession that you're a liar, Fat Boy.

Wrong. No translation was needed. I meant what I said. Right now at this point and time in your life you are quite frankly, good. Hopefully that changes some day. You come here to cause division and anger between people, nothing else. You seem to take pleasure in it. Im so glad Im not you.
3 out of 4 ain't bad in business, but it's a failure for a Christian to not truly repent. Repentance isn't "ask for forgiveness on Sunday then sin all week". As the links below point out, it's a sincere modification of one's behavior.

You're the same person now as when I first met you three years ago, Stone. You are not repenting.
to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life
What Is Repentance? How Do We Repent?
"Repentance fundamentally means to change your mind about something. It has to do with the way you think about something. You’ve been thinking one way, but now you think the opposite way. That’s repentance — the changing of the mind....

...So, repenting perfectly describes what happens when you come to Christ. You no longer reject Christ, but now you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. You do a spiritual about-face, which in turn changes everything.

And not only do you change your mind about Christ, but you change your mind about sin and discover what it means to honor God. You realize that it’s no longer about performance. It’s about a heart attitude that confesses Christ and seeks to honor Him in every aspect of life!"

And BTW,....I dont ask for forgiveness and guidance only on Sunday, I ask for it just about every day of the week. Also,......the Sabbath is actually on Saturday anyway.
And BTW,....I dont ask for forgiveness and guidance only on Sunday, I ask for it just about every day of the week. Also,......the Sabbath is actually on Saturday anyway.

When you constantly lie, bully and are bigoted, your repentance clearly needs work. Why are you on JPP instead of working on being a Christian if you are so devout?
The problem is that so many Christians are not kind. They're judgmental, gossipy, and have no respect for different opinions. If they were all doing the things we mentioned, that wouldn't be a problem.

Being kind is not a requirement.
There is a difference between righteous indignation and judgmental. The "Judge not lest ye be judged" is about guessing the outcome of the conversation we all will have with God on Judgement day. Remember that when you say people are not Christian, its speaking directly to that.
You are not required to respect what you are taught to be sin as sin is not a matter of opinion.
When you constantly lie, bully and are bigoted, your repentance clearly needs work. Why are you on JPP instead of working on being a Christian if you are so devout?

Your own posts in this thread prove my point. I stand behind what I have are only here to cause division and anger.
Your own posts in this thread prove my point. I stand behind what I have are only here to cause division and anger.

Bearing false witness is a sin. Failing to love thy neighbor is a failure of Christian beliefs. Actively spreading hate and lies against others is completely unChristian and purposely sinful. You mean to do it. You mean to hurt others. Why? IDK, but it's a clear indicator you are not a Christian like you claim.
Correct. But if one's Christian faith doesn't result in kindness and compassion then I propose that the supposed "Christian" is nothing of the sort. I will suggest they are why Matthew 7:21 exists.

Right. I read his post twice and didn't know what to say. I agree that if a Christian isn't nice, that person is doing Christianity wrong.
You show you know nothing about Christianity

You've claimed to be a Christian, Ptif. Now you are judging others? Are you rational enough to understand what you are doing wrong?

Or are you, as I think, just a bitter old man blaming others for the failures in his life? I'd be truly surprised if you gave a rational reply.

Feel free to PM it if you think it would be too revealing.
Bearing false witness is a sin. Failing to love thy neighbor is a failure of Christian beliefs. Actively spreading hate and lies against others is completely unChristian and purposely sinful. You mean to do it. You mean to hurt others. Why? IDK, but it's a clear indicator you are not a Christian like you claim.

Look in any mirror. You do all of those things many times daily. You are making yourself look foolish now, should really stop , at least for your own sake. Hopefully you get better.