How many of you are Christians?

Are you a Christian?

  • Total voters
Look in any mirror. You do all of those things many times daily. You are making yourself look foolish now, should really stop , at least for your own sake. Hopefully you get better.

The fact you believe your Christianity is a competition is very interesting, Fat Boy. You obviously believe that, as long as you are more Christian than someone else, your racism, misogyny, lies and adultery are A-Okay with God.
The Christians seem to have caught up in the poll.

Very bad sign for America, to be sure, but I wasn't that optimistic anyway.
Trump worships money and only thinks of himself. His betrayal of his supporters after 1/6 is well documented, despite the fact most of his supporters are such dumbfucks that they deny it ever happened.

Sure Trump loves money, but then some Christians, Hindus, Jews, and Muslims also love money. I don't see love of money as some kind of substitute religion. From everything I have seen of Trump, by his practice and his history I think he is basically an atheist.
Sure Trump loves money, but then some Christians, Hindus, Jews, and Muslims also love money. I don't see love of money as some kind of substitute religion. From everything I have seen of Trump, by his practice and his history I think he is basically an atheist.
A slight disagreement. According to 1 Timothy 6:10, love of money is the root of all evil. Those who love money are loving evil AKA Satan. Ergo, Trump is a Satan worshiper. :)

For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.

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The fact you believe your Christianity is a competition is very interesting, Fat Boy. You obviously believe that, as long as you are more Christian than someone else, your racism, misogyny, lies and adultery are A-Okay with God.

This is just an endless cycle with you that just goes on and on. Total waste of time and effort. Have a good life.
I put myself down as maybe because I do follow Jesus' teachings. The Golden Rule and such.

It is funny that those Christians who profess to believe in the divinity of Jesus and his teachings rarely ever follow his teachings.

Yeah, like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Good point.
This is just an endless cycle with you that just goes on and on. Total waste of time and effort. Have a good life.
You're a liar, a bully and a traitor. The fact you are not a Christian is not surprising, Fat Boy.
I agree that if a Christian isn't nice, that person is doing Christianity wrong.
So you agree that Christianity is something one does? Is Christianity an activity, like maybe bowling? I know people who do bowling wrong.

Are you an expert on Christianity?
50/50 sounds about right, and going down....America is rapidly becoming post Christian just as Europe did.

I wonder if the church buildings can be repurposed.
This is just an endless cycle with you that just goes on and on. Total waste of time and effort..
It did take you a while to realize this ... but at least you figured it out.

Doc Dutch is a vegetable that aspires to one day be incorporated into a thick soup with croutons. You should have realized much earlier that you cannot teach a vegetable anything.
So you agree that Christianity is something one does? Is Christianity an activity, like maybe bowling? I know people who do bowling wrong.

Are you an expert on Christianity?

Christianity is a religion. Please don't waste my time with stupid questions.
Christianity is a religion. Please don't waste my time with stupid questions.
... then you should consider not making stupid posts, unless those are the only kind you can make in which case we'll all just have to suffer.

Really, you think a religion is "done". What kind of moron thinks that besides stupid, undereducated leftists? Maybe you really do think bowling is a religion. Heck, I wouldn't put it past you.
Identify yourself.

First, let's define what it means to be a Christian. The simplest definition is a follower of Jesus Christ or just simply a fan of Jesus Christ and his teachings.

If you believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, say so and explain why.

Denominations do not matter but you are free to say what denomination you are in.

Thank you for participating.

Why the fuck do you care? Why is it so important to you fucking nazi idiots that people identify themselves? You may as well have asked people to show you their papers.