How many of you are Christians?

Are you a Christian?

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The Sermon on the Mount, and many of the parables Jesus told have the feel of authenticity, even if we accept that the various miracles and the virgin birth are literary creations and embellishments.

Agreed. The words and ideas of Jesus clearly resonated with the people of the Mediterranean. It was the assholes in power who twisted it.
You show you know nothing about Christianity
It is remarkable that self identified Holly Rollers have the part of the Old Testament which speaks to gays memorized, but they are completely unfamiliar with the Sermon on the Mount, which is really the gold standard of how christians are to live.

It's because they are not Christians. Pfit won't even discuss it, further proof he is hiding his Satanism.

The main proof being his hatred and divisiveness. Proof positive he's a demon of Satan. Do his neighbors know? Should they?

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Many Buddhists are atheists.
agnostic is a beter term. Buddhism simply doesnt concern itself with gods
Ir's based on the human experience

as to me? One guy on another boards kinna summed it up. the older I get the more I want salvation not "blown out" nirvana . It's a build in contra dictions.. i've learned to not worry about it, because it's beyond my control
But when things go bad, i find myself saying Christian prayers.
Buddhism simply doesnt concern itself with gods

I've read the Dhammapada, which is one of the most widely revered Buddhist scriptures.

The Dhammapada is chock full of references to gods, spirits, Devas, descriptions of Hell.

The foundations of Buddhism rests on Hindu cosmology. The most widespread forms of Asian Buddhism consider Devas, dieties, spirits an absolute reality and a part of life. It's just that they consider enlightenment and nirvana a higher form of spirituality.
Sorry if this had already been addressed, but I have a question.

If Christian and not Christian are two options, what would "other" possibly mean?

Wouldn't other also be non-Christian?
Buddhism simply doesnt concern itself with gods
Incorrect. I've read the Dhammapada, which is one of the most widely revered Buddhist scriptures. The Dhammapada is chock full of references to gods, spirits, Devas, descriptions of Hell.
I'm going to ask you to identify two gods referenced in the Dhammapada. I don't remember any gods being mentioned.

For your convenience I have included the Dhammapada (with English translation) here:
I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. This is the bar to clear to consider one's self Christian. I believe he is the Messiah.
I attend the Episcopal Church though I have attended many others as a guest including RCC where my daughter was married and my grand daughter baptized. Her husband is RCC.
Align with the conservative branch which is distancing itself from the American and English communions.

FYI, the "Golden Rule" is not scripture. Its a nice practice though.
[FONT=&quot]Golden Rule, precept in the Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. . . .” This rule of conduct is a summary of the Christian's duty to his neighbour and states a fundamental ethical principle.

Xji1EQcpHCD1Aktyw01twdyQBfgnQkElSk4gAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › topic

[h=3]Golden Rule | ethical precept - Encyclopedia Britannica[/h]

Many Buddhists are atheists.
No Buddhists are atheists. Buddhism is a religion. Note the existence of Buddhist monks. Buddhist theism precludes atheism.

Yes, there do exist some STUPID Buddhists who erroneously claim to be atheists and yes, there do exist some STUPID atheists who erroneously claim to be Buddhists.
agnostic is a beter term. Buddhism simply doesnt concern itself with gods
The term "agnostic" has no place in a discussion of any particular theism.

To go even further, no Buddhists are agnostic because their theism is claimed to be the path to enlightenment (knowledge) thus they are certain that the knowledge they pursue is entirely knowable, and that they will know it.
[FONT="]Golden Rule, precept in the Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “[COLOR=#040C28]In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you[/COLOR]. . . .” This rule of conduct is a summary of the Christian's duty to his neighbour and states a fundamental ethical principle.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4D5156][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#3C4043][IMG];base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgBAMAAACBVGfHAAAALVBMVEUzZppBbZyGo8Z2nLyUrstokrdUg6xIcqKgt8 qwdm3zN7z Pri6fLU3ezF1uNqFr8tAAABiklEQVR4AYWMA3AYQBAA92r3vrZt27Zt2x3Wtm3bthvbtq0xYw2zZ1I0JpsqXYe32JyVKKUBau0/cmT0YQU2UWsPyJHuW2es6jMJiu2h9DvQVTWGH i8BOi3CeYugmJj7L/7NoJSH0Hq3xHE4VXQ955iyrkIWux9U2r9jBtz8y4b1u8BqsZ/lr6 BzyuPDHlf4VuLl4qdOHCSz dks797BEbPj3tKHJ8w6AaTkcO7L8yfmSNz1cULR7muDjhyf5R 59rYvgegObfzdoHvXr1 cDzfQhIxHWtkXBqwPGW2rd/J2Ddu 2LZdWXp5Fq7HZ VTaZNUN/LDL YycRfzG8piKYt/MsQ8cer3Pqf/1BAFTxONTnfd0xa//veBIFQNVFiV2m PcN79VOV4oAFP9Y9 7xGyu8at0F2KTUkHrX7Oda3NeaIKCKLDb 1wdXVxGyUYG2YxUQBFBQiW87Gc0eKYDS9rlC7hQQ4vtOKk0uqiB9j28i94dky/Xji1EQcpHCD1Aktyw01twdyQBfgnQkElSk4gAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==[/IMG]
[url][/url] › topic
[h=3][URL=""]Golden Rule | ethical precept - Encyclopedia Britannica[/URL][/h]

How can a self identified, devout practicing christians not be aware the golden rule in written in scripture, plain as day?

I wouldn't even call myself a practicing Christian, but I am reasonably familiar with the Sermon on the Mount. It is widely accepted as the basis of Christian ethics, and permeates western civilization.
How can a self identified, devout practicing christians not be aware the golden rule in written in scripture, plain as day?
It's not a requirement to be a Christian. He already professed to acknowledging Jesus as his personal savior.
I'm going to ask you to identify two gods referenced in the Dhammapada. I don't remember any gods being mentioned.

For your convenience I have included the Dhammapada (with English translation) here:
I'm not going to discuss the Dhammapada with someone who hasn't read it and just frantically googled for three minutes trying to compose a "gotcha!" post. This was my experience reading it:

Done. I finished The Dhammapada in about two hours, it's really not that long to read.

Mara is the Buddhist diety which reminds me of Satan. Mara is a tempter who tries to lead the wise off the path of Liberation.

Buddhism isn't as concerned about good versus evil in the way the Abrahamic religions are. It's not that they don't recognize evil, it's just that it is part of the impermanence of the world, a reality to accept, something to transcend.
It's not a requirement to be a Christian. He already professed to acknowledging Jesus as his personal savior.

That's how the so called Protestants on this board like to excuse their hate and their foul language. But in Paul's epistles, it's made clear that Christians are supposed to emulate the moral example of Jesus
I'm not going to discuss the Dhammapada ...
You haven't read it, have you? On the other hand, you know that I've read it because I was able to call bullshit on your error. You are now EVADING because you realize that I have a good understanding of the Dhammapada and that you do not. You are EVADING because you were once again caught trying to roleplay a thmart perthon and we're revealed to be ignorant on the topic. There is a valid reason that you lack credibility.

All you had to do was to identify two gods in the Dhammapada, which you assert is "chock full" of God's and other supernatural entities. You instead rushed to somehow disqualify me from being able to ask any questions.

You're a moron.
That's how the so called Protestants on this board like to excuse their hate and their foul language. But in Paul's epistles, it's made clear that Christians are supposed to emulate the moral example of Jesus
Would you care to take a guess at what key piece of support you neglected to include in your post?