How many of you are Christians?

Are you a Christian?

  • Total voters
... then you should consider not making stupid posts, unless those are the only kind you can make in which case we'll all just have to suffer.

Really, you think a religion is "done". What kind of moron thinks that besides stupid, undereducated leftists? Maybe you really do think bowling is a religion. Heck, I wouldn't put it past you.

Who the fuck said religion is "done", crackhead?
So fucking what? Your post isn't about Stone and we both know it...although dieseasel doesn't but he's an idiot so he doesn't matter.

Speak your mind boy.

I told you to ask Stone. There's a reason for it.

As to your fucking question, the poll fucking proves Stone's assertion wrong.

Half of JPP is either Christian or non-Christian. So Stone can go fuck himself with his own fist.
I told you to ask Stone. There's a reason for it.

As to your fucking question, the poll fucking proves Stone's assertion wrong.

Half of JPP is either Christian or non-Christian. So Stone can go fuck himself with his own fist.

You're missing my point...why do you care? What I've always said about your kind is that you hate christians. I don't like them either but at least I know why I don't like them. I'm asking why you posted this and it wasn't Stone. Be honest for once in your life.
You're missing my point...why do you care? What I've always said about your kind is that you hate christians. I don't like them either but at least I know why I don't like them. I'm asking why you posted this and it wasn't Stone. Be honest for once in your life.

I really don't care. And if I hate Christians, that means I hate my mom and my family.
As to your fucking question, the poll fucking proves Stone's assertion wrong.

How many pms did you send out asking people to vote yes? :) We need to have everyones name attached to how they voted to keep the skullduggery in check.
I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. This is the bar to clear to consider one's self Christian. I believe he is the Messiah.
I attend the Episcopal Church though I have attended many others as a guest including RCC where my daughter was married and my grand daughter baptized. Her husband is RCC.
Align with the conservative branch which is distancing itself from the American and English communions.

FYI, the "Golden Rule" is not scripture. Its a nice practice though.


Matthew 7:12
New Living Translation

The Golden Rule

12 “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.";NIV

Agreed there was a lot of exaggeration and embellishment in the canonized NT formed about 300 years after Jesus....longer time than between 1776 and 2023.

OTOH, even though the books of the Bible were cherry-picked, it's the similarities that interest me, not the differences or unlikely stories such as the nature of his birth.

The words of Jesus ring true. Notice that most Trumpers quote either the OT or Paul's writings. Very rarely do any Trumpers ever quote the actual words of Jesus from the four Gospels.

I'm not talking about embellishment and I'm not talking about the first three centuries. During the first century, Christianity was a hodgepodge of communities with various beliefs.
Agreed there was a lot of exaggeration and embellishment in the canonized NT formed about 300 years after Jesus....longer time than between 1776 and 2023.

OTOH, even though the books of the Bible were cherry-picked, it's the similarities that interest me, not the differences or unlikely stories such as the nature of his birth.

The words of Jesus ring true. Notice that most Trumpers quote either the OT or Paul's writings. Very rarely do any Trumpers ever quote the actual words of Jesus from the four Gospels.

The Sermon on the Mount, and many of the parables Jesus told have the feel of authenticity, even if we accept that the various miracles and the virgin birth are literary creations and embellishments.

Matthew 7:12
New Living Translation

The Golden Rule

12 “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.";NIV

It is remarkable that self identified Holly Rollers have the part of the Old Testament which speaks to gays memorized, but they are completely unfamiliar with the Sermon on the Mount, which is really the gold standard of how christians are to live.