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You haven't read it, have you? On the other hand, you know that I've read it because I was able to call bullshit on your error. You are now EVADING because you realize that I have a good understanding of the Dhammapada and that you do not. You are EVADING because you were once again caught trying to roleplay a thmart perthon and we're revealed to be ignorant on the topic. There is a valid reason that you lack credibility.

All you had to do was to identify two gods in the Dhammapada, which you assert is "chock full" of God's and other supernatural entities. You instead rushed to somehow disqualify me from being able to ask any questions.

You're a moron.

Obviously you've been duped, because you believed what internet message boarders told you, rather than reading any classical Buddhist scripture for yourself.

There is a clique of Americans on internet forums who wish to present Buddhism as a rational, reasonable, quasi-atheist alternative free of superstition and myth compared to those primitive Abrahamic religions.

Read the Dhammapada for yourself. It is chock full of references to the diety Mara, Hell, Devas, and samsara. All of which sound as fantastical and superstious as anything in the New Testament
Obviously you've been duped, because you believed what internet message boarders told you, rather than reading any classical Buddhist scripture for yourself.

There is a clique of Americans on internet forums who wish to present Buddhism as a rational, reasonable, quasi-atheist alternative free of superstition and myth compared to those primitive Abrahamic religions.

Read the Dhammapada for yourself. It is chock full of repeated references to the diety Mara, Hell, Devas, and samsara. All of which sound as fantastical and superstious as anything in the New Testament

There are many kinds of Buddhism.
There are many kinds of Buddhism.
You've never allowed christians to make that claim, you lump them in one basket.

The Dhammapada is widely considered a classical and revered Buddhist scripture. It is a fair representation of world Buddhism
I'm going to ask you to identify two gods referenced in the Dhammapada. I don't remember any gods being mentioned.

For your convenience I have included the Dhammapada (with English translation) here:

You are a troll who just wasted ten minutes of my time.

The translation of the Dhammapada I looked at by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu has 22 references to god and over 40 references to the trickster diety Mara.

I accept your confession in advance that I was 200 percent correct. From now on, my default posture will be that you are a troll poster.

There are ten references to hell in my translation of the Dhammapada from the library, one reference to Maghavan (Indra), two references to Gandharva, one reference to Brahman, and over 40 references to Mara.

"Some people are born again; evil-doers go to hell; righteous people go to heaven; those who are free from all worldly desire attain Nirvana "

--> The Dhammapada, The Essential Teachings of the Buddha

Published by General Press, New Delhi India, 2019
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You are a troll who just wasted ten minutes of my time.

The translation of the Dhammapada I looked at by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu has 22 references to god and over 40 references to the trickster diety Mara.

I accept your confession in advance that I was 200 percent correct. From now on, my default posture will be that you are a troll poster.
There are ten references to hell in my translation of the Dhammapada.

"Some people are born again; evil-doers go to hell; righteous people go to heaven; those who are free from all worldly desire attain Nirvana "

--> The Dhammapada, The Essential Teachings of the Buddha

Published by General Press, New Delhi India, 2019
I'm going to ask you to identify two gods referenced in the Dhammapada. I don't remember any gods being mentioned.
For your convenience I have included the Dhammapada (with English translation) here:
I'm not going to discuss the Dhammapada with someone who hasn't read it and just frantically googled for three minutes trying to compose a "gotcha!" post. This was my experience reading it:
You haven't read it, have you? On the other hand, you know that I've read it because I was able to call bullshit on your error. You are now EVADING because you realize that I have a good understanding of the Dhammapada and that you do not. You are EVADING because you were once again caught trying to roleplay a thmart perthon and we're revealed to be ignorant on the topic. There is a valid reason that you lack credibility.

All you had to do was to identify two gods in the Dhammapada, which you assert is "chock full" of God's and other supernatural entities. You instead rushed to somehow disqualify me from being able to ask any questions.

You're a moron.
You are a troll who just wasted ten minutes of my time. The translation of the Dhammapada I looked at by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu has 22 references to god and over 40 references to the trickster diety Mara.
There are ten references to hell in my translation of the Dhammapada.
This is where you identify two gods referenced in the Dhammapada and throw it all in my face. For your convenience I have included the Dhammapada (with English translation) here:
This is where you identify two gods referenced in the Dhammapada and throw it all in my face. For your convenience I have included the Dhammapada (with English translation) here:
More than two gods, and multiple references to Hell.

Next time you want to compose a "gotcha!" post, you can't do it out of ignorance, and you can't base it on three minutes of frantically googling for tidbits of info.
Obviously you've been duped, ... Read the Dhammapada for yourself. It is chock full of references to the diety Mara, Hell, Devas, and samsara.
You still haven't posted any quotes from the Dhammapada to support your claim, and I only asked for two. Two gods.

Mara is the weakness of the flesh that all humans have and that requires discipline to conquer, whether to maintain a diet or to take a cold shower when you aren't getting any. Mara is often anthropomorphized in stories, but those are purely allegorical.

Devas are just running characters in stories (parables, fables, etc..) like Sherlock Holmes. They aren't gods.

Samsara is not a god; it is essentially this plane of existence whereby people are mere pain accumulators, from the moment of birth, through life, and then in rebirth through reincarnation. Samsara is the cold, hard, cruel world, as opposed to Nirvana.

Hell is another plane of existence, i.e. the underworld.

You aren't aware of any gods in the Dhammapada; you were just trying to sound really thmart and got carried away writing about something of which you know nothing. You obviously haven't even read it.
You still haven't posted any quotes from the Dhammapada to support your claim, and I only asked for two. Two gods.

Mara is the weakness of the flesh that all humans have and that requires discipline to conquer, whether to maintain a diet or to take a cold shower when you aren't getting any. Mara is often anthropomorphized in stories, but those are purely allegorical.

Devas are just running characters in stories (parables, fables, etc..) like Sherlock Holmes. They aren't gods.

Samsara is not a god; it is essentially this plane of existence whereby people are mere pain accumulators, from the moment of birth, through life, and then in rebirth through reincarnation. Samsara is the cold, hard, cruel world, as opposed to Nirvana.

Hell is another plane of existence, i.e. the underworld.

You aren't aware of any gods in the Dhammapada; you were just trying to sound really thmart and got carried away writing about something of which you know nothing. You obviously haven't even read it.
I see you are a frantic Googler.
That's a lot of words to cover up the fact your attempt at a "gotcha!" post blew up in your face.

I never expected you to have the integrity to step back from calling me a liar.
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You are officially a liar!

The fact you were incredulous that a revered sacred Buddhist text is peppered with references to gods, devas, and hell - and assumed I was lying about it - is actually just a measure of your ignorance about world religions.

You seem like the type that is frequently caught off guard and has to frantically google for tidbits of information.

The Dhammapada is chock full of references to Hell and to the gods Mara, Indra, Gandharva, Brahman.

126. Some people are born again; evil-doers go to hell; righteous people go to heaven; those who are free from all worldly desires attain Nirvana.

30. By earnestness did Maghavan (Indra) rise to the lordship of the gods. People praise earnestness; thoughtlessness is always blamed

8. He who lives without looking for pleasures, his senses well controlled, moderate in his food, faithful and strong, him Mara will certainly not overthrow, any more than the wind throws down a rocky mountain.

105. One's own self conquered is better than all other people; not even a god, a Gandharva, not Mara with Brahman could change into defeat the victory of a man who has vanquished himself, and always lives under restraint.

I have absolutely no expectation that you have the integrity to admit you were wrong in calling me a liar.
The fact you were incredulous that ...
* You claimed the Dhammapada is "chock full" of references to gods (and other spiritual references).
* I asked you to identify two of those gods, as I did not remember there being any references to any gods.
* You are now on your seventh post of not identifying any gods in the Dhammapada and of desperately trying to change the topic in the hopes that everyone will forget that you totally blew this one.

The funny part is that it would have been so much easier to have been honest in this case, to have just acknowledged that, while there are no gods, there are many spiritual references.
I'm kind of Christian. I think he is someone who had profound teachings - but I stick to what he actually said, and think he was a man & not some divine being (at least beyond the idea that we're all divine beings).
* You claimed the Dhammapada is "chock full" of references to gods (and other spiritual references).
* I asked you to identify two of those gods, as I did not remember there being any references to any gods.
* You are now on your seventh post of not identifying any gods in the Dhammapada and of desperately trying to change the topic in the hopes that everyone will forget that you totally blew this one.

The funny part is that it would have been so much easier to have been honest in this case, to have just acknowledged that, while there are no gods, there are many spiritual references.

So you lack the simple basic integrity to admit you were wrong in suggesting I lied in post #126.

I'm going to cut you loose now. Trolls of low integrity do not get to have access to my time.
So you lack the simple basic integrity to admit you were wrong in suggesting I lied in post #126.

I'm going to cut you loose now. Trolls of low integrity do not get to have access to my time.

While integrity does appear to be a factor (i.e. he lied and he knows he lied), his wacky personality is the bigger causal factor. I have no doubt he truly believes his "friends" are different people.

While integrity does appear to be a factor (i.e. he lied and he knows he lied), his wacky personality is the bigger causal factor. I have no doubt he truly believes his "friends" are different people.


A strange bird to be sure.

This might be the first time in history someone who never even heard of the Dhammapada (until I wrote about it), within seven minutes was parading around as a self styled expert on the Dhammapada.
A strange bird to be sure.

This might be the first time in history someone who never even heard of the Dhammapada (until I wrote about it), within seven minutes was parading around as a self styled expert on the Dhammapada.

It's the nature of irrationality to do things that don't make sense. :)