How Philosophy Helps Us Find Our Way

More of this Christian Nation SCOTUS diatribe of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" tautology where Byrd's 1970's KKK West Nazi Germany Virginia churchstate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement has US Fascist Masochists in their Islam Mohammed pedophilia more perfect union of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights, old glory, old testament, absentee voting ballots arsonists fabricate a death threat misnomer against a US Senator so those crooks on Capital Hill not so master race can have a master plan to again have Islam Mohammed pedophilia "death to the infidels" more perfect union with "serve the Pope or die" for Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 as the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement ensures mass murder putting on a suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming patriot act for the 21st century. `Have to wonder how anyone in their beyond the pleasure principle cross conditioned cognitive dissonance satisfaction would maintain being innocent decades later.

Clever but not by much.

Perhaps you can tune it work with n-grams of longer length. That way it won't read so clunky. You might also have to do some post-generation editing to get it to flow a bit better.

Keep trying.
Clever but not by much.

Perhaps you can tune it work with n-grams of longer length. That way it won't read so clunky. You might also have to do some post-generation editing to get it to flow a bit better.

Keep trying.

I'm thinking he dropped too much acid at Woodstock or a Grateful Dead concert.
I'm thinking he dropped too much acid at Woodstock or a Grateful Dead concert.

Nah, it's text generator. I had a friend who built one to use on Twitter for a while. He use machine learning and fed it nothing but right wing talking points from various text sources online and then he would feed it a couple seed words and write "tweets" that sounded kinda conservative but also extremely unhinged.....and he actually got Conservative twitter users to follow him and like his tweets and even respond if not re-tweet them. It was hilarious.

For a Markov-type text generator which uses probabilities for the next word (like your phone's autocomplete function) I believe you can tell it to use longer phrases (n-grams) and that might improve readability.

Overall it can be funny to read at the end of the day. But this guys' posts are just weak tea.
Nah, it's text generator. I had a friend who built one to use on Twitter for a while. He use machine learning and fed it nothing but right wing talking points from various text sources online and then he would feed it a couple seed words and write "tweets" that sounded kinda conservative but also extremely unhinged.....and he actually got Conservative twitter users to follow him and like his tweets and even respond if not re-tweet them. It was hilarious.

For a Markov-type text generator which uses probabilities for the next word (like your phone's autocomplete function) I believe you can tell it to use longer phrases (n-grams) and that might improve readability.

Overall it can be funny to read at the end of the day. But this guys' posts are just weak tea.

Possible but to what purpose? He's posts are mostly nonsense which most people, including myself, skip over like a few others on JPP.
Possible but to what purpose? He's posts are mostly nonsense which most people, including myself, skip over like a few others on JPP.

Just rando programmer fun is my guess.

The reason I'm attracted to it is because I spent a year or so playing around with text analytics software and played with some crude text generators (I'm not a programmer myself). You can spot this stuff a mile away but when it's good it can be unsettlingly good. (This ain't it)
Just rando programmer fun is my guess.

The reason I'm attracted to it is because I spent a year or so playing around with text analytics software and played with some crude text generators (I'm not a programmer myself). You can spot this stuff a mile away but when it's good it can be unsettlingly good. (This ain't it)

Looks like virtual masturbation to me since he's the only one having fun with it. LOL

Thanks for the background. Your expertise is much more than mine in that area. I'm only a button-pusher. :)
Looks like virtual masturbation to me since he's the only one having fun with it. LOL

Thanks for the background. Your expertise is much more than mine in that area. I'm only a button-pusher. :)

As I just posted on another topic :
Have a coworker who recently labeled me as an atheist & used to have faith in "one nation under God with equal justice under law"; but since the only God they seem to accept is little more than Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience in order to perpetuate reinforcement of Islam Mohammed pedophilia as with 9/11 for Christiananality pedophilia economics celebration of "man is God"......
Just rando programmer fun is my guess.

The reason I'm attracted to it is because I spent a year or so playing around with text analytics software and played with some crude text generators (I'm not a programmer myself). You can spot this stuff a mile away but when it's good it can be unsettlingly good. (This ain't it)

Well reads like suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super ego Freudian slip of Islam crusade-jihad Mohammed pedophilia to me.....
As I just posted on another topic :
Have a coworker who recently labeled me as an atheist & used to have faith in "one nation under God with equal justice under law"; but since the only God they seem to accept is little more than Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience in order to perpetuate reinforcement of Islam Mohammed pedophilia as with 9/11 for Christiananality pedophilia economics celebration of "man is God"......
Christians aren't liars and scumbags so feel free to go fuck yourself with your lies, douchebag.
Christians aren't liars and scumbags so feel free to go fuck yourself with your lies, douchebag.

As it's a Christian Nation & since SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial law of the land tautology has been only Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience is "one nation under God with equal justice under law"; their Christiananality pedophilia precedent of Mohammed pedophilia seems perpetual as suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Peter Principle pyramid scheme survival of the fittest fascists as evidenced from their ongoing 9/11 patriot act for another year.....
As it's a Christian Nation & since SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial law of the land tautology has been only Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience is "one nation under God with equal justice under law"; their Christiananality pedophilia precedent of Mohammed pedophilia seems perpetual as suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Peter Principle pyramid scheme survival of the fittest fascists as evidenced from their ongoing 9/11 patriot act for another year.....

In the original Chinese: 因为它是一个基督教国家,自从 SCOTUS Rehnquist 两百年以来,土地同义反复法一直是唯一的伊斯兰教人类生殖医学伪科学是“上帝之下的一个国家,法律之下的平等正义”;他们的基督教恋童癖穆罕默德恋童癖的先例似乎是永恒的自杀超我社会心理病理杀人人类农业彼得原则金字塔计划适者生存法西斯主义者正在进行的9/11爱国者行动又一年证明了这一点
In the original Chinese: 因为它是一个基督教国家,自从 SCOTUS Rehnquist 两百年以来,土地同义反复法一直是唯一的伊斯兰教人类生殖医学伪科学是“上帝之下的一个国家,法律之下的平等正义”;他们的基督教恋童癖穆罕默德恋童癖的先例似乎是永恒的自杀超我社会心理病理杀人人类农业彼得原则金字塔计划适者生存法西斯主义者正在进行的9/11爱国者行动又一年证明了这一点

As have no time to play Klues Klucks duh Klans in translating what is no doubt the proverbial Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego "man is God" sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming precedent of Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists "one nation under God with equal justice under law" federal perjury where Christians don't lie precedent from a fabricated misnomer immaculate conception the morning after their New Years eve continuous celebration setting off fireworks until the wee hours of the morn as if preying in reverence as Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia under color of law like those burning Bush's "it's only a God damn piece of paper" 9/11 Arab flying carpet health care plan patriot act more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels".
As have no time to play Klues Klucks duh Klans in translating what is no doubt the proverbial Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego "man is God" sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming precedent of Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists "one nation under God with equal justice under law" federal perjury where Christians don't lie precedent from a fabricated misnomer immaculate conception the morning after their New Years eve continuous celebration setting off fireworks until the wee hours of the morn as if preying in reverence as Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia under color of law like those burning Bush's "it's only a God damn piece of paper" 9/11 Arab flying carpet health care plan patriot act more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels".
Translation in the original Chinese:

由于没有时间玩 Klues Klucks duh Klans 在翻译什么无疑是众所周知的 Christiananality 恋童癖自杀超我“人是上帝”社会精神病理学杀人人类农业先例伊斯兰教人类繁殖医学伪科学窃取美国宪法权利法案 - 古老的荣耀 - 古老遗嘱 - 缺席投票 纵火犯 “在上帝之下的一个国家,在法律之下享有平等的正义” 联邦伪证 基督徒不会从捏造的用词不当的先例说谎早上好象在伊斯兰独裁统治穆罕默德的崇敬中捕食 法律掩盖下的恋童癖就像那些燃烧布什的“这只是一张该死的纸” 9/11 阿拉伯飞毯医疗保健计划爱国者行动更完美的结合“为教皇服务或死亡”与伊斯兰教“异教徒的死亡”。
Translation in the original Chinese:

由于没有时间玩 Klues Klucks duh Klans 在翻译什么无疑是众所周知的 Christiananality 恋童癖自杀超我“人是上帝”社会精神病理学杀人人类农业先例伊斯兰教人类繁殖医学伪科学窃取美国宪法权利法案 - 古老的荣耀 - 古老遗嘱 - 缺席投票 纵火犯 “在上帝之下的一个国家,在法律之下享有平等的正义” 联邦伪证 基督徒不会从捏造的用词不当的先例说谎早上好象在伊斯兰独裁统治穆罕默德的崇敬中捕食 法律掩盖下的恋童癖就像那些燃烧布什的“这只是一张该死的纸” 9/11 阿拉伯飞毯医疗保健计划爱国者行动更完美的结合“为教皇服务或死亡”与伊斯兰教“异教徒的死亡”。

So must be the 2023 holly trinity third day of the new year of 2001 SCOTUS Rehnquist’s Fourth Reich July 9/11 Klues Klucks duh Klans “What is 9/11” rhetorical as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom “who painted a swastika” in epoxy on a nuclear recycling facility a day after leaving work where the door was painted smooth & plain in the Federal Lynching Klues Klucks duh Klans drug trafficking enforcement rhetorical of who stole a vote since don’t vote for Christiananality pedophilia nor Islam Mohammed pedophilia of those crooks on Capital Hill more perfect union of “serve the Pope or die” with Islam “death to the infidels” interpretation of “one nation under God with equal justice under law” national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists …..
So must be the 2023 holly trinity third day of the new year of 2001 SCOTUS Rehnquist’s Fourth Reich July 9/11 Klues Klucks duh Klans “What is 9/11” rhetorical as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom “who painted a swastika” in epoxy on a nuclear recycling facility a day after leaving work where the door was painted smooth & plain in the Federal Lynching Klues Klucks duh Klans drug trafficking enforcement rhetorical of who stole a vote since don’t vote for Christiananality pedophilia nor Islam Mohammed pedophilia of those crooks on Capital Hill more perfect union of “serve the Pope or die” with Islam “death to the infidels” interpretation of “one nation under God with equal justice under law” national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists …..
From the Russian original:

Так должна быть святая троица 2023 года, третий день нового года 2001 года. » в эпоксидной смоле на заводе по переработке ядерных отходов через день после ухода с работы, где дверь была гладко и гладко выкрашена в Федеральном линчевании Klues Klucks duh Klans, правоохранительных органах по борьбе с наркотиками, риторике о том, кто украл голос, так как не голосовать за педофилию христианства или педофилию ислама Мохаммеда из этих мошенников на Кэпитал-Хилл более совершенный союз «служить Папе или умереть» с исламом «смерть неверным» интерпретация «одна нация под Богом с равной справедливостью по закону» национальная религия вороватых поджигателей Конституции США Билля о правах…. .
From the Russian original:

Так должна быть святая троица 2023 года, третий день нового года 2001 года. » в эпоксидной смоле на заводе по переработке ядерных отходов через день после ухода с работы, где дверь была гладко и гладко выкрашена в Федеральном линчевании Klues Klucks duh Klans, правоохранительных органах по борьбе с наркотиками, риторике о том, кто украл голос, так как не голосовать за педофилию христианства или педофилию ислама Мохаммеда из этих мошенников на Кэпитал-Хилл более совершенный союз «служить Папе или умереть» с исламом «смерть неверным» интерпретация «одна нация под Богом с равной справедливостью по закону» национальная религия вороватых поджигателей Конституции США Билля о правах…. .

More of that philosophical condescending arrogance in Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin Klues Klucks duh Klans higher than SCOTUS communism of Christiananality pedophilia eradication of Ukraine as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 where medical care is withheld as 30 years earlier when McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution arsonists engaged in also eradicating National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots in West Nazi Germany Virginia & US Fascists Masochists traditions while the way too dang lily brilliant white suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Islam Mohammed pedophilia Freudian slip of no medical care is available except on their Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement timeline of "man is God" 20 years after to commemorate those crooks on Capital Hill malfeasance more perfect union of "serve the pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels" as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" national religion malfeasance.
соленые танцы;5441118 said:
Еще больше этого философского снисходительного высокомерия в российской православной церкви, укоренившейся в том, что Путин клюет, клюксы, кланы выше, чем SCOTUS, коммунизм христианства, педофилия, искоренение Украины, как те, федеральные линчевания, KKK, церковь, государство ненависти, вотчина, незаконный оборот наркотиков, принудительное выполнение SCOTUS, Rehnquist, Четвертый рейх, 9/11 июля. где в медицинской помощи отказывают, как 30 лет назад, когда военно-морской флот Макхейла воровал Конституцию США, поджигатели участвовали также в уничтожении Национальных архивов, купили Конституцию США Билль о правах - старая слава - Ветхий Завет - бюллетени для заочного голосования в Западной нацистской Германии Вирджиния и фашисты США Мазохистские традиции, в то время как черт возьми, черт возьми, блестящая белая суицидальная супер-эго, социопсихопатология, человекоубийство, земледелие, ислам Мохаммед, педофилия, оговорка по Фрейду, что медицинская помощь недоступна, кроме как в их федеральной церкви линчевания Ку-клукс-клана, государство ненависти, вотчина, незаконный оборот наркотиков, временная шкала «человек есть Бог» 20 лет спустя, чтобы почтить память тех мошенники на Ca pital Hill злодеяние более совершенный союз «служи папе или умри» с исламом «смерть неверным» как «единая нация под Богом с равной справедливостью по закону» должностное преступление национальной религии.
Nyet, comrade Salty.
Nyet, comrade Salty.

So after decades of Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin philosophical Klues Klucks duh Klans higher than SCOTUS communism of Christiananality pedophilia condescending arrogance eradication of Ukraine as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 where medical care is withheld in their crooks on Capital Hill supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" eradication of National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists national religion of "man is God" philosophy is now law of the land......?
So after decades of Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin philosophical Klues Klucks duh Klans higher than SCOTUS communism of Christiananality pedophilia condescending arrogance eradication of Ukraine as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 where medical care is withheld in their crooks on Capital Hill supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" eradication of National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists national religion of "man is God" philosophy is now law of the land......?
Translation back to the original Russian:
Таким образом, после десятилетий того, как российская православная церковь укоренилась в Путине, философские Klues Klucks duh Klans выше, чем SCOTUS, коммунизм христианства, педофилия, снисходительное высокомерие, искоренение Украины, как те, Федеральный линчевание KKK, церковь, государство ненависти, вотчина, незаконный оборот наркотиков, принудительное выполнение SCOTUS, Rehnquist, Четвертый рейх, 9/11 июля. где медпомощь не оказывается в их мошенниках на Капитолийском холме верховная свастика вверх по Урану кенгуру суд интерпретирует "одна нация под Богом с равной справедливостью по закону" уничтожение Национальных Архивов купленная Конституция США Билль о правах - старая слава - Ветхий Завет - бюллетени для открепительного голосования поджигатели национальная религия "человек есть бог" философия теперь закон страны......?
Translation back to the original Russian:
Таким образом, после десятилетий того, как российская православная церковь укоренилась в Путине, философские Klues Klucks duh Klans выше, чем SCOTUS, коммунизм христианства, педофилия, снисходительное высокомерие, искоренение Украины, как те, Федеральный линчевание KKK, церковь, государство ненависти, вотчина, незаконный оборот наркотиков, принудительное выполнение SCOTUS, Rehnquist, Четвертый рейх, 9/11 июля. где медпомощь не оказывается в их мошенниках на Капитолийском холме верховная свастика вверх по Урану кенгуру суд интерпретирует "одна нация под Богом с равной справедливостью по закону" уничтожение Национальных Архивов купленная Конституция США Билль о правах - старая слава - Ветхий Завет - бюллетени для открепительного голосования поджигатели национальная религия "человек есть бог" философия теперь закон страны......?

So the not so master race of Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin Klues Klucks duh Klans dictating in Russian going dutch with SCOTUS Rhenquist's Fourth Reich July 9/11 master plan as if it should all be Chinese philosophy as those "serve the Pope or die" Islam Mohammed pedophilia flying carpets to Valhalla martyrdom for what ever USA citizens are left so we may never find our way......just way too dang lily brilliant white Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming in that Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" under color of law.....