How the Ukraine situation should end.

Wheres all the pom pom girls safe behind their computers NOW? It will end just how I said it would. The only difference being a lot more people died, a lot more destruction,...and a lot of wasted tax payer dollars only to end up in the same place anyway. You dumb fucks destroyed Ukraine for no reason other than a lame attempt at possibly getting your potato head re elected. Thats a lot of blood spilled for NOTHING. You would be ashamed if you had any morals or sensed..
Russia is the one responsible for invading Ukraine. Putin is responsible for invading Ukraine.
This is who is responsible for the death and destruction. Russians and Putin
Russia is the one responsible for invading Ukraine. Putin is responsible for invading Ukraine.
This is who is responsible for the death and destruction. Russians and Putin

Oh man, about LOST. Not worth even 1 second of my time trying to explain. Like talking to a wall. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Russia is the one responsible for invading Ukraine. Putin is responsible for invading Ukraine.
This is who is responsible for the death and destruction. Russians and Putin

Thats weird. I could have sworn that UKRAINE was shelling the donbass region YEARS before Russia intervened. :rolleyes:
Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....

It’s because you have no rebuttal.

Actually you dont. Furthermore it is because you do not know what you are talking about and are totally uneducated on the subject. How can I talk to you intelligently about something you know virtually nothing about? I cant, it. Just stay ignorant,...not worth my time.
Actually you dont. Furthermore it is because you do not know what you are talking about and are totally uneducated on the subject. How can I talk to you intelligently about something you know virtually nothing about? I cant, it. Just stay ignorant,...not worth my time.
Oh, facts are pesky things
[FONT=&quot]“The war in Donbas, or Donbas war, was a phase of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the Donbas region of Ukraine. The war began 12 April 2014, when a fifty-man commando unit headed by Russian citizen Igor Girkin seized Sloviansk in Donetsk oblast. The Ukrainian military launched an operation against them.


[h=3]War in Donbas - Wikipedia[/h]

And ZERO war polling bump for Biden. Actually his numbers went DOWN. Can you say miscalculation? :laugh: WOW, about one MASSIVE fuck up!

Oh, facts are pesky things
[FONT="]“The war in Donbas, or Donbas war, was a phase of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the Donbas region of Ukraine. The war began 12 April 2014, when a fifty-man commando unit headed by Russian citizen Igor Girkin seized Sloviansk in Donetsk oblast. The Ukrainian military launched an operation against them.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4D5156][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#3C4043][IMG];base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABwAAAAcCAAAAABXZoBIAAAAnklEQVR4AeTNIQiDQABG4b u17X1aF6PK3YEO9iMJqPVau82y4FgMezS0oVLhqsHtrcqeqzDXv3CEz/6L4yTtZM3dnHmPTtjzXZAXKYVo4agkU2GI2Lloc6JDez1 flswMu1EQZ3xlE7lK8eKDkjtwE crBMV wesKmCiisGGepZIfQJpMj9SNb2MYWrChjVkULuCyCfRvsdmBieyQQAsoDk/9ryhFMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=[/IMG]
[url][/url] › wiki

[h=3][URL=",launched%20an%20operation%20against%20them."]War in Donbas - Wikipedia[/URL][/h]

Wiki? REALLY????

Oh, facts are pesky things
[FONT="]“The war in Donbas, or Donbas war, was a phase of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the Donbas region of Ukraine. The war began 12 April 2014, when a fifty-man commando unit headed by Russian citizen Igor Girkin seized Sloviansk in Donetsk oblast. The Ukrainian military launched an operation against them.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4D5156][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#3C4043][IMG];base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABwAAAAcCAAAAABXZoBIAAAAnklEQVR4AeTNIQiDQABG4b u17X1aF6PK3YEO9iMJqPVau82y4FgMezS0oVLhqsHtrcqeqzDXv3CEz/6L4yTtZM3dnHmPTtjzXZAXKYVo4agkU2GI2Lloc6JDez1 flswMu1EQZ3xlE7lK8eKDkjtwE crBMV wesKmCiisGGepZIfQJpMj9SNb2MYWrChjVkULuCyCfRvsdmBieyQQAsoDk/9ryhFMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=[/IMG]
[url][/url] › wiki

[h=3][URL=",launched%20an%20operation%20against%20them."]War in Donbas - Wikipedia[/URL][/h]

So it says THE RUSSIAN ARMY or does it say one single Russian private CITIZEN? Yes,...those FACTS sure are pesky arent they. :laugh: