How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

No, like I said, your confusion is in the meaning of "higher rates". And seemingly unable to realize that higher rates of poverty result in "inadequate funding"

Your question was: Do you see as "good", more children born to single mothers with higher rates of poverty, juvenile delinquincy, drug and alchohol abuse, teen pregnancy and criminal convictions as an adult?
The first part which is: Do you see as "good", more children born to single mothers with higher rates of poverty I do not really understand, apart from by deduction, what you mean. We do not usually talk about poverty by using the word 'rate'. 'Rate' is usually reserved for monetary affairs - rate of exchange, bank rate, etc. You would have had a better chance of eliciting and answer had you written: ' ....... higher instances of poverty' but that is by the by. You do not allow, in your question, the possibility of an opinion about single mothers who are not in poverty, nor do you allow for conventional families caught in poverty.
So I can answer that I do not see as good the high incidence of poor unmarried mothers unless, of course, they are helped by the state or by other agencies. The love a mother for her child - any single mother - is preferable to the misery of living in a violent household or handing the child to an adoption agency or similar. I hope you can now see that your question, thus far, doesn't really work.
But you then compound the 'crime' as it were, by including juvenile delinquents, drug and/or alcohol abuse, teen pregnancies and criminal convictions.
I do not know where you live, but in all the societies of which I have been part those particular points cannot and are not lumped together.
I feel sorry for you if it is the case in your town. Perhaps now is the time to get into the community and help. If you are doing so please excuse me.
Your question was: Do you see as "good", more children born to single mothers with higher rates of poverty, juvenile delinquincy, drug and alchohol abuse, teen pregnancy and criminal convictions as an adult?
The first part which is: Do you see as "good", more children born to single mothers with higher rates of poverty I do not really understand, apart from by deduction, what you mean. We do not usually talk about poverty by using the word 'rate'. 'Rate' is usually reserved for monetary affairs - rate of exchange, bank rate, etc.

About 2,270,000 results"poverty+rate"&hl=en&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=images

About 1,740,000 results"bank+rate"&hl=en&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=images

We more usually speak of "poverty rate" than we do "bank rate". You seem like you dwell in an alternate reality of your own creation. Is it all warm and cozy in there?

You would have had a better chance of eliciting and answer had you written: ' ....... higher instances of poverty' but that is by the by. You do not allow, in your question, the possibility of an opinion about single mothers who are not in poverty, nor do you allow for conventional families caught in poverty.

Only because you still dont comprehend the meaning of "higher rates".

So I can answer that I do not see as good the high incidence of poor unmarried mothers unless, of course, they are helped by the state or by other agencies.

Revealing. As long as the government can make up for the lack of personal responsibility with government help, you have no problem with it.
About 2,270,000 results"poverty+rate"&hl=en&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=images

About 1,740,000 results"bank+rate"&hl=en&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=images

We more usually speak of "poverty rate" than we do "bank rate". You seem like you dwell in an alternate reality of your own creation. Is it all warm and cozy in there?

Only because you still dont comprehend the meaning of "higher rates".

Revealing. As long as the government can make up for the lack of personal responsibility with government help, you have no problem with it.

I actually said 'the state or other agencies'. You are unfortunate to live in a country that does not look after its weak and downtrodden, despite the words on the French statue. In the UK I do not have that misfortune. Where I live at present moral codes are somewhat different so we do not have armies of pregnant 12 year olds, arms like pincushions and without the education to look after themselves. That is not government, it is culture. It must be very difficult to live in the uS. You have my sympathy.
You have our sympathy .. but we have your money.. Have a naace day, y'all.
I actually said 'the state or other agencies'. You are unfortunate to live in a country that does not look after its weak and downtrodden, despite the words on the French statue. In the UK I do not have that misfortune. Where I live at present moral codes are somewhat different so we do not have armies of pregnant 12 year olds, arms like pincushions and without the education to look after themselves. That is not government, it is culture. It must be very difficult to live in the uS. You have my sympathy.
You have our sympathy .. but we have your money.. Have a naace day, y'all.

Hong Kong under pressure as poverty levels rise
Hong Kong is one of the richest cities in the world, with average property prices some 40 per cent higher than London's. But underneath its glittering skyline, almost a fifth of the island's population is now living in poverty.

On Belcher street, in the city's Western district, Fan Weibin, 35 and his wife Tsang, 32, were celebrating their daughter's second birthday.

For the occasion, she has a freshly laundered shirt and leggings, salvaged by her grandmother from one of Hong Kong's refuse tips.

All four of them live in a room that measures just six feet by 10 feet; barely big enough for two bunk beds and a cabinet. At the end of the corridor is a shared room that doubles as kitchen and bathroom.

"Actually, the rent per square foot for this room is much higher than for Hong Kong's luxury apartments," said Mrs Fan. "The worst thing is that the man in the cubicle next to us is mentally ill. He does not wash and often goes to the bathroom in his room. And he bangs on the walls, waking up our little girl".

Mr Fan works as a shop porter, hauling crates of tinned and dried seafood, while Mrs Fan's mother is a street sweeper. Altogether, they earn just HKD9,000 a month (£740) and immediately shell out over 40 per cent of that in rent.
I actually said 'the state or other agencies'.

Yes you did. Your point?

You are unfortunate to live in a country that does not look after its weak and downtrodden, despite the words on the French statue. In the UK I do not have that misfortune.

You probably have a slightly higher rate of poverty than the US and a lower poverty threshold than us, sooooo cant imagine what you are going on about here
Once again, my reality is not yours, and yours is not mine. I am not fact, I'm out in the open. And I'm in the 15th year of my recovery, and sobriety is based on honesty. I stopped lying to myself, 16 years ago. You?

OH-OH; what do we have here??
Would this be Poet revealing his own information, regarding his addiction, in a post dated 12-26-2011?

If I'm correct and I am; when you release information on these boards, it's NO LONGER PRIVATE.
OH-OH; what do we have here??
Would this be Poet revealing his own information, regarding his addiction, in a post dated 12-26-2011?

If I'm correct and I am; when you release information on these boards, it's NO LONGER PRIVATE.

Excuse me, but what makes it relevant for you to discuss it? I'm clean, for 15 years. What is the relevance?
And don't feel that you have scored any kind of victory. Your reference to "In Living Color", and "Men on Film", specifically, Damon Wayans character's hair was a clear indication that you were referring to me, and that you are privy to my alias. It's really sad and pathetic that you have to go all "ad hominem" to score points, and that you couldn't debate yourself out of a paper bag, as far as politics is concerned, which is why we're here. Or at least some of us.
I did.
In order to resolve a false accusation, that resulted in a consequence for the falsly accused, and to prove that a liar had lied again.

It was only false, in part. And falsely is spelled with an "e". I don't lie. You dredged up an obscure post I didn't remember posting. I was in error about that. I was not in error about the hair reference. There was no lie. You can tout that untruth, but that dog won't hunt.
Excuse me, but what makes it relevant for you to discuss it? I'm clean, for 15 years. What is the relevance?
And don't feel that you have scored any kind of victory. Your reference to "In Living Color", and "Men on Film", specifically, Damon Wayans character's hair was a clear indication that you were referring to me, and that you are privy to my alias. It's really sad and pathetic that you have to go all "ad hominem" to score points, and that you couldn't debate yourself out of a paper bag, as far as politics is concerned, which is why we're here. Or at least some of us.

What makes it relevant, is that YOU REVEALED IT; you dumbas.
The TOS state that when you post something, it is NO LONGER PRIVATE INFORMATION.
What is relevant about all of the comments you've made about ID?

What's sad and pathetic, is that you lied about this and have no remorse. :(
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It was only false, in part. And falsely is spelled with an "e". I don't lie. You dredged up an obscure post I didn't remember posting. I was in error about that. I was not in error about the hair reference. There was no lie. You can tout that untruth, but that dog won't hunt.

You lied.