How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

I have not read the millions of posts on this thread but wish to simply address the title.
As long as we talk about 'gay rights' there will be none.
We don't talk about 'blond rights' or 'left handed' rights or 'footballers' rights or 'tall peoples' rights because no one denies them a place in society. As long as we talk of 'gay rights' gay people will be labelled as different.
Sod gay rights. Can't we just be people... except for right wing loonies, of course.

Do you believe people should be allowed to marry someone of the same sex?
Thanks for proving that you are racist once again, as well as being a coward.

Really? Are negating the fact that "dumb white people" exist? My God, you're one. And you inevitably prove your racism and bigotry, almost with every post. Talk about dumb.
Poet's Race-Baiting Brother

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Poet's Race-Baiting Brother

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I have one brother, but his name is not Al.
Race-baiting? So telling the truth is now "race-baiting".

What about:

What about:

What about:

I see your sister, Michele "Batshit Crazy" Bachmann, dropped out of the race.
Really? Are negating the fact that "dumb white people" exist? My God, you're one. And you inevitably prove your racism and bigotry, almost with every post. Talk about dumb.

Why did you mention race at all? You could have gotten the same point across without hatin' on whitey.
Why did you mention race at all? You could have gotten the same point across without hatin' on whitey.

Hatin' on whitey? Is that what I did? Is that who you are? Whitey is synonymous with KKK types. Tea Partiers have been known to carry such signs, saying the exact same thing.
And they are the very ones that happen to have an "image problem", being portrayed as "dyed-in-the-wool" racists. If it 'quacks, waddles, and has webbed feet, it isn't a chicken", Daffy. Why did I mention race? Because, with you, it's constantly "bubbling" just below the surface, if not erupting in a lava flow.
Hatin' on whitey? Is that what I did? Is that who you are? Whitey is synonymous with KKK types. Tea Partiers have been known to carry such signs, saying the exact same thing.
And they are the very ones that happen to have an "image problem", being portrayed as "dyed-in-the-wool" racists. If it 'quacks, waddles, and has webbed feet, it isn't a chicken", Daffy. Why did I mention race? Because, with you, it's constantly "bubbling" just below the surface, if not erupting in a lava flow.
I notice you avoided my question.
I avoid nonsense, as a matter of course. You don't get away with just saying anything that comes to your racist and bigoted mind, unscathed, on my watch. Bitch.
How's your daddy? Mommy still "hooking"?
In post 1083, why did you mention race?
I avoid nonsense, as a matter of course. You don't get away with just saying anything that comes to your racist and bigoted mind, unscathed, on my watch. Bitch.
How's your daddy? Mommy still "hooking"?

You're such a freedom fighter, you big hunky manly man.
Do you believe people should be allowed to marry someone of the same sex?

Will it cause more wars? Will it threaten the environment? Will it cost me money? Will my life be changed?
Why on earth should I give a shit?

More important is to prevent the mentally challenged ultra right from breeding.
Will it cause more wars? Will it threaten the environment? Will it cost me money? Will my life be changed?
Why on earth should I give a shit?

More important is to prevent the mentally challenged ultra right from breeding.

Do you believe people should be allowed to marry someone of the same sex?

EDIT: I'm not asking this to be a dick. I genuinely would like to know: in this ideal society of yours where we all just treat each other like people, are gays allowed to get married?
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