How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

I don't? What will you do if I prove this wrong? I suggest that you self-ban for a month. And I'll self-ban for a month if you are correct. How about that?

Are you serious? I'm not even talking to you...I'm talking at you. I don't make deals with the devil.
That's not the issue. You don't post links, period. And I don't need some fake Christian to interpret the Bible for me.

Do you say that with a straight face?

Really? I know several posters, on both boards, who shall remain "nameless", who privately message me, complimenting me on my posts, and my tenacity in dealing with racist and bigoted "right-wing" morons, such as yourself.

I'll be the last person to deny there are fucking idiots under every rock.......
Damn Yankee is now using the "my dad is bigger than your dad" ploy beloved of schoolkids the world over. :palm:

He's got nothing. He can't debate. He uses juvenile and infantile tactics against opponents. He's insecure, and frightened to death. Typical, "no balls" Republican.
He's got nothing. He can't debate. He uses juvenile and infantile tactics against opponents. He's insecure, and frightened to death. Typical, "no balls" Republican.

I have not read the millions of posts on this thread but wish to simply address the title.
As long as we talk about 'gay rights' there will be none.
We don't talk about 'blond rights' or 'left handed' rights or 'footballers' rights or 'tall peoples' rights because no one denies them a place in society. As long as we talk of 'gay rights' gay people will be labelled as different.
Sod gay rights. Can't we just be people... except for right wing loonies, of course.

Stand up for right wing loonies' rights. Why shouldn't right wing loonies be treated as ordinary people. Let's all fight for the rights of Dixie et al, no more persecution of loonies. Let Dixie live like an ordinary person. Stop violence toward right wingers!
As usual you are a liar. Poet stated that he would rape my father and my response was that my father would break his face.
No, the liar would be you. Take responsibility for your words and actions. You addressed me as "queer boy". I stated that you must be referring to your father, because I'm not queer, but "gay". You then stated that your father would beat my ass for calling him that. I then said, Fuck you and your father and your horse, and that I would fuck all of you. Take that literally or figuratively. You started it....I finished it. And for you to make good on your threat, I invited you to Houston's Hobby Airport, where myself and Channel 13's Eyewitness News team would greet the both of you, as I proceeded to deal with you. But your punk ass would never.
No, the liar would be you. Take responsibility for your words and actions. You addressed me as "queer boy". I stated that you must be referring to your father, because I'm not queer, but "gay". You then stated that your father would beat my ass for calling him that. I then said, Fuck you and your father and your horse, and that I would fuck all of you. Take that literally or figuratively. You started it....I finished it. And for you to make good on your threat, I invited you to Houston's Hobby Airport, where myself and Channel 13's Eyewitness News team would greet the both of you, as I proceeded to deal with you. But your punk ass would never.
LOL more threats? Why not be specific, coward?
I have not read the millions of posts on this thread but wish to simply address the title.
As long as we talk about 'gay rights' there will be none.

Actually in the 4 US court cases where rights to gay marriage were created, it was the animus against homosexuals that created the rights. Using the fiction/judicial finding of fact that the institution of marriage, limited to heterosexuals for thousands of years, was not so limited to include heterosexuals, the only couples who procreate, but was instead limited to heterosexuals, with the intent of excluding homosexuals. Thats why gays now have the right to "gay marriage".