How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Again, the market itself would change to reflect the change in reality. They would pay more for their health insurance, simple as that.

My post, in answer to yours, was pointing out the bipolar reasoning that companies that provide insurance are smart enough to figure out cost effective ways to provide insurance but not smart enough to handle large families is a bipolar argument that leads to circular reasoning.

Either start arguing that the government should run the companies, or continue arguing that the companies, and the market, would adjust to a different reality. You can't have it both ways.

if the market attempted to limit how many of one's legal spouses could be covered by a health insurance plan, certainly someone would sue claiming discrimination against families larger than "x".....therefore, all our policies would have to go up in cost to cover the possibility than we would get married 41 more times......either way, there is an impact upon all individuals if the law changes.....
Marriage doesn't change that. All it does is make it more easy to adopt kids, in other words, recruit into their deviant behavior.

I almost blew cold water thru my nose when I read that! If nothing else, you do provide some laughs.

Care to provide any link suggesting gay parents are recruiting???
should have given it the right title in the first place...."an idiot explains gay rights".....

Oh, still "smarting" over your "chain being yanked", over at the other forum, for posting commentary from another forum but also including my alias, and further, claiming that I commented on it, and thereby absolving you of any responsibility in the matter? Talk about an idiot. You so remind me of Michele Bachmann.
Is he queer like you?

Some one posted a commentary from YouTube on my FB page. And it was a mini-lecture on taking about "what you did" and "what you said" vs. "what you are". It's about holding your ass accountable for your words and actions. I don't care what you are....I care about what you said and what you did....."your actions".
Asking someone "Is he queer like you?", underscores the fact that the statement was bigoted and homophobic....and we all know what that signifies.
I almost blew cold water thru my nose when I read that! If nothing else, you do provide some laughs.

Care to provide any link suggesting gay parents are recruiting???

Baby boom. The evidence doesn't exist, because nothing could be more "far-fetched". If you were inclined to believe that one, you'd have to be inclined to believe that all straight fathers have sex with their know, to "school" them in the ways of love-making. I can believe DY doing that, since he's so willing to believe that gay parents merely parent to have a ready-made source of sexual partners.
Oh, still "smarting" over your "chain being yanked", over at the other forum, for posting commentary from another forum but also including my alias, and further, claiming that I commented on it, and thereby absolving you of any responsibility in the matter? Talk about an idiot. You so remind me of Michele Bachmann.

oh, don't be silly.....the fact that you're an idiot on both boards doesn't substitute for intelligent commentary in either.......this thread has been a fail from the beginning and you haven't successfully carried a single sub=argument you had with're nothing like Bachmann, you don't know when it's time to admit defeat and head back to Minnesota....
oh, don't be silly.....the fact that you're an idiot on both boards doesn't substitute for intelligent commentary in either.......this thread has been a fail from the beginning and you haven't successfully carried a single sub=argument you had with're nothing like Bachmann, you don't know when it's time to admit defeat and head back to Minnesota....
Really? I know several posters, on both boards, who shall remain "nameless", who privately message me, complimenting me on my posts, and my tenacity in dealing with racist and bigoted "right-wing" morons, such as yourself. Again, you seem to suggest that you're "actively" indulging in drugs. Minnesota? I've never been. I'm in Houston.
Admit defeat? Why? I haven't been defeated. The person capable of that, hasn't been born. Least of all, "you". LOL Ask around, Sparky.
if the market attempted to limit how many of one's legal spouses could be covered by a health insurance plan, certainly someone would sue claiming discrimination against families larger than "x".....therefore, all our policies would have to go up in cost to cover the possibility than we would get married 41 more times......either way, there is an impact upon all individuals if the law changes.....

Again, they don't have to limit that, they would just charge for it. You continue to pretend that they have to be stupid and not charge for coverage. Of course they can. Shoot, if you have too many kids you wind up paying extra, why do you think it would be different for wives or husbands? It's silly to say they'd be too stupid or incapable of counting and would have no ability to charge more for more coverage. They would have how many working adults? They could either afford it, or they have chosen to enter a relationship that has those risks. The market would change to reflect the new reality. Probably simply charging for all adults and a lower amount for children, maintaining the same ratio currently just with more people in the relationship.
Some one posted a commentary from YouTube on my FB page. And it was a mini-lecture on taking about "what you did" and "what you said" vs. "what you are". It's about holding your ass accountable for your words and actions. I don't care what you are....I care about what you said and what you did....."your actions".
Asking someone "Is he queer like you?", underscores the fact that the statement was bigoted and homophobic....and we all know what that signifies.
Nice theory. Care to prove it?