How to make sure slaves stay slaves.

I suppose that's why around 98% of scientists say that it is a reality.
Nope. You suppose incorrectly. You were targetted for recruitment and indoctrination because you are gullible and you will believe anything you are told to believe, including "all the thmart people believe this!" Your weren't drawn into the faith by any science, because you don't understand any. You were suckered into the faith with gibber-babble to which you had neither the ability nor inclination to call boooolsh't on any of the booooolsch't, especially the part about all the nameless thientithts who hold the same religious beliefs. Too funny.

As a result, you will regurgitate whatever you are told to regurgitate. You have submitted yourself to cognitive slavery.

Even the Pentagon views it as a threat.
Nope. But you would have no way of knowing. All you have to fall back on is your gullibility to compel you to believe that a memo, written by a political appointee, is somehow thettled thienth.

Fortunately for me, I am not a gullible moron. I know how to determine whether the US DoD actually believes something is a threat. It turns out the DoD doesn't see anything in your fictitious religion as a threat. The DoD isn't doing anything in this regard.

You could also learn something by watching the documentary, "Greedy Lying Bastards."
You could learn something by learning science and math.

In it they show the CEO of EXXON admitting to shareholders that it is a reality.
Can the CEO of EXXON alter reality through an admission? ... or are you claiming that this CEO of EXXON laid out clear, convincing science in the video?

If anybody would have a reason to deny it, he would.
Why do you say that? What I see is that you are apparently gullible enough to fall for the line "if the CEO of EXXON says something, it must be true."

Learn some science ... and some math. It will do you a world of good. And don't be so gullible all the time.
You fill the slaves heads full of shit. Because shitheads are easy to control. It is as Samuel Clemens once said. "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just isn't so." To help you out, I will tell you what you hear really means. If you were told that the Japanese pulled off a surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, that means that it wasn't a surprise. If you heard that slavery in the old South was bad, that means that it wasn't bad. (At least for the most part) If you heard that the Nazis were bad, that means they were good. If you heard that a holocaust of the jews happened, that means it didn't. If you heard that racism is bad, that means it isn't. If you heard that all the "races" of human are the same species of human, that means they aren't. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. It would be nice if I could prove all of what I said. But with the "masters" controlling this (and every other) forum, I just wouldn't be allowed to. How does that make you feel. Grateful? Could you really be that low? That far gone?

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