Howard Dean plays the race card

when dean called the repub party the white party, it was meant as an insult, or why would he have quickly apologized and chuckled insincerely?
So the Republican party ISN'T the white party? How many blacks hold elected office on a national level in the republican party? How many Blacks hold elected office on a national level in the Democratic Party? How many black people feel so good about the Republican party that they vote that way on a regular basis? What is the percentage of Blacks that voted for Bush? Or Bush? Or Reagan? Or Nixon? Had Watts not played football in Oklahoma do you really think that Oklahomans would have voted for him?

Latino voters are split on language and geography issues. A little over 57% of Hispanic voters are either registered Democrats or lean towards the Democratic Party, while just 23% align with the Republican Party.
Latinos form less cohesive communities than other groups. They originate from many different parts of world. Some are native-born, others are recent immigrants. The difference in national origin results in divergent experiences and impacts their political preferences. Hispanic voters appreciate receiving bilingual information about candidates. This helps them relate to the issues, candidates and political process.

A new generation of African-American political voices are emerging, less influenced by the civil rights struggle. As Professor Eddie Glaude of Princeton University said at a recent Center for American Progress Action Fund event, “These voices are focusing not on 'galvanizing the electorate,' as was seen with Jesse Jackson’s 1984 campaign, but rather with electing a mainstream candidate.” However, there remains a split among class and education: wealthier, educated African-Americans are registered Republican; less educated, and poorer are registered Democratic.
African-Americans rely upon social organizations for political information. Churches are cornerstones of Black political mobilization. They employ their resources as religious institutions to inform group political consciousness, influence political choices and shape political behavior through the development of democratic skills and the transfer of political messages. Other influencers include the barber and beauty shops, as well as social and fraternal organizations.

Asian-Americans, whose voting power has been much less scrutinized than African-Americans and Hispanics, are known as swing voters. Asian-Americans are split among the parties, as 40% are either registered or lean to Republican, 36% are either registered or lean to Democratic and 24% hold other affiliations.
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90% of the republican party is white.

Saying that the R party is the white party is not untrue. Its also NOT the same as saying the dem party is the black party. How many dems are white, black, brown, yellow and others?

65% of Democrats are white. They are a white dominated party as well. Just compared to the Republican Party their registered voters are more diverse.
The fact that most people of all colors vote democratic means that the democratic party is the rainbow party.

90 % of R voters are white, they recieve few of the votes from people of color.
The elected republicans in office are basically the mirror of who votes for, and more importantly donates money to the candidates. I mean lets REALLY look at the Republican party as goes their nominees. Granted the dems have just now nominated a black candidate for president, but look at the parties and who gets nominated. Alan Keyes is probably hands down the most coherent, eloquent, and intellectually consistent conservative in the Republican party. He tows the right wing line better than just about any candidate in the party, yet the guy never gets enough votes to make it interesting. Republicans in primaries barely give the man the time of day. Yet he would be closest thing you had to a social and fiscal conservative.
The fact that most people of all colors vote democratic means that the democratic party is the rainbow party.

90 % of R voters are white, they recieve few of the votes from people of color.

You are saying the basically the exact same thing I was your just trying to state it a different way.
The elected republicans in office are basically the mirror of who votes for, and more importantly donates money to the candidates. I mean lets REALLY look at the Republican party as goes their nominees. Granted the dems have just now nominated a black candidate for president, but look at the parties and who gets nominated. Alan Keyes is probably hands down the most coherent, eloquent, and intellectually consistent conservative in the Republican party. He tows the right wing line better than just about any candidate in the party, yet the guy never gets enough votes to make it interesting. Republicans in primaries barely give the man the time of day. Yet he would be closest thing you had to a social and fiscal conservative.

Couldn't you argue the same about Dennis Kuchinich for the Dems?

I'm familiar with Keyes social stances which I'm sure the social conservatives love but I don't know much about his fiscal positions. But as you know getting to the top is more than just positions on issues.

90% of the republican party is white.

Saying that the R party is the white party is not untrue. Its also NOT the same as saying the dem party is the black party. How many dems are white, black, brown, yellow and others?

What do you think the point of making the statement was, Desh? He did it purposefully, despite it being reported as accidental. The giggle was the giveaway. So I have to ask, what was the purpose, in your opinion?

And saying that whites make up most of the GOP means what?
what should people who are white and not racist do about this perception? Is there anything that can be done? When they all vote for a democrat, will the democrat party be the white party?
I don't get how people who champion civil rights and push for racial harmony stand by when the chairman of their party takes cheap shots at entire groups based on their skin color