Howdy from Ron Mars

Ron Mars

Verified User
I haven't posted on a forum board in awhile and now seemed like a good time to get back into it.

Looking forward to some fun discussions.
A girl named Doris will show up here shortly and remind you not to violate Rule 12b.
(she wanted to become a Nun, but enforcing Rule 12b was her next best option after she became a sex slave)
Hello and welcome Ron Mars,

I haven't posted on a forum board in awhile and now seemed like a good time to get back into it.

Looking forward to some fun discussions.

Glad you found us. You're very brave to jump in here. This is a rough place. If you're into nasty insult contests, you'll find all you can handle here. If you would prefer polite posting that is more of a challenge, but still possible if you're willing to overlook the trash talk. If you're up to that, then I would recommend something like my PIP (below.) It works very well for me, and you're quite welcome to copy it as is or modify it for your own purpose. Also, please do abide by it when talking to me. I wrote it, I stand behind it, and I enforce it actively.

I hope you are able to find a way to fit in around here, and I look forward to lots of great discussions!

Thanks for the welcome. I've been posting on forum boards on and off for almost 20 years although very rarely over the past four.

I'm used to the banter and give as good as I take. In my experience most forum boards are populated with trolls and people looking for a fight.

They'll say anything to get a reaction. Best to just not respond.

Your PIP is kinda redundant for serious and genuine posters. We do that anyway.
Croeso/Welcome Ron Mars. I remember you from somewhere, I think, or perhaps Iolo does!

Howdy, I've use the same name and avatar for many years. I like finding people I used to post with on other boards.

I've been on a lot forums however I do not recognize your name. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.
Howdy, I've use the same name and avatar for many years. I like finding people I used to post with on other boards.

I've been on a lot forums however I do not recognize your name. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.
I might, conceivably, have been someone else at the time. I used to be a dead man on leave by conviction, but some sort of lockdown unemployment seems to have intervened! :)
Welcome Ron. I see your avatar is in camos did you wear the uniform and how long?

It's a picture from 2004 in Haiti I think, I honestly don't remember. The person on the picture is not me. I pulled it from a US Army website.

I did serve for 6 years in the USAF. Stationed at Hurlburt Field, FL; Keesler AFB, MS; Osan AB, South Korea; and Mather AFB, CA.
It's a picture from 2004 in Haiti I think, I honestly don't remember. The person on the picture is not me. I pulled it from a US Army website.

I did serve for 6 years in the USAF. Stationed at Hurlburt Field, FL; Keesler AFB, MS; Osan AB, South Korea; and Mather AFB, CA.

Thank you for your service I'm a retired E-8 AF 24 years.
It's a picture from 2004 in Haiti I think, I honestly don't remember. The person on the picture is not me. I pulled it from a US Army website.

I did serve for 6 years in the USAF. Stationed at Hurlburt Field, FL; Keesler AFB, MS; Osan AB, South Korea; and Mather AFB, CA.
Hello Ron Mars,

Thanks for the welcome. I've been posting on forum boards on and off for almost 20 years although very rarely over the past four.

I'm used to the banter and give as good as I take. In my experience most forum boards are populated with trolls and people looking for a fight.

They'll say anything to get a reaction. Best to just not respond.

Your PIP is kinda redundant for serious and genuine posters. We do that anyway.

I am intrigued by the number of posters who are very nasty to the nasty, but then they straighten right up when responding to me. I have heard that some on my Ignore List complained that I was too quick to Ignore them, but in my view the PIP serves as fair warning. And I don't mind having it out there that I stand behind my word. I also realize that I cannot make any exceptions or it becomes meaningless. These few simple rules have worked well for me and produced a very enjoyable posting experience by completely avoiding the abuser/enabler relationship which is so common in chat rooms.

If that military uniform in your avatar means you have served, I think you for your service as free American.