Howdy from Ron Mars

That's such a wonderful way to see a new land and learn about its ppl. I'm afraid that my brother was a pretty closed-minded person. Mostly his impression was that the Korean kids (he called them "slicky boys") tried to steal from them every chance they got, so he must have assumed that everyone was like that. I'm glad you had a different experience. Have you ever returned there as a civilian?

Slicky Boys ... that's a new one. South Korean people are extremely nice and I am fortunate to have been there as an Airman.

I did get back as a civilian btw, almost 10 years to the day I had left, to work on the fuel systems at several bases.

I traveled a lot as an engineer ... in my previous life before teaching.
Hello and welcome Ron Mars,

Glad you found us. You're very brave to jump in here. This is a rough place. If you're into nasty insult contests, you'll find all you can handle here. If you would prefer polite posting that is more of a challenge, but still possible if you're willing to overlook the trash talk. If you're up to that, then I would recommend something like my PIP (below.) It works very well for me, and you're quite welcome to copy it as is or modify it for your own purpose. Also, please do abide by it when talking to me. I wrote it, I stand behind it, and I enforce it actively.

I hope you are able to find a way to fit in around here, and I look forward to lots of great discussions!


At least 50% of every post must contain personal insults and terms involving genitals, fecal matter, copulation, copulation with relatives, and gay sexual activities.
That's nothing new or unusual.

Do you know how many times a "new" poster wasn't new at all?

I know. I was just kidding.

I don't really care. I don't understand why a person would be spending their time creating additional personalities.
Did you date any SK women? I heard they give you a goodnight BJ rather than a goodnight kiss.

No ... and I stayed away from them in the juicy bars too.

We hung out in a bar where the owner would let us play our music and left us alone.

We helped her out while we were there and the juicy girls left us alone.
I haven't posted on a forum board in awhile and now seemed like a good time to get back into it.

Looking forward to some fun discussions.

Welcome! On this forum or some other one? What forums did you like or dislike?

I'm relatively new to this one but have bounced around quite a few in the past several years; some don't even exist anymore.
Did you date any SK women? I heard they give you a goodnight BJ rather than a goodnight kiss.

I wouldn't call it a "date", but I loved South Korea in the 1980s. Beautiful women, cheap liquor, excellent food. Great times. While Olongapo, Philippines was like an adult male's Disneyland, Korea was a beautiful country with a rich culture. In many ways, the PI was like a poor section of the US...except hooking was legal.
Welcome! On this forum or some other one? What forums did you like or dislike?

I'm relatively new to this one but have bounced around quite a few in the past several years; some don't even exist anymore.

"The Political (or Politics) Forum" and "Argue With Everyone" are two I can remember.

AWE was not moderated and was a train wreck. The veteran posters there were tight and we filtered out the noise.
"The Political (or Politics) Forum" and "Argue With Everyone" are two I can remember.

AWE was not moderated and was a train wreck. The veteran posters there were tight and we filtered out the noise.

Never saw AWE, but there are three TPFs: The Politics Forums is a neo-nazi, far RW forum run by a upper-class wino named Trinnity. She was good looking in her younger days, but the wine has taken its toll. The Political Forums is/was cliquey. If you were in the club, you were fine, if not, there were constant temp and thread bans until someone was driven to leave. The "big" TPF, Political Forum, is/was LW with a lot of anti-American foreigners. I haven't been on any of them in a few years.
Part of the reason I rarely post anymore ... too many people trying to find out who you are.

I understand the necessity for finding duplicate posters and trolls on forum boards, however, I respectfully request that you limit your search to this website.

To the best of my knowledge I have never posted here before. I may be wrong however.

When joining any new board I always use the same name and avatar to avoid such accusations.

It also helps with finding old posting friends ... some of which may be here.

Don't pay much mind to Legion. This pic sums up his entire personality IMO, YMMV:

You'll also quickly notice that several members are very paranoid about sock puppets....mostly because they have several themselves to abuse people or to masturbate their virtual selves. Sad but true.
Never saw AWE, but there are three TPFs: The Politics Forums is a neo-nazi, far RW forum run by a upper-class wino named Trinnity. She was good looking in her younger days, but the wine has taken its toll. The Political Forums is/was cliquey. If you were in the club, you were fine, if not, there were constant temp and thread bans until someone was driven to leave. The "big" TPF, Political Forum, is/was LW with a lot of anti-American foreigners. I haven't been on any of them in a few years.

Probably one of those I don't remember. They were not kind to Conservatives.