Huckabee's fair tax

and they will stop feeding your sorry asses.
Guess how many over $100,000 finance jobs the midwest has?
You have it way easier your just too spoiled to realize it.
The guy in the midwest is a hard working farmer who doesn't vacation out of the country and get his nails done.
I know she and neither the dems or the republicans are. Your to young to know what it means though supergerberbaby.

You are either an idiot or you simply refuse to pay attention to the proposals going forth from the candidates. Tell me one Dem candidate that is NOT planning on raising taxes on the wealthy.
dipstick, put your nazi hat and boots down for a minute.
A proposal to tax the higher incomes more is a ripple.
The truely wealthy don't even need to worry about income taxes gerber.

A pretty good calculator. It will give you a rough idea of the comparison between two cities. Use Boston(where Chap is) and compare to various cities in the midwest/south.

good calculator and what i expected. you know its rediculous when the big thing for the boomer's around MA to do a couple years ago was to sell there home and move down south and could buy both a larger primary residence and a vacation home. I know allot that did that.

My sister lives in VA and we go to visit them multiple times a year.. tho VA Richmond area starting to rise in price the grocery store still costs about $100 for the same $140 of groceries here
ie. for the gerber babies. The shaft is working it's way up from the middle class to the upper middle class. LOL $250,000 income for a couple is hardly wealthy.
i know this. im not in agreement with this or with a consumption tax.

Tell me chap... just how does that increase taxes on those making under $100k? Since you are in agreement with the resident idiot. Do the math.

The resident idiot is trying to spin this into something it is not. Social Security etc... are paid in the same manner regardless of the method of income taxation. No one is changing anything there. Thus no increase.

Now if someone is making $30k under my proposal they pay NO federal income tax. Is that more or less than the current system? Same for couples earning $60k. How many couples making $60 or less pay NO taxes under the current system?

Now extend out.... If an individual makes $50k. The first $30k is free of federal income tax. The remaining gets taxed at 20%. An individual making $50k would thus pay $4k in taxes. An effective tax rate of 8%. Assume that same person under the current tax code paid at 10% on everything above the standard deduction.... they would pay $4200 in federal taxes. Which is slightly HIGHER than the flat tax.

The low income families would be protected. The lower middle income families would also see little change.
dipstick, put your nazi hat and boots down for a minute.
A proposal to tax the higher incomes more is a ripple.
The truely wealthy don't even need to worry about income taxes gerber.

So you don't know anything about the capital gains taxes, AMT taxes, taxes on dividends etc????
good calculator and what i expected. you know its rediculous when the big thing for the boomer's around MA to do a couple years ago was to sell there home and move down south and could buy both a larger primary residence and a vacation home. I know allot that did that.

My sister lives in VA and we go to visit them multiple times a year.. tho VA Richmond area starting to rise in price the grocery store still costs about $100 for the same $140 of groceries here

and if more realized that was the smart thing to do, they would do so. Why would you choose to continue living in a location that was so far above the national average? As this country has gone more service oriented and developed the interface capabilities affored us by the internet/broadband... it has become easier to shift workers to other states/cities. Does your firm not allow this?
Tell me chap... just how does that increase taxes on those making under $100k? Since you are in agreement with the resident idiot. Do the math.

The resident idiot is trying to spin this into something it is not. Social Security etc... are paid in the same manner regardless of the method of income taxation. No one is changing anything there. Thus no increase.

Now if someone is making $30k under my proposal they pay NO federal income tax. Is that more or less than the current system? Same for couples earning $60k. How many couples making $60 or less pay NO taxes under the current system?

Now extend out.... If an individual makes $50k. The first $30k is free of federal income tax. The remaining gets taxed at 20%. An individual making $50k would thus pay $4k in taxes. An effective tax rate of 8%. Assume that same person under the current tax code paid at 10% on everything above the standard deduction.... they would pay $4200 in federal taxes. Which is slightly HIGHER than the flat tax.

The low income families would be protected. The lower middle income families would also see little change.

Middle class in east and west coast would have significant tax increase was my point. your calculator says it all. family making 150K in Boston has same standard of living at family making 100K in Louisiana tho the tax burden is far greater.
no shit asswhole how much does Gates pay on several billion in stock with no div and no cap gains. Please tell me you know its set up to protect wealthy.
and if more realized that was the smart thing to do, they would do so. Why would you choose to continue living in a location that was so far above the national average? As this country has gone more service oriented and developed the interface capabilities affored us by the internet/broadband... it has become easier to shift workers to other states/cities. Does your firm not allow this?

my family is here right now. I like New England. I dont want to have to move because the federal tax code is not fair.
Middle class in east and west coast would have significant tax increase was my point. your calculator says it all. family making 150K in Boston has same standard of living at family making 100K in Louisiana tho the tax burden is far greater.

Yes, the higher cost of living areas will be more adversely effected and the lower cost of living areas will receive more benefit. That is the same as our current tax system and does not change.

But say you have a couple in MA making $150k. They would then pay taxes on $90k. Their taxes under my proposal would thus be $18k. Which is an effective tax rate of.... 12%. I seriously doubt they are able to come up with an effective rate that is lower than that under the current system.
my family is here right now. I like New England. I dont want to have to move because the federal tax code is not fair.

The point though chap is that my proposal does not change the fact that cost of living is not calculated into federal tax brackets.
the French know how to tax the wealthy
National property taxes for owners and renters.
their taxes are 50% of GDP vs 35% for us.
Now that Huckabee and Thompson.. Republicans... have proposed a consumption tax (traditionally a very liberal idea.. look at Europe)...

Are all the dems on this board now anti consumption tax?

I'm for a consumption tax as long as it's progressive.

The fair tax is progressive. One of the biggest misconceptions about the tax is that it's flat. It is not flat. At all.

And sure, it doesn't tax savings, but hell, those savings will eventually have to be spent anyway.
A consumption tax is a bad idea. It will be necessary to trace all retail sales, and thus require biochipping, to avoid a black market.
A flat tax is the way to go. Fixed rate at say 20%. Only deduction is a standard deduction. Say 30k per person. That eliminates the low income and lower middle income from paying taxes. It also eliminates any chance of the wealthy getting their effective tax rates below that of those that make less than them.

This rate would be on ALL income, whether from earned income, investment income, capital gains etc...

If a compromise is needed for Dems to get on board, then include a bump... 30% on all income over $5mm adjusted annually for inflation.

Flat taxes are regressive and just as hard to collect as progressive taxes.