Hypocrite of the Year


Staff member
“I'm prepared to fight for the state of Nebraska ... but I am not prepared to fight to get a special deal for the state of Nebraska.” - Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb.

December 22nd, 2009 from the floor of the Senate.
Shit - the entire DNC and all those who continue to blindly support their total corruption qualify collectively as hypocrite of the year. Decade for that matter. I'd say century but the liberal democrats have 90 years left to out do themselves. I'm sure they'll find a way.
Shit - the entire DNC and all those who continue to blindly support their total corruption qualify collectively as hypocrite of the year. Decade for that matter. I'd say century but the liberal democrats have 90 years left to out do themselves. I'm sure they'll find a way.

I think you truely forgot all the corruption that 2000 to 2008 contained.

You people are delusional
I think you truely forgot all the corruption that 2000 to 2008 contained.

You people are delusional

No...we're not about to forget ACORN or Al Gore trying to steal an election or the Fla. SC trying to change election laws after the election or boneheads gazing a 'dimpled' chads, etc....
Shit - the entire DNC and all those who continue to blindly support their total corruption qualify collectively as hypocrite of the year. Decade for that matter. I'd say century but the liberal democrats have 90 years left to out do themselves. I'm sure they'll find a way.

Shit - the entire DNC and all those who continue to blindly support their total corruption qualify collectively as hypocrite of the year. Decade for that matter. I'd say century but the liberal democrats have 90 years left to out do themselves. I'm sure they'll find a way.

I think you truely forgot all the corruption that 2000 to 2008 contained.

You people are delusional
And stepping up to take a bow on behalf of the forward movement in extreme hypocrisy: it's EVINCE!!!

Here we have a perfect example of the dictionary definition of hypocrite. Decry the corruption of republicans while cheering on the corruption of the democrats.
And stepping up to take a bow on behalf of the forward movement in extreme hypocrisy: it's EVINCE!!!

Here we have a perfect example of the dictionary definition of hypocrite. Decry the corruption of republicans while cheering on the corruption of the democrats.

And your 1st response on this thread was....?
And stepping up to take a bow on behalf of the forward movement in extreme hypocrisy: it's EVINCE!!!

Here we have a perfect example of the dictionary definition of hypocrite. Decry the corruption of republicans while cheering on the corruption of the democrats.

I think this is a more accurate example of hypocrisy.

"...the same people who want the government to force women to have babies against their will, and want to force women back to the days of backroom, black market abortions, hypocritically opposed a government run single-payer system or even a public option based on the argument that the government should not make health care decisions for any individual concerning their own body."
Brought to you by the hypocritical, Nebraskan anti-abortion protesters. http://www.examiner.com/x-24111-Lib...thing-to-compromise-on-health-care-Commentary

Hypocrisy at it's finest.
And your 1st response on this thread was....?
A full blown condemnation of the entire DNC, who spent 8 years decrying government corruption, including the rider and amendment method of mutual back scratching legislative pork (even while engaging in it as the majority party for 6 of those 8 years), who promised "Change in the way government works", only to wind up with a cabinet rife with tax dodgers, only to ramp up the levels of legislative corruption from the usual mutual back scratching to outright blatant bribery to get their legislative crap passed.

And a full blown condemnation of mindless lemming twits like yourself who support them in their hypocritical actions while continuing your bellyaching about Bush.
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I think this is a more accurate example of hypocrisy.

"...the same people who want the government to force women to have babies against their will, and want to force women back to the days of backroom, black market abortions, hypocritically opposed a government run single-payer system or even a public option based on the argument that the government should not make health care decisions for any individual concerning their own body."
Brought to you by the hypocritical, Nebraskan anti-abortion protesters. http://www.examiner.com/x-24111-Lib...thing-to-compromise-on-health-care-Commentary

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Ahhhh, and here comes the expected, 6-year-old level thinking "They do it too!" defense. Typical of mindless lemmings.
I was just offering a more accurate definition of hypocrisy. :)
In the first place, bull shit. You were trying the "they do it too" argument and you well know it.

Second, what you offered is another example - and a poor one at that. Of course, since you continue to lie about exactly what abortion entails (ie: there is more than one life/body involved not just the mother's, and pro-life is about protecting the lives of unborn children, not about controlling mothers' bodies), I guess by denying the truth it can be made to look like hypocritical statements. And being it's about an opinion contrary to yours leads you to claim, in your delusions of moral superiority and self deception, is "more accurate".

The definition of hypocrisy is simple: criticizing the actions or opinions of an opponent while engaging in or supporting the same actions or opinions yourself. You, Onceler, and other brain dead donkey butt kissers engage in the dictionary definition of hypocrisy when you criticize republicans for their corruption but blindly support the democratic party in theirs. If you don't like being a hypocrite, stop acting like one.
The definition of hypocrisy is simple: criticizing the actions or opinions of an opponent while engaging in or supporting the same actions or opinions yourself.

An opponent is not required in order for hypocrisy to be evident.

Hypocrisy: "a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess." (dictionary.com)

WOW! Talk about an accurate definition of the typical RW Conservative!

Yes, let's compare a Senator trying to get a few extra dollars for his State to another Senator who says to hell with the sick and injured if they can't pay for medical care.

Yes, let's compare a Senator trying to get a few extra dollars for his State to another Senator who would force a woman go through child birth against her will.

Yes, let's compare a Senator trying to get a few extra dollars for his State to another Senator who would demand a child be brought into the world knowing it will be neglected by the parent who did not want the child. And after that child is subjected to neglect and abuse and poverty and a lack of guidance and ends up poor and bitter let's deny "it" medical care because "it" is poor and let's throw "it" in jail because that's all "it" is to a RW Conservative, an IT.

That, my friend, is the RW Conservative excrement and Liberals do not stoop to that.

That said, Happy Holidays to you and yours. :D


In the first place, bull shit. You were trying the "they do it too" argument and you well know it.

Second, what you offered is another example - and a poor one at that. Of course, since you continue to lie about exactly what abortion entails (ie: there is more than one life/body involved not just the mother's, and pro-life is about protecting the lives of unborn children, not about controlling mothers' bodies), I guess by denying the truth it can be made to look like hypocritical statements. And being it's about an opinion contrary to yours leads you to claim, in your delusions of moral superiority and self deception, is "more accurate".

The definition of hypocrisy is simple: criticizing the actions or opinions of an opponent while engaging in or supporting the same actions or opinions yourself. You, Onceler, and other brain dead donkey butt kissers engage in the dictionary definition of hypocrisy when you criticize republicans for their corruption but blindly support the democratic party in theirs. If you don't like being a hypocrite, stop acting like one.
And in the course of trying to paint conservatives with the label of hypocrisy, we see another prime dictionary example, in which the act of legislative bribery is relabeled "getting a few more dollars for their state".

In case you are not aware, it was NOT a matter of a senator asking for exclusions in order to get more for his state. What happened was a bunch of other senators, in the successful effort to obtain (ie: BRIBE) his vote, OFFERED the exclusion clause, just as they offered other clauses to gain the votes of other senators.

If the republicans were doing this to maneuver some piece of legislation, like say a nation wide ban on elective abortions, you'd be popping blood vessels at the practice. But since it is something you want to be passed, you assume the stance of "the end justifies the means" which is about as lacking in moral character as one can get. Yet in your diatribe you most obviously display the "pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess."

In short, your very words prove once again who is the true hypocrite.