Hypocrite of the Year

Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet
????....that's got nothing at all to do with what I posted....it's already been outlined well by someone earlier.....the system created the "fatherless" family that's predominant in the bottom economic percentile today.....
And Social Security was instrumental in the failure of the nuclear family. Previous to Social Security, which allows people to pretend that their "loved ones" are cared for by the government with cheap housing and a monthly check, most people who didn't have huge savings for retirement moved in with their children, helped with child rearing and passed wisdom and various cultural values on. Now, they are shipped off to "homes", rarely visited, and ignored until it is time to go to their funeral.

Cart before the horse. It's because the nuclear family didn't work well that SS was necessary.

It's because certain powers refuse to help a family with an able-bodied man which results in the family splitting.

Let's get it right, guys!
If you can't name one thing obama became a hyprocrit with since his campaign, then I guess you would not know the difference between a hyprocrit and a sell out. Ben Nelson sold out every state, accept a bit of a Nebraska deal. Michigan, a big welfare state may have liked his move--but Nebraska is a red state with a larger percentage of responsible individuals----and they despise the better treatment they will get, and the expense of the other 49 states.

Those 60 votes will be had--in any way. Nice to see they are being bought off with your childrens money---before your kids even make a buck. Now the question is--how much interest will China charge your children for living?
Cart before the horse. It's because the nuclear family didn't work well that SS was necessary.

It's because certain powers refuse to help a family with an able-bodied man which results in the family splitting.

Let's get it right, guys!

One Hollywood quote I like. Drew carry.

"If Social Security was such a good deal, why doesn't the government let us join at free will, instead of holding a gun to our heads"?! History shows that a so called "lock box" like Social Security, will always have money extorted/distributed to places not intended when passed (or not known intentions to us). If it were a free market investment---the administrators would go to prision. But it is government run, and they are allowed to lose our money--or even take it from the so called "lock box".

I am pretty sure I could have invested that money better myself, in a effort to avoid Social Security now paid to many who never paid in, and taken for other projects illegaly.

The only people I refuse to help, are progressives who refuse to help themselves. All others can be inspired to help themselves if the progressives quit stealing their opportunity. The progressives steal from hard working people, killing their dreams by heavy taxiation and forcing down our wages--and somehow--the progressives call it compassion to diminish the American way of life---where humans lived the best of lives since mankind.
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It's because certain powers refuse to help a family with an able-bodied man which results in the family splitting.
isn't that the point?....those "certain powers" from the time LBJ created the welfare society until long after the results were obvious, were your beloved liberals.....have you forgotten who controlled Congress for forty years?.....
It is your imagination that's at work. I never said nor implied a large portion of society is monstrous and greedy.

People are more inclined to help if they know help is available to them if need be. That's all it comes down to.

As much as one wishes to help they also know the current reality. Let's change it.
A poor attempt at historical revision, the problem is your posts are in the same thread.

You attribute this to the other side:

Just another way of saying how can we define "require" so as to permit the maximum amount of selfish, greedy behavior before we are obliged to help.

Which is simply your own imagination making those who are not in 100% political agreement with you into some other creature than human, you pretend they have no compassion and then claim innocence later.

When you can actually start taking on what people actually say rather than what you pretend it means then we can move into an adult level conversation, which will be refreshing.

Personally, I refuse to think people who are misled by bad logic into poor policy are some sort of monstrosity that purposefully and with gusto work towards the demise of what is good.... I like to live within reality and understand that the same goals have different paths, I'll just keep pointing out that you are reading the map upside down and let you imagine the worst in me. I fully understand that I am not what you want to believe that I am, and I'll patiently point it out until we get to the point where you actually start speaking of some position that I have actually taken on policy.
isn't that the point?....those "certain powers" from the time LBJ created the welfare society until long after the results were obvious, were your beloved liberals.....have you forgotten who controlled Congress for forty years?.....

He seems to think a able bodied man who provides for his family is more likely to suffer a split family than a able bodied man (or woman) who does not want to provide, but prefer others to provide for him/her.

I guess the fact that most divorces happen over a lack of money is data that is just dismissed.

Only a progressive---is dumb enough to marry a able bodied, able minded perosn who refuses to take care of themselves.

The family does not split up because a able minded and able bodied man does not get welfare--it splits up because he/she does not add value to the family, community, state, and nation. If they both collect welfare---they tend to stay together---and have lots of kids. When the ratio of earners to non earners shifts a bit more---wide spread poverty may be a result. I guess that is called compassion by progressives.

Next---he will be saying the drop out rate in inner citiy schools is high because the school is not paying them to be educated. It is free---and they drop out. I don't see those able bodied and able minded individuals adding value to anthing---but progressives are OK with the school drop out rate---because it gaurantees long term voters for welfare. "He is going to take away your welfare, and i will give you more. Who is that able bodied blood sucker going to vote for? I want to help him with a kick in the ass, and a good pay check---but the progressives like distributing our wealth making capabilities to developing nations. Soon--there will be very little people able to help anybody, and socailaism will come to the end it always does---when everybody is out of money--but is again, only shared with the elites.

Do progressives, with their self image of the superior intellect--have any desire to stay elite? If your not elite now, you can act like a elite wanna be all you want---your still going down with the ship, because your not part of the big exclusive club.
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A poor attempt at historical revision, the problem is your posts are in the same thread.

You attribute this to the other side:

Which is simply your own imagination making those who are not in 100% political agreement with you into some other creature than human, you pretend they have no compassion and then claim innocence later.

When you can actually start taking on what people actually say rather than what you pretend it means then we can move into an adult level conversation, which will be refreshing.

Personally, I refuse to think people who are misled by bad logic into poor policy are some sort of monstrosity that purposefully and with gusto work towards the demise of what is good.... I like to live within reality and understand that the same goals have different paths, I'll just keep pointing out that you are reading the map upside down and let you imagine the worst in me. I fully understand that I am not what you want to believe that I am, and I'll patiently point it out until we get to the point where you actually start speaking of some position that I have actually taken on policy.

More talk and generalizations. Get medical services to all the people and then discuss it. The same applies to other social programs.

Sure, there are different roads. The problem is no one takes any road until the government has to implement a plan. Be it SS or medical we hear about a lot of paths but no one is going down any. Talk, talk, talk while the citizen does without.

There isn't anything new here. After WWII dozens of countries implemented social plans. That was over 60 years ago. I'm sure there were doomsayers then as there are now. The point is the people have enjoyed the programs for 60 years.

Supplying services was possible in 1950 and 1960 and on and on and now, with new technologies, we can't? That's nonsense. It makes no sense, whatsoever.

As Meat Loaf sang, "Baby we can talk all night But that ain't gettin us nowhere"

That's why Obama said the time to act is now. We've heard enough of the tired, worn out ideas. The excuses. The reasons we can't and, in some cases, the outright lies and threats if we do.

It's time for a change.
I have not read the whole thread here so this may have been posted already, but from the title

Hypocrite of the year

The award has got to go to Obama, Times are tuff, we need to tighten our belts, I guess he meant us not him, lol, that statement alone has got to make him the front runner for Hypocrite of the year
who are you anyway?.....

A middle aged white (Polish/Scottish Canadian) guy who almost gave up 5 years ago--because I saw working in manufacturing as a job (and I worked at a lot of them--to learn a lot)--but not a future. Those 3 degrees and countless class hours I worked my butt off for (but I had a lot of fun growing up also), became worthless for a future of employment. When I started learning and working--people were making good money--and spending it in their community for others value added products and services.

That all changed. I did not realize in 1978 (I was 15 then) China was one third of the worlds population, and made a decision to give private businesws (semi private) a try. I am sure the goal of the Chineese is to build their military--because the workers get paid squat, but that did not matter to the elite progressives from established industrial nations around the world. They saw a way to make a lot of money, while distributing our wealth making capabilities to developing nations. It took about to the late 80's when business started going over--and we did not notice much. 10 years later, around 1998, everybody in manufacturing started to wonder "How to they expect our society to sustain ourselves?" We did not know that was the plan then. Now--ten years after that--we have a 10% unemployment--with no way to make money. I just don't see a good imediate (within 10 years) future.

But---I did something that we are not taught to do. I spent much of my life just moving forward with what I did--and I got good at it--so I decided to try not to depend on somebody else for a pay check, and to invest in me for a change.

It is working well so far--and now I am ashamed that I had thoughts of just giving up, may be going on welfare when times get real tough (like now, in manufacturing--and now other industries). I made a little part to sell for kids racing scooters (go-peds--I am sure some of you have seen them--another great story of a business out of his garage--they once had 100 employees), and that got my foot in the door of a little recreation industry. I then made a deal with a parts distributer to modify the engines for greater performance, and I had a good little part time business (while still still for somebody else) and we have been working together for the last 6 years. So here I am, working 45hr a week as a employee, and doing my little hobby business at home for some income supplement. Then--the market changed about 2.5 years ago. A couple of remote control car companies came out with a larger model, using the same engine I have been building for about 3 years--and my marketing guy who was all over it. My business started growing, and my employeer was nice enough to let me go part time for a while so I could put more time into my business. I got so busy, I was able to quit my job, and I have been working for myself ever since.

I morfed---like a paralized catapillar into a butter fly. When I started taking home about 4 or 5 times what I used to make--I almost thought it was unfair--but then I remember all the years I put in, and the fact that I live in the USA, so that thought sis not last long.

You folks have to understasnd. When you work all your life to build some skills, and you can break away from slave employment to do your own thing (at this point--you don't feel so hot)--if you find some success at it, you will feel something that you have never felt before. Freedom. I have never felt so much freedom in my life--and I grew up in the country area--riding and racing dirt bikes (a pretty good feeling of freedom in it's own right).

I am telling you folks--Your human spirit is worth you dictating how you apply it. You might not even know you have any--but if you do something for yourself, you will not deny how inportant it is for every human to have that same or more opportunity that I found as a misfit. That is what we are now missing in the USA. When is the last time you heard the phrase "America, the land of opportunity"?

Remember--last week China gave small and med sized business a tax break so they can grow. That is not happening here in the USA. We are forced to spend borrowed money, to later be paid by taxes or international ownership of the USA.

I feel very sad, that you folks have a hard time feeling opportunity and freedom. It is awesome, and that is what we are giving up.

That is who I am--in a bigger nut shell.
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actually I meant are you another person who changed your name.....I don't recognize theMajority yet you have 2000 posts...

Ohhh---yea--I was here over a year ago. But after I saw the movie "An American Carrol" (very funny) and was surrounded by people in the sold out theator who really understand the USA--I decided to not come here for a while---because I don't want my mind filled with falshoods designed to dismantle the the nation that gave my family more opportunity than any place in the world could have.

Pssssst---the progressive students on here don't seem quit as bold and brash. I think they are figuring out that they have been used as a tool to push a progressive agenda. as they learn what the progressive agenda is, the more they realize that the ideology they learned--is the ones people who wanted to be free ran from.
Pssssst---the progressive students on here don't seem quit as bold and brash. I think they are figuring out that they have been used as a tool to push a progressive agenda. as they learn what the progressive agenda is, the more they realize that the ideology they learned--is the ones people who wanted to be free ran from.
I assumed it was because they were on Christmas break and were afraid Santa wouldn't bring them presents if they were being bad......