i am back, sort of

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i had another of my near death experiences

i developed - idiopathic autoimmune pneumonia, the long and short of it was my immune system started killing off my blood platelets and i was bleeding to death inside.

i was in an icu for a while, then they transferred me to a regular hospital room, then to a convalescent center

unfortunately, my brain did a wipe and i forgot all of my passwords.

i have finally regained my computer and am in the process of resetting my passwords.

while i am home, i still fatigue easily and it may be a while before i rejoin the fray

oh well

thank you, it was a little closer this time than any before

may your life be filled with love joy health and happiness
i had another of my near death experiences

i developed - idiopathic autoimmune pneumonia, the long and short of it was my immune system started killing off my blood platelets and i was bleeding to death inside.

i was in an icu for a while, then they transferred me to a regular hospital room, then to a convalescent center

unfortunately, my brain did a wipe and i forgot all of my passwords.

i have finally regained my computer and am in the process of resetting my passwords.

while i am home, i still fatigue easily and it may be a while before i rejoin the fray

oh well

Don, you should use Lastpass, I've used it for years. Oh welcome back by the way.

Oh Don, I'm so sorry about your bad news. :(

You do seem to have nine lives and I'm glad you've chosen to spend some of them with us.

Since I can't hug you in person... (((Don))). Feel better soon.

i got a glimpse of the other side and it continues to change me

thank you for the hugs and may your life be filled with love joy health and happiness
thank you

thank you, i had just changed a number of my passwords when it hit me, i had not written them down for my wife, but from now on, i will write them down for her BEFORE i change them - i will look into Lastpass though, the problem is that all of my years in classified government work made me paranoid

lost passwords would be one hell of bequest to my wife. fortunately, my son gave me the lap top and his IT guy got it working again

for those of you counting, this is the second time i died on the table. i guess this leaves me 7 more...(my wife says i am part cat)

family is a good thing (he runs his own business and knows how much i love my wife.)
i am not covered by the ACA (obama care), i am covered by medicare andwhat proof do you have that such 'death panels' exist? I have been on medicare since 2003 a have yet to encounter a 'death panel'

your question shows your ignorance of health care in the u s of a
i am not covered by the ACA (obama care), i am covered by medicare andwhat proof do you have that such 'death panels' exist? I have been on medicare since 2003 a have yet to encounter a 'death panel'

your question shows your ignorance of health care in the u s of a

Actually I am pretty knowledgable.


Personally I wish you well. I just remember how supportive of these things the left are. I never said anything about a "death panel"
i wish you well also. this last one has been a life altering experience.

As for the ACA, i wish that they had made it a single payer system like medicare by deleting the words '65 and older' from the medicare requirement and made medicare open to all u s of a citizens/children.

but politicians seem to hate simple solutions. i guess they like the flavor better after they have performed micturation upon any given piece of legislation
thank you, may you and the brethren have lives filled with love joy health and happiness along with those of the star and your families.

i am still undergoing the changes that are fallout from my experience. i almost bleed to death in my brain. a weird experience. it may have been an hallucination, but i think that i glimpsed the other side and there is nothing to fear there.