i am back, sort of

That is in seriously bad taste, what is the matter with you?

Why is it bad taste? These things were debated seriously for months on this board. Do you only want to discuss them in the abstract? Do you want to pretend they don't have real world implications.
Why is it bad taste? These things were debated seriously for months on this board. Do you only want to discuss them in the abstract? Do you want to pretend they don't have real world implications.

You can't be that dense can you? Would you give a eulogy at a funeral and start talking about death panels?
You can't be that dense can you? Would you give a eulogy at a funeral and start talking about death panels?

I am not wishing him ill. Obummer put forth a policy that has real world implications. Don came here and divulged his private matters. You make it sound like I am wishing he were dead. I am not. I am being dead serious. I wonder if he received end of life counseling from his physician that Obummer mandated under Medicare.

Apparently you think these things should be debated in the abstract as if there aren't
real people impacted
I am not wishing him ill. Obummer put forth a policy that has real world implications. Don came here and divulged his private matters. You make it sound like I am wishing he were dead. I am not. I am being dead serious. I wonder if he received end of life counseling from his physician that Obummer mandated under Medicare.

Apparently you think these things should be debated in the abstract as if there aren't
real people impacted

What I am sayinmg is that there is a time and place for everything, if you are that bothered then start a separate thread.
hang in there my friend.

your one tuff human being.

I hope your insights into the after are correct.
are you married, do you trust your wife? i do both, perhaps you do not. the debate on the aca is moot anyway and i am on medicare not the aca
are you married, do you trust your wife? i do both, perhaps you do not. the debate on the aca is moot anyway and i am on medicare not the aca

I don't think it is a matter of whether one trusts their spouse or not. The news is replete with examples of family members disagreeing on how to handle end of life issues. As I pointed out in my link, this is not about the ACA, but Obummer passed the regulation under Medicare, so it would impact you.

You simply had to answer no. The whole point we were told was for you to be able to make those decisions that way your wife doesn't have to. It really isn't a matter of trust. Please do not think I am trying to play some gotcha game. I was wondering if you did it and how the experience went.

I do find your experience with the afterlife interesting. Was it an experience with God? Jesus? Can you give more specifics?
there is a form called the advanced directive which anyone whether using the aca or medicare that directs how you wanted to be treated under extreme conditions of medical problems, i.e., do you want to be revived or use extreme measures to preserve life or to let you die (no feeding tubes, restart your heart if heart failure occurs, etc.)

i have discussed this with my family in detail and they know my wishes. there is no need to spend spend time being kept alive using extreme measures unless that is your choice.

as for what i glimpsed of the other side, there was no male/female figure, but a feeling of peace. i was sorely tempted to go there, but i have promises to keep and i am a person of duty plus i can wait. i no longer fear death for it is but a transition.

may your life be filled with love joy health and happiness
You can't be that dense can you? Would you give a eulogy at a funeral and start talking about death panels?

He's just being the troll Grind and the others love to let roam free, spewing their sickening hatred all over these forums.

Of course, Don never indicated his illness was untreatable and he was never told to prepare for the end by his Doctor, so "end of life counseling" the Teflon one is suddenly so interested in would never would have come into play, but why should that stop the Teflon Troll?
He's just being the troll Grind and the others love to let roam free, spewing their sickening hatred all over these forums.

Of course, Don never indicated his illness was untreatable and he was never told to prepare for the end by his Doctor, so "end of life counseling" the Teflon one is suddenly so interested in would never would have come into play, but why should that stop the Teflon Troll?

fellow posters, it was not my intent for any of you to be unhappy about my brush with death. I chose to return. there is peace on the other side. i wish all of you love joy health and happiness.
fellow posters, it was not my intent for any of you to be unhappy about my brush with death. I chose to return. there is peace on the other side. i wish all of you love joy health and happiness.

Mine were serious questions. I believe there is a hereafter. I also believe in advanced directives. It is one thing to discuss it with loved ones, it is another to put it in writing.

Think go it not so much as trusting your wife, but doing her a favor. Loved ones make irrational decisions when stressed and nothing is more stressful than getting ready to lose a loved one.

Forgive Zappas he is stuck in the world of Big Indian/Little Indian where no question can be asked of people from differing beliefs without some ulterior motive. I am happy you survived your brush with death. I am pro life in the most sincerest form and it sounds like you are at peace which is also a good thing. Go with God
i had another of my near death experiences

i developed - idiopathic autoimmune pneumonia, the long and short of it was my immune system started killing off my blood platelets and i was bleeding to death inside.

i was in an icu for a while, then they transferred me to a regular hospital room, then to a convalescent center

unfortunately, my brain did a wipe and i forgot all of my passwords.

i have finally regained my computer and am in the process of resetting my passwords.

while i am home, i still fatigue easily and it may be a while before i rejoin the fray

oh well

Very sorry to hear you're having trouble.

Slàinte mhòr agus a h-uile beannachd duibh!!

Great health and every good blessing to you
Mine were serious questions. I believe there is a hereafter. I also believe in advanced directives. It is one thing to discuss it with loved ones, it is another to put it in writing.

Think go it not so much as trusting your wife, but doing her a favor. Loved ones make irrational decisions when stressed and nothing is more stressful than getting ready to lose a loved one.

Forgive Zappas he is stuck in the world of Big Indian/Little Indian where no question can be asked of people from differing beliefs without some ulterior motive. I am happy you survived your brush with death. I am pro life in the most sincerest form and it sounds like you are at peace which is also a good thing. Go with God

while my wife was stressed, i have talked to her to reassure her that death is but a transition from one state of being to another

however, you are correct in that putting such things in writing, i.e., an advanced directive, is a good thing
He's just being the troll Grind and the others love to let roam free, spewing their sickening hatred all over these forums.

Of course, Don never indicated his illness was untreatable and he was never told to prepare for the end by his Doctor, so "end of life counseling" the Teflon one is suddenly so interested in would never would have come into play, but why should that stop the Teflon Troll?

They let you roam free as well. Or, mostly free, anyway...