i am back, sort of

while my wife was stressed, i have talked to her to reassure her that death is but a transition from one state of being to another

however, you are correct in that putting such things in writing, i.e., an advanced directive, is a good thing

there are two different ways that states choose to do this legally......one is the advanced directive or "living will" approach in which people attempt to imagine all that might befall them and set down directions that doctors should take........the other is an appointment of a health care representative or power of attorney approach in which you select a person who will make decisions for you if you are unable to communicate with doctors yourself.....

the problem with advanced directive is that medicine changes so rapidly that it becomes obsolete almost as soon as it is written....."Do not provide life support if XYZ happens".....Doctor "well, we're going to ignore that because we have a cure for XYZ now".......

in most states spouses automatically hold the power of a health care representative for each other.....and parents generally have the same for children under the age of 18......single young adults and widows/widowers should have a health care power of attorney to avoid being the next Terry Shaivo......
fellow posters, it was not my intent for any of you to be unhappy about my brush with death. I chose to return. there is peace on the other side. i wish all of you love joy health and happiness.

You are a better man than I, Don.

How you can just sit by while the hateful spit their venom and mock your situation is a wonder, but you are an inspiration.
i had another of my near death experiences

i developed - idiopathic autoimmune pneumonia, the long and short of it was my immune system started killing off my blood platelets and i was bleeding to death inside.

i was in an icu for a while, then they transferred me to a regular hospital room, then to a convalescent center

unfortunately, my brain did a wipe and i forgot all of my passwords.

i have finally regained my computer and am in the process of resetting my passwords.

while i am home, i still fatigue easily and it may be a while before i rejoin the fray

oh well

RR, hoping you the best, I always worry when we haven't seen you in awhile!

Keep getting better! Hugs
They let you roam free as well. Or, mostly free, anyway...

Yeah...how bout that?

The guy who's NEVER wished death on anyone here gets CENSORED.

But the vicious troll who's wished death on numerous posters gets to roam free.

Clearly the Mods favor trolls and their mean-spirited, vicious attacks.
Zap, if you had your way, all sorts of people would be dropping like flies, just for exercising their rights. You are, after all, a leftist...
Yeah...how bout that?

The guy who's NEVER wished death on anyone here gets CENSORED.

But the vicious troll who's wished death on numerous posters gets to roam free.

Clearly the Mods favor trolls and their mean-spirited, vicious attacks.

A) wishing death on people while not very nice isn't against the rules

B) you aren't the only one on forced ignore. I am forced ignore with Darla at her request because she can't debate me. I am also on forced ignore with Desh because of her rape fantasies. For the millionth time. You aren't the only one on forced ignore. You are just the most whiny about it.
You are a better man than I, Don.

How you can just sit by while the hateful spit their venom and mock your situation is a wonder, but you are an inspiration.

What venom? All questions were asked in seriousness. You just look at everything through your partisan lens.

How about that? I can read your posts and you can't read mine. Did ya know? Oh the humanity.
I would love to hear about what you saw, DQ.
i saw a veil between this side and the other side, something like a bridal veil with a few people and an overwhelming sense of peace

but i have promises to keep and duties to perform
Glad to see you back DQ, always think about you when you're gone for a while.

thank you

may you and yours have lives filled with love joy health and happiness

nearly dying for a second time is definitely a life changing experience, this time i got a glimpse of the other side of the veil and am more at peace, there is nothing to fear on the other side, it is very peaceful on the other side but i have promises to keep and duties to perform before i rest